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<bb-m-labs> build #2513 of artiq-board is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
<bb-m-labs> build #2997 of artiq is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
<bb-m-labs> build #2514 of artiq-board is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
<bb-m-labs> build #2998 of artiq is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
<sb0> cr1901_modern: why does xpra attempt to create a virtual console, with screen flickering and all?
<sb0> anyway, works much better than X. thanks!
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<cr1901_modern> lkcl: Hmmm, interesting strategy re: debootstrap. And yes, xpra does cope w/ session disconnect.
<cr1901_modern> sb0/sb10q: Idk anything about screen flickering, but if you used the quickstart I gave you, the reason xpra created a virtual console is because I used a command line switch to tie the lifetime of the xpra session to xterm
<cr1901_modern> you don't have to do that, it's just my personal preference to stop the server once children have exited
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<lkcl> cr1901_modern: the bind-mount to specific subdirectories is to avoid the scenario of forgetting that the bind-mount is there, and accidentally doing "rm -fr /opt/chroot/debian-devenv1"... ya see where that goes... :)
<lkcl> whitequark: yay, that covers some of the use-cases that we have. unfortunately it doesn't cover all of them.
<whitequark> such as?
<lkcl> i'll have to track it down, from the runtime error
<lkcl> File "/home/lkcl/src/riscv/nmigen/nmigen/back/", line 566, in _prepare_value_for_Slice
<lkcl> assert isinstance(value, (ast.Signal, ast.Slice, ast.Cat))
<lkcl> that's a blank assert with no debug info... 1 sec
<whitequark> ohhh nvm I know what happens
<whitequark> that's not a missed use case, that's a plain bug
<lkcl> AssertionError: value must be Signal, Slice or Cat, was: (rec <unnamed> src1 src2)
<whitequark> yes.
<lkcl> and yes it's being passed in this on the flattening
<lkcl> [(slice (rec <unnamed> src1 src2) 0:1), (slice (rec <unnamed> src1 src2) 1:2),
<lkcl> ...
<lkcl> ...
<lkcl> ]
<lkcl> relieved you know what's going on there :)
<whitequark> why is your back/ different?
<lkcl> it's not, i just added (1 min ago) a string to print out on the assert
<lkcl> assert isinstance(value, (ast.Signal, ast.Slice, ast.Cat)), \
<lkcl> "value must be Signal, Slice or Cat, was: %s" % repr(value)
<lkcl> just to see what was going on
<whitequark> oh sorry i can't read
<lkcl> i didn't send it, so there wasn't anything to read :)
<lkcl> btw great to see Record.connect added, that means minerva works without needing patches
<whitequark> not added yet
<whitequark> anyway
<whitequark> can you make a minimal repro for that bug?
<cr1901_modern> lkcl: Like most ppl on this planet, I'm accidentally nuked /usr before w/ root privs. I'd like to think I'm more careful now (if rm were smarter it would warn for both "/" and "/usr"
<whitequark> there should be just an xattr that indicates "you prob don't want to rm this"
<whitequark> hilariously, windows has it, it's called the system attribute
<cr1901_modern> Think that goes back to the FAT12 days tbh :D
<cr1901_modern> system/ro/archive/hidden
<whitequark> yes but dos didn't warn on del system iirc
<lkcl> whitequark: i can give it a shot
<cr1901_modern> Can't remember offhand if DEL will remove system attr, tbh. AIUI, IO.SYS and IBMBIO.COM had to actually be on certain sectors of track 0 (CHS emulation) of a hard disk to properly work, and system was an attribute to say "if you even move this file, bad things will happen"
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<lkcl> i put in some commentary
<lkcl> and a graphviz. the graphviz is awful (meaning, simulation performance will be adversely affected as well)
<lkcl> it works... it'll just be dog-slow
<lkcl> particularly on larger compound Records, as they get smushed down to individual bits and put into a Cat
<lkcl> ah no! found it! it was because i used a generator, not a list(generator)
<lkcl> let me just update the tgz...
<lkcl> no, sorry, i'd added the Record.__iter__ so that was why it "worked", sorry.
<lkcl> flatrec = Cat(*list(flatten(record))) doesn't work, neither does Cat(*flatten(record))
<lkcl> the commentary i put in nmigen_record.patch shows that adding Record.__iter__ is a suitable way forward.
<lkcl> the simple loop is deceptive.
<lkcl> it presents the members of the record - Signals or more Records - for futher slicing / iteration
<whitequark> that'd just produce horrible verilog on the output
<whitequark> give me a moment..
<lkcl> ack
<lkcl> will experiment
<whitequark> no, i'll just fix it
<lkcl> the current code creates terrible verilog (due to the bit-walking)
<lkcl> adding Record.__iter__ replaces some truly dreadful bit-level walking with a 2-line output
<lkcl> \$next\sig = 32'd0;
<lkcl> \$next\sig = { r__src2, r__src1 };
<lkcl> vs
<lkcl> \$next\sig = 32'd0;
<lkcl> \$next\sig = { \$32 [31], \$31 [30], \$30 [29], \$29 [28], \$28 [27], \$27 [26], \$26 [25], \$25 [24], \$24 [23], \$23 [22], \$22 [21], \$21 [20], \$20 [19], \$19 [18], \$18 [17], \$17 [16], \$16 [15], \$15 [14], \$14 [13], \$13 [12], \$12 [11], \$11 [10], \$10 [9], \$9 [8], \$8 [7], \$7 [6], \$6 [5], \$5 [4], \$4 [3], \$3 [2], \$2 [1], \$1 [0] };
<lkcl> and 32 unnecessary single-bit wire registers and assignments
<lkcl> s/single-bit/multi-bit
<lkcl> leave it with you
<_whitenotifier-9> [m-labs/nmigen] whitequark pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-9> [m-labs/nmigen] whitequark f22106e - back.rtlil: allow record slices on LHS.
<whitequark> lkcl: this is the correct fix.
<whitequark> as for Cat(*flatten) producing bad output, my answer is, yet again: do not do that, it is completely pointless.
<whitequark> the *only* thing you achieve with this construct is awful verilog.
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<cr1901_modern> should it be an error to do that w/ a recommendation of what should be done instead?
<whitequark> not really, it's not a common thing to do. you'd have to go out of your way, like lkcl does for some inexplicable reason
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<_whitenotifier-9> [nmigen] Success. The Travis CI build passed -
<_whitenotifier-9> [nmigen] Success. 85.67% (+0%) compared to 611c25f -
<_whitenotifier-9> [nmigen] Success. 100% of diff hit (target 85.67%) -
<lkcl> whitequark: the alternative is to have a recursive array of SyncFIFOs
<lkcl> i got it (untested):
<lkcl> Record.__iter__:
<lkcl> yield Cat(*self.fields.values())
<whitequark> no.
<whitequark> that's an XY problem again.
<lkcl> let me take a look at the resultant output from the mods to rtlil
<lkcl> ok so assigning to a Cat(*flatten(r)) results in the god-awful mess
<lkcl> assigning *from* a Cat(*flatten(r)) is ok
<lkcl> however they're both functional.
<whitequark> you could also remove the Cat(*flatten(...)) and get the exact same behavior.
<lkcl> we can't.
<lkcl> it would require a recursive tree-walk of the Record data structure, allocating MULTIPLE SyncFIFOs as a substutite
<lkcl> one each per record field
<lkcl> then creating a massive combinatorial block linking up all of the resultant writable/we+readable/re signals
<whitequark> please learn what an XY problem is.
<lkcl> Questions of this form often indicate a person who is not merely ignorant about X, but confused about what problem Y they are solving and too fixated on the details of their particular situation.
<lkcl> i am neither ignorant of X nor confused about Y
<whitequark> exactly
<whitequark> if you want to demonstrate that, produce a minimal example where Cat(*flatten(r)) cannot be replaced with r.
<whitequark> i am very much not interested in what you think is the solution, which is always a hacky workaround. nmigen is not your personal collection of hacks
<lkcl> that's tricky as it involves SyncFIFO
<lkcl> gently, whitequark.
<lkcl> we're using a recursive Records-based data structure on the front and back of SyncFIFO
<lkcl> that's basically the use-case
<lkcl> as a general-purpose API rather than a one-off
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<whitequark> sure. that's reasonable. i don't see any reason that requires Cat(flatten())
<lkcl> if it was a one-off, then creating a god-awful morass of multiple SyncFIFOs...
<lkcl> it's to get the data structure flattened down into a single din
<lkcl> and de-flattened on the output dout
<whitequark> fifo.din.eq(r).
<whitequark> that's it.
<lkcl> last time we tried that, it failed.
<whitequark> then that is the bug, and you should report that
<whitequark> instead of speculating on what the fix is
<lkcl> plus... although i said it's Records-based, it's a general API where Records are just one of the data structures.
<lkcl> i'll experiment further now that the Slice fix is in
<lkcl> leave it with me
<whitequark> in the future, please report the actual bug you encounter.
<whitequark> this would waste significantly less time.
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<lkcl> apologies: i'm used to flowing round problems very very rapidly
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<_whitenotifier-9> [nmigen] whitequark reviewed pull request #59 commit -
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<lkcl> ah watch out for that!
<lkcl> setting e.g. extras=() creates a SINGLETON pattern!
<lkcl> the parameter extras becomes a unique by-ref variable
<lkcl> that, if modified (in the __init__ or elsewhere)
<lkcl> gets propagated as the default in ALL OTHER PLACES IT'S USED!
<whitequark> lkcl: you can't modify a tuple.
<whitequark> if it was extras=[] it would be a bug
<lkcl> hmm... yes, usually i've seen it with [] and {}
<whitequark> well, not really since extras is not captured.
<whitequark> but yes. code review is for catching this thing too. i considered it.
<whitequark> i asked jf to redo an earlier version because it had mutation similar to this.
<whitequark> (not related to default args)
<lkcl> now that i think about it, i've never used sometuple=()
<lkcl> whew, ok so you're aware of the details. whew :)
<lkcl> i'll go back to coding... :)
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<mtrbot-ml> [mattermost] <sb10q> any thoughts about a better CSR system for nMigen/HeavyX?
<whitequark> on gateware side or software side?
<key2> features ?
<key2> such as the ability to force address
<key2> the ability to detect a read on the reg ?
<whitequark> read triggered regs feel wrong
<whitequark> they do not play well with HLLs...
<key2> I know
<whitequark> maybe it's good that we don't have them then
<key2> but if you want to implement a UART 16550 for example
<key2> how would you do it without ?
<key2> am not saying it's a good practice.
<whitequark> hmmm if you intend to mimic existing peripherals then it is necessary.
<key2> yeah thats my point
<whitequark> but maybe csr is the wrong abstraction for that?
<key2> you have let say a qemu already there
<key2> and don't want to spent hours re-writing core/driver
<key2> mmh ok then
<whitequark> i'm not sure
<whitequark> it might make sense
<key2> but I never had the case without that
<key2> other thing is, some cores i find in stm32 for example would be nice to be re-implemented, and they do use this clear on read
<whitequark> really? i thought stm32 only uses r_c1
<whitequark> other micros do clear on read
<whitequark> but i've never seen it in stm32, link?
<key2> ah on some stm32f4 core i remember i had smth like that
<whitequark> oh maybe they do this when they include foreign ip
<key2> but hey, they can buy cores anywhere
<key2> yeah
<key2> that is my point
<whitequark> i think all their cores only do r_c1
<whitequark> well
<key2> and they do include foreing ip
<whitequark> maybe csr is the right place for that
<whitequark> it is not very intrusive
<key2> anyway
<whitequark> to have trigger on read
<key2> with or without, we can always trick it
<key2> by checking on the wishbone but..
<whitequark> if people do that we need to provide some abstraction
<whitequark> maybe csr, maybe not
<key2> stm32 are now on octo-spi
<key2> while their quad spi core had already a lot of bug
<key2> when doing DDR
<key2> but we implemented a wishbone slave on quad-spi so we can access the wishbone this way
<whitequark> wtf is octo-spi
<key2> but they have a memmapped version
<key2> but it can not write :/
<key2> just read
<whitequark> is that 8 line spi/
<whitequark> ?
<key2> so am curious to see if in their octo-spi tehy will write
<mtrbot-ml> [mattermost] <sb10q> both hardware and software side. but hw for now
<key2> yeah
<whitequark> that's just a parallel interfac.
<key2> yeah but alla spi
<key2> also quad spi had already a memory orientation
<key2> meaning it was meant to read mem only
<key2> not like any spi
<key2> they did that for the hyperram/flash protocol
<key2> which is cool
<key2> but their octospi is only on stm32l version
<key2> which suck
<key2> i'm waiting to see if next stm32H7/F7 do have it too
<key2> cuz it would do interesting setup with full read/write access mem mapped from octospi to wishbone
<key2> letting transparently the AHB of the stm access the wishbone
<whitequark> hmm curious
<key2> and it's clocked at AHB rate (even tho AHB is 32 or 64 bit)
<whitequark> sb: what problems with CSR do you want to fix on hw side?
<mtrbot-ml> [mattermost] <sb10q> the main issue I have with the current system is atomicity of reads for CSRs that are larger than the bus word
<mtrbot-ml> [mattermost] <sb10q> but I wonder what others' perspectives are
<whitequark> I agree that atomicity is an important issue
<whitequark> I haven't really used CSR outside of ARTIQ so I don't have an in-depth perspective on it
<whitequark> it's a fairly simple system that does its job
<whitequark> the software generator I do not like very much, I think it should export some structured format (JSON?) and then languages would have tools or macros to convert that to actual registers
<lkcl> whitequark, key2: there was exactly this discussion on the risc-v hw-dev mailing list, about 10 days ago (interrupts generated on read of IO mem)
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<lkcl> it was pointed out that not everyone will want to do that (as it is quite complex to implement)
<hartytp> if you do go for a JSON or something route, would it make sense to add some meta data?
<lkcl> however, conversely, *not* implementing interrupts-generated-by-read makes for fantastically complex firmware when it comes to memory-precious bootloaders for example
<hartytp> e.g. to make it a little easier to follow where in the gateware the CSRs are, or what they're for?
<hartytp> also, out of curiosity, how far do you think we are from being able to build misoc/artiq in nMigen?
<mtrbot-ml> [mattermost] <sb10q> things that change on read sounds messy
<mtrbot-ml> [mattermost] <sb10q> unless it's really necessary for performance... but you could use another interface than the csr generator then, I guess
<lkcl> sb10q: it's standard practice for IO peripherals. from a software perspective, it's dead-simple: a FIFO responds with the incoming data on each read... therefore all you need do on the software-side to get at the data is: create a for-loop, reading from an address!
<lkcl> bleumph. job done.
<lkcl> dozens of peripherals, for decades, have been designed this way.
<lkcl> the problem is: it's a bit of a bitch to implement in HW.
<mtrbot-ml> [mattermost] <sb10q> you can also just add one write in that for loop to go to the next word.
<lkcl> the risc-v spec covering this feature is sufficiently complex that some implementors are seriously, seriously considering avoiding it, and using DMA instead
<mtrbot-ml> [mattermost] <sb10q> and it's not that simple anyway. what if the FIFO is empty?
<lkcl> sb10q: yes, this was an alternative method that was suggested in the same discussion
<lkcl> yes, typically a hardware MUTEX is needed (a 2nd read) that checks first if the readable-register is actually readable
<lkcl> writing-to-move-the-register-forward was *suggested* (requested to be added to the spec)
<lkcl> the request was ignored / denied.
<whitequark> hartytp: re metadata: yes I agree, location tags would be excellent.
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<lkcl> it is however a perfectly valid pattern
<lkcl> in our design, we are considering going with a separate I/O co-processor, that does bit-banging of early-boot peripherals
<lkcl> has a hardware mutex to the "main" processors
<lkcl> and does direct memory-to-memory write (DMA in effect)
<lkcl> effectively taking over the role *of* a DMA engine
<lkcl> using the hardware mutexes as the DMA gateway
<lkcl> it would save a lot of arseing about, and would not need read *or* write triggering of IO memory :)
<lkcl> however... hum... clearly... it needs *two* processors. one to do the bit-banging of the peripheral GPIO bits, the other to be the "main processor"
<whitequark> more processors means more bugs
<whitequark> and usually the hard to find ones
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