aargh and it seems the server only receives at ~80ko/s
this is going to take 4 days
so you don't have to worry much about coinciding with the launch :)
will try dl.free.fr instead
no we have to get that video out asap
it's only annoying that the server is slow
by the way, why don't we have a level meter when configuring audio ? just lack of time or are there deeper reasons ?
lack of time
let's hope for some gui developers then :)
nice .. my little canon still image camera can also feed composite to the M1. still a bit blurry, but a much better image than with the barrel cam.
wolfspraul: "basically just power-on and it starts rendering."Â Â i'm still kinda puzzled why this actually isn't the case :)
the whole out of the box process is so nicely streamlined and intuitive, but you still need to figure out that you have to press that middle button.
yes, agreed
at least it says "on" now
the whole case labeling is tricky. at least on the purple case. maybe it's easier to read on the blue one.
"Backer Qi is the company ..."Â Â duh. that's cryptic.
the "80 units to be viable" angle doesn't sound quite right either :)
he seems totally into those numbers
yeah ;-)
why not. editors deal with news all the time, if that part is interesting to him then that may not be bad.
and doesn't mention MIDI, DMX, etc.
yeah well
we need to post it to other sites now
yup. fire the missiles ! :-)
ah, and i wonder if the low power consumption really needs that much focus, considering that it's not a battery-powered device. maybe if you link it to not needing a noisy and unreliable fan.
ha ha
I read it now
he writes it on the light side
yup. more story than tech.
no problem
this is a good start for Milkymist, even if not many others pickup the story
it doesn't "eat up" the entire launch thing
yeah. you can build on this. it gets the word out.
and amazingly few technical mistakes
the back and forth paid off
hehe :)
alright then, let's see
wpwrak, low-power consumption is media sexy for tech, regardless it's real usefulness.
oh it's very hard for reporters to write something without mistakes
wpwrak, believe me, that's what I do for a living. Review tech.
I know how hard it is for me to get the short snippets in our community news accurate
Thihi: yeah, there's that. people know from their mobile devices that low power is good and they also know from big devices that low power is good. they probably don't realize that in this case, it hardly matters.
I need to think about this article
this will not be picked up by many others I think
And they think "the eco beaver won't be mad at me for using this low power machine".
wolfspraul: oh, and congratulations on the promotion ! ;-) "leading developer Wolfgang Spraul"
Thihi: there's that, too :-)
Btw. Will you have review kits available at some point?
I might be interested in writing an article about mm1 into the biggest finnish tech mag later on.
Some 300,000 subscribers, not that much in the grand scheme I guess, but in a country of 5 million it's a pretty good coverage of tech interested people
what is "vid system-on-a-chip" vid = video?
do you think bad to reference this in emails to people?
i guess its already out there
not bad
the way it is written makes me wonder whether others will pick it up
in other words - I don't think many will
but that's ok, that means we can do different stories with other sites later :-)
I will try engadget etc.
hrhrhr.. i like the 'radical tech coalition'
that includes you :-)
i think i want a shirt with that
anyway this article is different from what I thought
although I thought that it would be different from what I think. at least that :-)
it sends a bit of a mixed message. either people conclude that "break even" doesn't include any work. or they assume it does and thus conclude that it has an enormous profit margin.
(and almost zero development cost at that)
of course, he could have just done the math: capital investment, according to your mail, USD 100k. maximum revenue through sales of 80 units: 80 x USD 500 = USD 40k. that means you must be paid in USD that are about 2.5 times as valuable than the ones you invested. if you can that pull off, i think some economists will want to talk to you rather urgently ;-)
s/that pull/pull that/
nah don't read too much into this
people are skimming
yeah. and those who read it will probably realize that something was lost in translation.
"the NanoNote which was really a $99 toy to fill the evenings of the technically-literate underemployed."
wolfspraul, the upload is messy :(
today is Amazon tablet day
lekernel: how about the 25gb upload?
where are you uploading to?
why not just dump it on fidelio?
I'm not uploading, Sylwia (Masala manager) does it
because fidelio downstream seems to be slow
about 80k/s it seems
what is that data?
at this rate it's going to take 4 days at least
hmm, shouldn't be
ok, let's be patient then. I'd like to capture this in the highest quality possible.
next time we need media I'll be waiting with a netbook and a memory card reader just at the exit of the stage :-)
roh: about 6 DVDs ... The Sopranos, all episodes, in 1080p ? :)
roh, the Masala concert in high quality HD
rejon: here's my approach now
the theregister article is quite exotic I think. I like it because it's such a different perspective, but in this way I cannot see how it goes viral.
I will push out my meager press release to the RSS feed and annoucne list, and that's it
then I will start emailing other journalists about follow-on stories, theregister gives me some credibility in this
wolfspraul, shall I link your PR on milkymist.org? or theregister article? or my PR?
your PR
push the text you believe in
don't worry I will get back to your text too
i'll push out now on the qihardware public accounts
please understand how media work, we cannot force people into our view
so I'm fine with bill's article, even though it's 99% different from what I thought it would be :-)
he did post a story as promised, it has few factual mistakes, and theregister is a top-20 tech news site
it's a wild mix though of Qi, Milkymist, NanoNote, this and that number, 500 USD, etc. etc.
more like a little economics class
who is making a profit now?
the economics are easily explained: you invested 100k. you expect to make 40k from sales. ten people participated in the development. ergo each of them must have paid you on average at least 6k for the privilege ;-)
yeah but it's funny how these things come out, no?
he is just fascinated with those numbers
when you read the email exchange between us, it's 80% about product, comparison to notebook, Milkymist the GPL licensed IC design, etc.
I throw in those numbers because early in the NanoNote days, I found out people's perception really changes when they hear "no parent company"
it's so unexpected nowadays
most people are drones of some large corp
so whatever story they are telling today, it's like a mercenary thing
if it doesn't work, no problem, you hear another funny story tomorrow
when they suddenly run into people where the stories are their lifes, they are a little shocked :-)
as if mercenaries wouldn't occasionally pay with their lives ;-)
yeah, and I find the "no parent company" perception is sometimes negative
like it means the project isn't serious or something like that
yes, lack of validation by people with deep pockets
I agree it's negative
but find a parent company that wouldn't immediately think of patenting, locking down, locking out, etc. :-)
wow, interesting news today
which one?
Amazon tablet?
also :)
Thihi: yes why not [review unit]. but let's start by mail, please email me at wolfgang@sharism.cc
wolfspra1l, cool, I'll get to it a bit later, I'm buried in installing operating systems on some laptops for the moment.
OKay !, mail sent to some local VJs
Next target museums :)
Thihi: keep your expectations low though. getting a review unit from me is tough.
wolfspra1l, no prob, we'll see.
I love journalists, reporters, and I work hard to support them. BUT, I'm around for a number of years.
and for every high quality journalist, there are at least 50 trying to do all sorts of strange things.
so we need to find out whether the publication you are writing for and your own interests and the Milkymist thing all fit together
if they do, any support comes your way!
but you should see the flood of mails I get from the most horrible content farming outfits, who think they can sneak off some free 'review units' as well
bah. horrible. makes me kinda suspicious for these kinds of requests :-)
the journalists that have covered NanoNote so far have all bought them, btw
for a 99 USD product that is actually to be expected, it's just too cheap to be in this review/return business
for a 499 USD product I can see how a proper review unit handling could make sense
so shoot me a quick mail and we get started
I will, later on today.
man 2kg!!
wolfspra1l: lekernel had a introductiry text for museums?
i dont bother to translate it, just i feel short in words
i mean, what i could said, buy it, plug it a video beam and just let the magic run ;) ?
s/magic/video magic
bah, it runs android i was expectings soemthing fresh
wolfspra1l, sorry, you asked for a quick mail, I wrote you a bible.
lekernel: whee. nasty comment from "Richard 12". he claims that you did DMX the wrong way.
(in the comments to the "the reg" article)
no one complies with this standard, and 3-pin XLRs are the de-facto DMX connector in the majority of equipment (except the high-end professional one)
plus there are passive adapters easily available
if this is the only thing that goes wrong with the M1, I'm quite happy =]
maybe you could compare it to micro-usb. it's officially frowned upon, yet pretty much everything but phones still uses it :)
(the only thing) oh, i wouldn't worry. murphy won't give in that easily ;-)