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<lekernel> fixed video-out on the first board (that had only the red channel). green and blue were short-circuited to ground by the TVS or its solders.
<lekernel> HDMI 0, 2 and 3 are fully OK on that one too. HDMI-1 shows the same symptoms as the other board. this looks suspicious.
<lekernel> could be just a ISE/slowtan bug, though ...
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<lekernel> what? the slowtan6 differential phase detector works on the first try?
<GitHub0> [milkymist-ng] sbourdeauducq pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/0XApYA
<GitHub0> milkymist-ng/master ffe4bff Sebastien Bourdeauducq: dvisampler: use hard differential phase detector
<lekernel> hmm, the bad news is the PLL VCO needs to be kept in the 400-1080MHz range, and pixel clocks have more variation than that
<lekernel> I suppose the LM32 will have to send dynamic reconfiguration commands to the PLLs to adapt to different pixel clock ranges ...
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<GitHub51> [mibuild] sbourdeauducq pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/Yo7F3Q
<GitHub51> mibuild/master ebe8a27 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: mixxeo: swap pairs 0 and 1 on DVI1
<lekernel> all works now :)
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<azonenberg> lekernel: re your PLL problems
<azonenberg> what are you trying to mux?
<lekernel> clock from two HDMI ports
<azonenberg> xilinx has an appnote on dynamic pll reconfiguration if it comes to that
<azonenberg> but that's for changing multipliers and stuff
<lekernel> as I don't have enough PLLs to dedicate one to each port
<azonenberg> So why will a BUFGMUX not work?
<azonenberg> not enough BUFGs?
<lekernel> yes, it will come to that, but for a different reason - keeping the VCO in the specified frequency range over large variations of the pixel clock
<azonenberg> i'm thinking {IBUFG_1, IBUFG_2} -> BUFGMUX -> PLL
<lekernel> three BUFGs?
<azonenberg> But that has nothign to do with muxing
<azonenberg> In any case, three BUFGs is a serious cost
<azonenberg> considering you only have 16
<azonenberg> Since this is source-synchronous data you need to preserve phase
<lekernel> I have tried {IBUF, IBUF} -> BUFGMUX -> PLL
<azonenberg> (compared to an IBUFG)
<azonenberg> An IBUF doesnt use dedicated routing, afaik
<lekernel> and the BUFGMUX wont p&r
<lekernel> IBUFG = IBUF + BUFG in series
<lekernel> and BUFG and BUFGMUX are the same physical resource
<azonenberg> lekernel: Yes, i know
<azonenberg> Hmm
<azonenberg> oh
<azonenberg> Where are your clock inputs located?
<azonenberg> what pins on which chip?
<lekernel> also, I'm careful about putting various elements before the PLL. experience with the M1 shows that it tends to cause all sorts of weird PLL behavior.
<azonenberg> So, if you want to use one BUFGMUX
<azonenberg> You are going to be routing the clocks from two different pins to one BUFGMUX
<azonenberg> the dedicated routing may not exist
<azonenberg> if you do two BUFGs it will definitely work
<azonenberg> What are the clock net names?
<lekernel> and yes, there are various annoying restrictions on what clock pin can go to what BUFG
<azonenberg> How many clock domains are you using in total?
<azonenberg> and how many muxes do you need?
<lekernel> I need to mux the HDMI ports 4:2
<lekernel> each brings one clock
<azonenberg> So you need a two 4:1 clock muxes...
<lekernel> clocks are HDMIx_TMDS_CLK_p
<lekernel> 2:1
<azonenberg> so inputs 1/2 are muxed to output 1 etc?
<azonenberg> and 3/4 are muxed to 2?
<lekernel> the HDMI receivers can DMA the whole DRAM, and you can simulate a complete mux in software :)
<lekernel> so yes, we can do that
<lekernel> or whatever works
<azonenberg> So if you have a BUFG for each of the 4 inputs
<azonenberg> then two BUFGMUXs
<azonenberg> that's six total
<azonenberg> do you have enough to spare that many?
<lekernel> yeah, I have 7 left
<azonenberg> Including the two muxed clocks?
<azonenberg> or not
<azonenberg> Either way, if it fits
<azonenberg> Then problem solved
<lekernel> hmm, it's dirty, but it could work...
<azonenberg> I'm actually in the middle of debugging myself... been hunting this one on and off for ten days
<azonenberg> my ethernet subsystem randomly stops processing frames after a while
<azonenberg> as best i can tell it's blocking waiting for a DMA-done acknowledgement from RAM, but the RAM thinks it sent the ack
<azonenberg> so it's getting dropped somewhere and i haven't yet found where
<lekernel> the next problem is to drive the SERDES clocks of the HDMI ports that are in different banks from the same PLL
<azonenberg> the same pll?
<azonenberg> hmm... another bufg? :p
<azonenberg> no, too fast for that
<lekernel> not at 1GHz
<lekernel> you need to use each bank's dedicated BUFPLL
<lekernel> and I'm quite sure Xilinx fucked up again on PLL->BUFPLL routing
<azonenberg> DCM jitter is obvs way too high for this
<azonenberg> I assume it's too late to go to 7 series?
<azonenberg> artix7 has way more plls
<lekernel> though I have a spare PLL output...
<azonenberg> (and 32 global clocks)
<lekernel> so I should be able to stay in the "one PLL output to one BUFPLL" configuration from the reference designs (xilinx wisdom is "anything that isn't in a reference design will have bugs and/or not work at all")
<azonenberg> afaik, "one PLL to one BUFPLL" is the only possible config
<azonenberg> i think the BUFPLL is physically wired directly to the PLL and you either use it or don't
<lekernel> so why is it that from a single PLL, you can drive BUFPLLs in several banks?
<azonenberg> I didn't think that was possible
<lekernel> there are fewer PLLs than IO banks
<azonenberg> i thought you were supposed to use the pll right next to that bnak
<azonenberg> bank*
<azonenberg> hmm, sec
<lekernel> so there has to be something like that
<azonenberg> UG382... there are two BUFPLLs per bank
<lekernel> yes, so on the lx45 that makes 8, and there are only 4 PLLs
<lekernel> so it's not as simple as 1 BUFPLL hardwired to 1 PLL
<azonenberg> Read UG382 page 53
<azonenberg> doesnt answer all the questions but provides some insight
<azonenberg> looking at the routing in fpga_editor might be of help too
<GitHub51> [milkymist-ng] sbourdeauducq pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/5436IA
<GitHub51> milkymist-ng/master d421aae Sebastien Bourdeauducq: dvisampler: do more deserialization with the ISERDES
<lekernel> hmm... so I'll try the six-BUFG solution + BUFPLL's on different PLL outputs
<lekernel> for the two ports on bank 1, #1 should be enough
<lekernel> thanks
<azonenberg> Btw, if you read the table on page 54
<azonenberg> it looks like CLKOUT0 and CLKOUT1 of the PLL are the only ones that can drive BUFPLLs
<lekernel> btw it's only 4 BUFGs, no?
<lekernel> {IBUF, IBUF+BUFG} -> BUFGMUX should be enough
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