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[smoltcp] dlrobertson commented on issue #3: @edef1c I'll be largely unavailable for two weeks as well. While I am pumped to help with this issue, I'd hate to push you out of contributing to this....
cjbe: probably negligible compared to the costs of that bug.
there's this bug where pre-SED RTIO fails to detect an underflow
is SED the way forward? if yes, isn't it a waste of time to investigate that?
yes, SED is the way forward
and yes, this problem is low-prio for this reason. i reported it just in case it becomes a serious issue for some artiq-3 users.
[smoltcp] whitequark commented on issue #71: I know. Feel free to contribute a macOS port of the hosted components. I do not currently have plans for that....
ah ok
[smoltcp] dlrobertson commented on issue #3: Sounds good. Shouldn't be too hard to feature gate it
[smoltcp] dlrobertson opened pull request #72: [WIP] IPv6 basics in wire (master...ipv6)
[smoltcp] whitequark commented on issue #3: What do you mean by "feature gate"? We're in the `0.x.y` version series, I do not provide compatibility guarantees (though I rarely break code), and I'll only accept PRs that I consider of reasonable quality, so there's no harm in exporting those APIs right away.
_florent_, what are the current problems with the artix7 gtp drtio code?
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[smoltcp] dlrobertson commented on issue #3: At least in the initial PR is only adding the packed parsers etc. So I just put everything behind `#[cfg(feature = "ipv6")]` and I didn't add it to the `default`. See #72 for details.
[smoltcp] dlrobertson commented on pull request #72 3bbc760: Using this on a `Pad1` option is more or less a user error since it cannot have a payload. I went back and forth on using an `assert(self.opt_type() != ExtOpType::Pad1)`.
[smoltcp] whitequark commented on issue #72: Okay, this is *way* too much code to even discuss, much less merge, in a single PR. Can you please split it into many PRs, and start small? I suggest the following:...
[smoltcp] whitequark commented on issue #72: > We can go without extension headers....
[smoltcp] whitequark commented on pull request #69 58dd8cc: The header field is called "Identification" by the spec, I suggest just `Ident`
[smoltcp] whitequark commented on pull request #69 58dd8cc: Can you order `icmp` after `raw`? Here and in `` and in ``
ah, interesting there are some Ethernet PHY chips with TBI on the pins
maybe those can be used for small DRTIO devices using cheap FPGAs that don't have transceivers
raw SERDES (10b codes)
the xilinx transceiver garbage, for all its bloat, cannot give you 125MHz GbE clocks (you get 62.5)... they really designed this thing with maximum encumbrance so that it just barely works for every protocol using all sorts of obscure crap IP
sb0: artix7 gtp: haven't made progress since last discussion, need to cleanup initialization code that has hacks in it (but works) and test with higher linerates.
_florent_: While you're here: From what I can gather, Lattice Diamond only supports "//synthesis"-style attributes. Is this correct?
cr1901_modern: Diamond is using synplify, but i don't remember how synthesis attributes can be defined with it
Okay thanks. I'm just gonna make Diamond use the DummyAttrTranslate for now (i.e. the default).
_florent_: Would you be willing to do me a favor and instantiate a MultiReg w/ diamond and see if synthesis complains?
Or anything with an (* attribute = "true" *)
cr1901_modern: ok I'll test that
cr1901_modern: just tested on a machxo3 design i have, (* attribute = "true" *) attributes are recognized by the tool
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sb0: what I meant is that if you need one, I will have a new one sent to you
cjbe__, please make sure that whatever you send us does trigger the bug. consumer hardware often has multiple hardware revisions that are not distinguishable by model number or external appearance.
these hardware revisions are almost always stated on the packaging though
at least, every router i touched had them stated
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rjo, we can simply use a sayma rtm to test the 1000base-x phy
there are sata connectors that go to the transceivers
put a 125M oscillator into OSC2 or program the si5324
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sb0: it seems i just got jesd working at 5gbps with artiq...
_florent_, good. but why 5?
sb0: i did a first test at 5gbps to be sure, not going to test more
_florent_, the clocking code should be for 6 gbps
yes i just wanted to test with artiq something i already validated with my sayma_test repo
i'm going to test 6gbps with sayma_test first, then integrate that in artiq
_florent_, for testing the two DACs you can use the Sayma on our buildserver
sayma1 and sayma3 (see developer notes) have rtms
sayma3 has an additional ddr3 bug
sb0: ok i'll see, for ddr3 i'm able to reproduce the problem here too
sb0:; btw for ddr3 on sayma1 / sayma3, where you using the 64 bits of the ddr3 or only 32 as i'm doing here?
32. 64 always fails.
_florent_: Okay tyvm... I just kept the DummyAttrTranslate for diamond for now. It was the default before the PR, and should work fine for the time being.
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[smoltcp] dlrobertson commented on pull request #69 58dd8cc: What about `Udp`? Since you're binding to ICMP `DstUnreachables` for UDP packets from the given port.
[smoltcp] dlrobertson commented on pull request #69 58dd8cc: I'm okay with `Ip` though.. just trying to think about how to make this as readable as possible
sb0: i got 6gbps working with my sayma_test repo, now going to test with hmc830 and 100Mhz input clock.
_florent_, ok
_florent_, what happens when a liteeth phy does not drive its sink ack signal high?
sb0: the core should handle it and freeze things
_florent_, where is that used?
sb0: it's probably not used since phy are already ready to transmit
sb0: or maybe used if there is a fifo inside the phy