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sb0: the command can be on a couple of things. i'll solve it with a bit of xdc magic because it gives a nice example of doing other things as well with those user-defined attributes.
rjo, for SPI I'd have used the wishbone CSR generator and the misoc core to create the bus for the RTIO PHY
now there are two different interfaces and code duplication...
or even without the wishbone CSR generator - have your own SPI-core-specific CSR handler that packs the config CSRs into one single address
why did you want to avoid the multiple config addresses that you'd get when using the misoc wishbone csr generator?
sb0: splitting the registers on RTIO would have been too slow and inefficient.
sb0: doing an RTIO event takes orders of magnitude longer than doing a non-RTIO bus access.
i see the convenience of being able to use the autogenerated CSR stuff. but i don't like the speed penalty. an extension to AutoCSR that packs multiple CSRs into one address would be nice.
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sb0: by the way, ASYNC_REG never got applied in the vivado AsyncResetSynchronizer.
the wire gets the property, but the actual FFs don't.
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rjo, does it matter for those settings registers?
you tend to switch between devices and different xfer sizes/styles frequently.
ultimately the idea of having profiles here would have been nice as well. then you don't have to manage the config/xfer switching in software at all.