Topic for #milkymist is now Milkymist One, Milkymist SoC & Flickernoise development channel (LLHDL/Antares are welcome too) :: Logs: :: JFDI
but yes, depends on how big your glitches are. and what exactly they look like
that looks like a filter over 3 cycles. but maybe i just misunderstand
in any case, what's important is that the deglitching happens before the clock synchronization
majority(b1, b2, b3) is the bit value that is the most present in the 3 samples
r33p joined #milkymist
ah, i see what you mean. yes, looks good
with deglitched = majority(deglitched, signal, signal_delayed_1_cycle), deglitched only changes when the two signals are the same and therefore change the vote
it's equivalent to updating only when signal = signal_d1
wpwrak, want an untested patch to try before I go home?
if it comes with soc.fpg ... :) otherwise, it'll take longer anyway
depends on your bandwidth
my plane is in 6:30 hours ...
I should have installed ISE on my eee *g*
ah, and how do you test the SYNC pattern ? if you get a partial SYNC, e.g., with the first transition missing, does the packet still make it ?
there's a FSM that waits for each transition, with a global timeout
if the SYNC pattern is corrupted (for example, not a SYNC at all), do you abandon the packet ?
or will basically anything that starts with a "0" be accepted as SYNC ?
no, it has to have all the SYNC transitions
(abandon) ah, good
that explains why i didn't see any worse shifts
and the global timeout is just enough for a correct SYNC token
so each shift is basically a jump of the sample clock in one of eight possible positions
so any SYNC messup likely gets the complete packet discarded, unless that packet also happens to contain 0x80
grr. i just realized that my mail doesn't make sense :)
wait a minute ...
just mis-labeling :)
s/IN/NAK/ :)
ah, yes :)
I was also wondering
so .. the BER (Bit Error Rate), if we want to call it this, is about 3000 ppm.
from this we could calculate the probability of a corrupt packet even passing the CRC check
about 1:200000 if my estimates are right. still not too horrible for HID and such
of course for bulk data, the odds go to hell
naw, should be less. maybe 1:1.3 M
hmm, 260 M :) still too early to day to do math :)
was work on the NOR corruption finished actually?
I think I will check tomorrow whether Adam is 100% clear on the final proposed rc4 reset circuit, then we should act on that asap
that is - buy parts, design-verify 2 boards in Taipei, send one to Werner
* mwalle
could synthesize the soc for wpwrak (ise 13.1 here)
mwalle: thanks !
wolfspra1l: (NOR finished) no, and i also still have to run some more extensive tests. well, we can do that after the "official" rework.
worst case would be that it turns out the rework doesn't help and i just had one of those one-in-a-thousand statistical outliers
mh sebastien left
wpwrak: what patch should i apply now? the one sebastien mailed?
mwalle: the patch he's still working on (i think :)
but we are reasonably sure that we have a 100% good rc4 plan now?
I think that would move this item pretty much to the top of Adam's priority list, to get those 2 boards fully reworked & verified asap, and 1 sent out to Buenos Aires
until now I was under the impression that some bits of wisdom would still come from you before it moves over to Adam, but maybe not...
is he 100% clear on the final proposed circuit?
we can be about 99.8% certain that my reset circuit made the NOR corruption go away
not sure how clear adam is on the final circuit. we discussed only bits. there, we seemed to agree.
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wpwrak: ok, I will ask Adam tomorrow to write up a final and complete diff from the original rc3
including the latest usb power switch stuff
it would be great if you could sign it off, then Adam tries to rework 2 boards asap
sounds like a good plan
actually I think you did send some pieces already, just not sure about the latest or final version since it was so much in flux
ok great
I want to close this one out :-)
move onto bigger and better things...
i also don't like spoon-feeding adam too much. he doesn't need that :)
sure, I just want to be clear on the process
otherwise you know how it is, everybody thinks someone else will do something, wait, etc.
but I have a mental plan now, let's see whether it works out
yes, dining philosophers ;-)
wolfspra1l: ah, regarding labsw: i came to the conclusion that it's difficult to make a device suitable for larger numbers based on the current case. specifically, there's not enough room for some connectors that are good and easily available. the ones i use are hard to source and don't have entirely convincing properties.
so i shelfed it until i have time for a larger redesign
wpwrak: are you interested in a soc.bit with the patch sebastien mailed already applied?
(the old one=
problems with the current connectors include that they can be shaken loose from the front panel and that they have a very large area of exposed metal inside that can't be isolated. so if any cable comes loose inside the box, there's a risk of a short to a high voltage
mwalle: hmm, i think i'll wait for the new one, thanks :) just shifting the sample point probably won't help
ok so i'll do a make clean now :)
mwalle: a bad sample point would explain single-bit errors but not shifts of the remaining pattern. now, the errors i saw could still be explained by single-bit corruptions, but a clock problem seems far more likely
we can optimize the sampling point later, when the clock is stable. there ought to be a nice gauss curve to fit to :)
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ah, and another things to look for would be an algorithm that used the whole information available to determine the clock. i think usb is designed such that you don't need to resync inside the packet. so the SYNC pattern alone should give you enough accuracy
mwalle: with the new uart core I get sometimes repeated input during tx.
lars_: on real hw and/or qemu?
real hw
haven't tested in qemu yet
understood [labsw]
we have *LOTS* of stuff in different degrees of finishedness :-)
but I think all fine, everything is in good shape and can be reactivated
yeah, the amount of semi-finished stuff is a bit embarrassing :)
lars_: repeated rx chars while you transmit sth?
no it's ok
we are spread super thin
what can we do
nanonote case scans
I could go on :-)
counterweight is kinda finished :)
and brdhist has never started. so i'm good there ;-)
mwalle: yes. the last received character is repeated
just as if the rx irq bit was set again
wpwrak: I think the documentation level on all these things is good, so I am not worried
some are only in conceptual stage, some finished, some in between
for labsw, if we have the nor corruption solved we can shelf it until the next real emergency/use case comes up
of course it would be better to finish those things on the spot, theoretically if we had a real money making company somewhere...
hopefully we can still do that later
good seeds
mumptai joined #milkymist
labsw is kinda infrastructure. so that's something everyone doing design verification in the project has. i (still) strongly believe in having a "standard" lab infrastructure :)
of course, most elements of that would be expensive. labsw is the easy and cheap one :)
wpwrak: btw this modification seabastien did to detecte NULL pointers is it working? and how it works?
i mean how it handle the expection
kristianpaul: i haven't tested it yet. but i don't doubt that it works
of course
kristianpaul: i think you can set an exception vector (lm32 seems to have a table for that). or just let gdbstub signal it. not sure if gdbstub simply overrides the exception or if you have to choose at build time
kristianpaul: i think it generates a bus error if an address within the first 512kb is accessed
mwalle: bus error? i tought that kind of errors werent handled either..
DEBA and EBA can be set by yourself (iirc bus error is a debug exception)
but interesting
i think that explain (acess first 512kb) some hangs i had when using the bios
i just need to confirm
kristianpaul: well it isnt exactly a bus error, but sebastien is using that error (and its exception vector) to signal NULL pointer access
BTW mwalle, there is a way to use gdb to debug bios and barematal apps for m1 in the real hw?
or dint worth ?
should work right now
just load the debug elf binary with your gdb
you mean i need add a gdb flag to my makefile and use flterm to load it?
then launch a gdb server that connect to serial port ? (wich binary btw?)
kristianpaul: lm32-elf-gdb <elf> then type load in gdb cli
mwalle: so i dont need flterm?
just for serial output
use it with the passthrough parameter
ok, yes because the thing is my program needs human interacion trouhgt the uart
btw flickernoise is treated as a bare metal application too
so is not a problem run gdb and flterm at same time
ah ok
thats fair :-)
is the new UART the only difference between "old" and "new" SoC / milkymist+RTEMS+FN that isn't backward-compatible ?
lars_: btw, there is a reason why the busybox for uclinux is kinda limited, i mean really limited shell... so, if is just as simple as enable some configs in the make menuconfig or do i need to search somewhere else?
lars_: i'm talking about milkymist port of course
wolfspra1l: btw, my overall goal in M1 at the moment is to get controls to be generally usable
wpwrak: iirc thats the only one
is anyone usiong with snapshots?
wolfspra1l: hence MIDI and all that
<mwalle> complains about missing md5sums file if i use it with --snapshot milkymist-firmware-11202011-0004
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kristianpaul: what is missing?
lars_: ls cp vi cat rx and poke ;-)
sed !
but with those i'm happy
and could work
i have them
why i dont..
btw there is a rx equivalent for tx? :-)
well i a printf works, just wondering :)
lars_: where i can confirm that those commands above are been included in openwrt-milkymist=
you can mount the image as a loopback locally
i meant in the source code for openwrt-milkymist
i was using qemu
kristianpaul: hm? the source code is standard upstream busybox
okay seems i'm in the wrong channel to ask :p
lars_: last thingm can you share your .config for openwrt-milkymist ?
lars_: does milkymist-linux/master work for you? i pulled it, cherry-picked the new-uart patch, boot seems to hang at "calibrating delay loop.."
mwalle: even in qemu?
mwalle: could this be due to the reordered irq numbers?
i only tested master with the current soc release
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lars_: but there is no new uart driver in master?
i've tested the new uart driver with the new uart core, but not with the milkymist soc
at least not all of it
mwalle: but i'm pretty sure that it is because of the irq reording
getting stuck at 'calibrating delay loop' is always a good indication that there are no timer interrupts
old dts ;)
arg we have to get rid of the asm/hw/ stuff :)
lars_: could you please send me (or me point me to) a working initrd/initramfs?
funny, my initramfs is working for qemu but not on the real hw
on real hw it isnt even detected as an initramfs
btw. I'm working on something which auto-assigns memory addresses and irq numbers, generates a verilog file and dts from it and embeds the compiled dts into a on-SoC ROM. So no more out-of-date dts'
hmm, so "make" now has to re-sythesize ?
unfortunately that is probably something rtems isn't able to use
lars_: consider, that the mac address may be emedded into the dts
wpwrak: only if something changed ;)
hmm, kickstarting from repository will be tricky then
* mwalle
thinks that the dtb should be on a flash partition, but nonetheless autogenerating sounds nice ;)
because you'll need ISE just to get the build dependencies sorted out
after applying the uart-interrupt patch, rtems build fails with things like MM_IRQ_UART not being define. who normally provides them ?
wich i personally consider ugly (dont ask me why)
gotta love those paths: ../../../../../../../../c/src/lib/libbsp/lm32/milkymist/../../lm32/shared/milkymist_console/uart.c
no, i have it set
and it should then only not find the things from milkymist.git, not its own headers (i hope :)
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phew. compiles.
mwalle: (no --kernel requirement) nice ! :)
i often just give it /etc/passwd, to make it shut up :)
i've passed /dev/zero :)
and discovered a divbyzero bug ;)
victory ! it boots again ! with the new soc ! :)
mwalle: seems strangely appropriate :)
wpwrak: is gdb still working ? :)
oddly enough, it seems to, yes
does bt work?
of course :)
and medit 1234 5 produces a very satisfying SIGSEGV ;-)
lars_: do you happen to know if the initrd_end includes or excludes the last byte of the actual initrd?
hmm. would be nice if FN would say something if it segfaults without gdb around
wpwrak: mh, i guess fn cant figure out if a gdb is connected
how does gdb find the segfault ? does FN catch it and tell gdbstub ?
the cpu jumps to DEBA+x which is the gdbstubs exception vector
oh, bus error seems to be a non-debug exception, then PC <- EBA+x
so FN should have some logic which jumps to DEBA+x
we could introduce a variable at some predefined address which tells you if a gdb is connected
iff we can load a memory address with one register (r0)
otherwise you'll destroy some register contents
how does the communication between gdbstub and FN work ? i was imagining gdbstub was operating somehow like a supervisor to the CPU. a bit like jtag. but that's not the case, isn't it ?
wpwrak: there is no communication between the active program an the gdbstub
the gdbstub is executed instead of the normal program once an exception occurs
that is the gdbstubs mainloop polls for gdb packets and processes it, once you continue the program/exit gdb control is handed back to the original program
so gdbstub could simply execute the original exception vector if there is no gdb connected ?
wpwrak: yes, but that way you wont be able to connect with gdb once the execption occured
eg post mortem analysis is not possible
sth like "an exception occured blubb blubb, please connect gdb or reset board" message wouild be really helpful :)
well, gdb could wait, say, 5 second ;-)
but you could also do the post-mortem from an FN exception handler. you'd just have a bit more stack to cover
for FN, i was thinking more of a register dump and/or stack trace. like a linux kernel oops.
wpwrak: yeah and then jump to gdbstub :)
yeah, why not
mwalle: i would guess that it includes the last byte
on the other hand: memset((void *)initrd_start, 0, initrd_end - initrd_start);
so initrd_end - initrd_start = initrd_size
lars_: yep, like qemu does, now initramfs images are working :)
strange though, that it worked for me
lars_: initramfs or initrd?
you are using a compressed initramfs?
i guess there cant be a (fs) check :)
lars_: yep
and now, bit errors, your soul is mine. bwahaha !
ah nice, no more kernel, and yes i had passsed just the word moo and worked too :-)
arghh, again i "eat" the namuru_add wire...
buen provecho ! :)
wpwrak: is amazing the wire not defined and xst not generated a error, i guess a warning but come on...
if it doesn't work, isn't this warning enough ? :)
sure but it doesnt work partially, but anyway vimdiff helped a lot :-)
wpwrak: nice script, you could add a "pld reconfigure" at the end of the jtag script
hmm, i always do a "make boot"
wpwrak: btw is gdb (with new uart) working with ^C for you?
eg cont, ^C
yup. works fine
wpwrak: without flterm+gdbpassthrough?
i only tried with flterm
(m1nor) i dont have a makefile with boot target ;)
good old wernermisc/m1/jtag-boot/ :)
it's way too much work to reach over to press that button :)
besides, that may upset the delicate cabling that goes into my M1
what i wanted to say is that i dont want another script :)
imho you load fjmem but you dont unload it ;)
hmm, you may have a point there :)
interesting. when i comment out debug output, softusb has fewer CRC problems
notabene debug output that is printed after a problem, not while things are still good