[nmigen] codecov[bot] commented on pull request #313: build.dsl: allow strings to be used as connector numbers - https://git.io/JvqAF
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Hey folks, could someone help me understand an nmigen error I'm seeing? I get "nmigen.hdl.cd.DomainError: Domain 'cd_rotary' is used but not defined", off of the following code:
cd_rotary = ClockDomain(reset_less=True)
m.domains += cd_rotary
m.d.comb += cd_rotary.clk.eq(rotary.a.i)
any help understanding how CDs really work is much appreciated
In another design this (very similar) code worked as expected:
cd_neg = ClockDomain(reset_less=True)
m.domains += cd_neg
m.d.comb += cd_neg.clk.eq(~ClockSignal())
MikeP: did you perhaps forget to add a submodule somewhere?
oh, wait
did you do `m.d.cd_rotary` somewhere?
instead of `m.d.rotary`
ahhhh yeah that'll be it
yup that was it
we might want to add a diagnostic for that
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[nmigen] RobertBaruch opened issue #314: How to pass yosys_opts to LatticeICE40Platform? - https://git.io/Jvqhu
[nmigen] adamgreig commented on issue #314: How to pass yosys_opts to LatticeICE40Platform? - https://git.io/Jvqhg
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[nmigen] RobertBaruch commented on issue #314: How to pass yosys_opts to LatticeICE40Platform? - https://git.io/Jvqhj
[nmigen] RobertBaruch closed issue #314: How to pass yosys_opts to LatticeICE40Platform? - https://git.io/Jvqhu
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