sb0 changed the topic of #m-labs to: ARTIQ, Migen, MiSoC, Mixxeo & other M-Labs projects :: fka #milkymist :: Logs
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mithro, or hook up your vhdl simulator with migen
myhdl does that for at least verilog, look at it
sb0: I think you mean mumptai who left the channel?
sb0: Didn't you say yourself that adding verilog sim support to the migen simulator was nontrivial b/c of synchronization issues? I don't remember the details of the conversation, other than it's "nontrivial"
rjo, did you hear anything back from BBN about the GTH JESD204 port?
cr1901_modern, and no, misoc_extra_software_packages() won't touch the bios
whitequark, please use version numbers and dependencies. the current artiq with pythonparser 0.0-py_5 and works with 0.0-py_6, but updating artiq won't automatically update pythonparser
*crashes with pythonparser 0.0-py_5
sb0: Yea, turns out I couldn't use the bios anyway, so I just manually reset _software_packages and added my own
(bios needed a UART, I have a design where I don't need nor want the UART b/c I need FT245 queue mode)
whitequark, also artiq_run blocks forever on socket RX, I suppose this is the same bug that breaks the unittest
(socket RX for check_ident())
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sb0: What is the design rationale for wishbone devices getting 256MB of addr space in MiSoC?
emphasis devices, not memory
Contrast to "not making the devices internal buffers visible in the addr space, and using a DMA controller to transfer internal device buffers to main RAM using a small set of addresses per device"
decoding on a few address bits is the simplest thing to do
the sdram itself is a wishbone device
sb0: But doesn't this also mean you're limited to 256MB of sdram total? More than enough for now, but shrinking the allocations for i/o devices prob can't hurt in the future
And also, a DMA controller is gonna be faster than moving io device buffers to main memory
this has nothing to do with DMA controllers
and yes, but you can override the decoding function if you want
but using the same one for all devices is simpler
and small comparators are smaller and faster
Fair enough.
"this has nothing to do with DMA controllers" All I was getting at is that if for whatever reason MiSoC eventually supports boards with up to 2GB of RAM, the number of addresses reserved for I/O devices total will have to shrink dramatically. >>
So instead of doing memcpy over contiguous addresses, one would have to keep reading from the same set of memory addresses to grab each 32 bits individually when they wanted to get data from an I/O device
that is a good use case for impl a DMAC for MiSoC IMO.
I/O devices use almost none of their allocated space
note that more address space doesn't imply more resource usage, but the opposite.
smaller address spaces require more comparator bits
And that slows down the core
well slows down the max speed possible*
also, for DMA, you don't want to pump in and out of the same bus anyway
Is there a mux to choose between whether you're using the CPU bus or the DMA bus?
at the interface to memory*
(Btw, reason I'm asking this: I haven't actually implemented a wishbone IO device for MiSoC yet, but I think I'm going to need to. Simple DAQ interface to test a third-party FPGA core, litescope is overkill)
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I assume the convention for MiSoC cores is "wait for device interrupt signifying 'input buffer full', and then copy over all the data to main memory at once via memcpy"?
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sb0: 2392113 looks good. it might be nice to just generate a vivado clock net for every migen clock domain.
sb0: iirc the scansta thing is transparent/automaticall deactivated if we roll our stuff.
sb0: he just replied saying that they will decide whether the jesd latency is something they can live at all and whether they would use our jesd204b core. a week or so i guess.
larsc: from the top of your head, do you know of any adi board using the hmc7044 with an adc or dac?
rjo, vivado doesn't let you create a clock without a period
sb0: ah.
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[artiq] whitequark pushed 1 new commit to master:
artiq/master 617e345 whitequark: gateware: fix kernel CPU exec address.
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sb0: uhm, is lab. down ?
ah no
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rjo: I know a board, but I don't know the name ;)