i don't think there's much of a glibc either :)
it's a very NIH-heavy environment
come on, copy and paste isn't NIH
well, i was just arguing about the rationale of arpa/tftp.h's inclusion into our libc's
and I did look for a bare metal environment that did not suck, but could not find one
what do you recommend instead? newlib lol?
i ? musl of course
isn't it linux only?
so. I said bare metal.
u-boot is horrible, rtems mediocre at best, ...
how about a linux syscall emulation layer ? shouldnt be too hard to add to your kernel of choice
of course only the important ones
nuttx seems to be interesting as well
some of the "NIH" code is actually copy and paste from nuttx ;)
but nuttx doesn't have a LM32 port, and it was faster to just copy and paste the needed bits
patches are coming ...
i didn't touch the (bla & 0xff00) >> 8 critters. they're usually unnecessary was well, unless you strive to make your code -Wconvert clean, but that's usually a rather grueling uphill battle
(unnecessry) in the sense that bla >> 8 is just equivalent
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-strcpy(buf, filename);
-buf += strlen(filename);
+memcpy(buf, filename, len);
+buf += len;
haha, such attention to detail ;) thanks wpwrak
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[milkymist-ng] sbourdeauducq pushed 10 new commits to master: http://git.io/7OppWA
milkymist-ng/master 65b807b Werner Almesberger: microudp.c: avoid redundant accesses into multi-level structures
milkymist-ng/master 0d21711 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: dvisampler/chansync: use Record.raw_bits()
milkymist-ng/master 36613c7 Werner Almesberger: tftp.c: use symbolic constants for protocol opcodes
i actually did it to avoid the uint8_t vs. char conflict that would otherwise require a cast ;-0
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oh, the patches sent someone running ;-)
He'll be back
hm, the internet doesn't seem to know -Wconvert, what does it do?
ah, sorry, it's -Wconversion
it warns you when you may chop off bits
You probably don't want to have it enabled by default, but building your code with it once in a while might help to uncover hidden bugs
especially the -Wsign-conversion part will probably trigger quite often
grmbl... connecting the logic analyzer on chB makes it work
we should find some bugs that need a new hw revision. then you could send me your non-chB board ;-) well, it may just magically work here. i've seen that before :)
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address phase non-acked... same crap as before
odd. it looked exactly like chan A here.
maybe your overcooked some chip :)
this hdmi stuff is cursed for maximum wastage of my time
ah it works correctly with the 50MHz clock
mayble the oversampling needs to be > 64 with the 83Mhz
hmm, could be. the margin is fairly generous, but yes, at almost twice the speed, you may hit some outliers
maybe it needs to be calculated based on the system clock. else, we may run into conflicts with the I2C clock cycle
there are also bidirectional level-shifter chips that produce faster edges than this single-transistor solution. but then, almost everyone seems to be happy with this sort of approach. and i didn't find anything obviously wrong or even marginal with your implementation
the bidirectional level-shifter make good oscillators
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gee, dual-use technology ;-)
wpwrak, have you tested it with the 83MHz clock?
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128 downsampling does not solve the problem
no, i only tested with the rather simple build.py
... that you say runs at 50 MHz
I guess you have built milkymist-ng for the TFTP... it has the EDID on both ports
and that very problematic 83MHz clock
what i tested wasn't full mi-ng
well it could even be something different than the clock, in good maximum time wastage tradition more downsampling does nothing
don't stress yourself :)
running. mi-ng, i ddc works in port b (without signal)
enabling signal
there's no pixel clock blinking, but xrandr still things it can talk to the m1
yeh, it does not blink anything on the pixel clock...
looking good here then
yay, a non reproducible bug
a problem that a) may solve itself, or b) will show up in more controlled experiments as well
nothing to worry about this far. you already have a number of other problem indicators, like not being able to get a stable frame
they may or may not be related
meh, now it doesn't work anymore with the 50MHz clock...
it's having fun with you ;-)
maybe just write off your chB
maybe this is just yet another mega time wastage schrödinbug that has in fact nothing to do with the clock or mi-ng vs. edid tester
yeah. you may later discover that some bonding wire in a chip broke. i've actually had that.
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oh, and if you did any recent soldering, just let it rest for a while. some types of flux are VERY conductive and easily override pull-ups. i've had a board that never came out of reset before the flux dried.
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what's really strange is I see signals with the saelae
but sometimes the M1 acks, usually it does not
larsc, do you have any plans to assemble your boards?
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lekernel: you may want to get a "real" oscilloscope. considering that the basic but decent ones are ~EUR 1k and the "professional" ones are well in the 10k+ range, i think little is lost if you get a low-end one now, even with the understanding that you're already operating beyond its range
this will allow you to make at least a coarse assessment. with just digital signals, you're basically blind. i'm actually amazed that you got as far as you did
Scopeuk-AFK is now known as Scopeuk
[mibuild] sbourdeauducq pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/f_S1Vw
mibuild/master 29eaf06 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: xilinx_ise: do not attempt to source settings file on Windows
mibuild/master 31b1960 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: xilinx_ise: add --no-source option to disable sourcing of ISE settings file