avsm changed the topic of #mirage to: mirage 2 released! party on!
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<miragebot> [mirage] samoht pushed 3 new commits to master: http://git.io/vUy4x
<miragebot> mirage/master 51f5245 Thomas Leonard: Add --no-depext flag...
<miragebot> mirage/master 459ac22 Thomas Leonard: Set UPDATE_GCC_BINUTILS=1 for Travis
<miragebot> mirage/master 6b4c6e7 Thomas Gazagnaire: Merge pull request #402 from talex5/no-depext...
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<m_> hi all, how a mirage unikernel can get information about its resource usage e.g. cpu load, memory, etc?
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<avsm1> m__: the easiest way is to query the OCaml Gc module for memory
<avsm1> CPU requires some support from the runtime, but shouldn't be hard to add to minios. A thread on mirageos-devel or an issue would be useful, as it's a nice thing to have. The obvious alternative is to use the hypervisor monitoring APIs to check on the unikernel CPU/net/block stats from outside (e.g. via xentop)
<m__> thanks, what would be the Gc module fucntion for memory?
<m__> and is there any online guide for uning hypervisor APIs in mirage apps?
<Drup> m__: https://github.com/ocsigen/eliom/blob/master/src/lib/server/monitor/eliom_monitor.ml#L71-L89 that's the "monitor" thingy in eliom, you can use this part directly
<Drup> (well, modulo tyxml)
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<miragebot> [mirage] samoht pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/vU9sA
<miragebot> mirage/master b7d6486 Thomas Gazagnaire: Update CHANGES
<miragebot> mirage/master 6b0606f Thomas Gazagnaire: Merge pull request #403 from samoht/master...
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<miragebot> [mirage] samoht deleted v2.5.0 at d3ee2b4: http://git.io/vU9GR
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<miragebot> [mirage] samoht tagged v2.5.0 at master: http://git.io/vJ6Pk
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<avsm1> m__: unfortunately no online guide about those APIs. They're all a bit undocumented, but a prod on mirageos-devel@lists.xenproject.org will unearth the ones you need
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<thomasga> anyone already used conduit+tls for client call?
<thomasga> (I'm struggling to make the 3rd argument of the Conduit functor)
<hannes> thomasga: for unix, the cohttp has an example thereof
<thomasga> Drup: for mirage-www we have something similar: https://github.com/mirage/mirage-www/blob/master/src/stats.ml
<thomasga> (available at http://www.openmirage.org/stats/gc)
<thomasga> hannes: for xen
<hannes> thomasga: maybe talex somewhere? btw, https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/pull/4094 is green..
<thomasga> ok, I'll merge it then :-)
<hannes> cool, won't help any mirage, though..
<thomasga> as long as the constraints are ok for the other packages that's fine
<hannes> they are..
<hannes> according to my limited knowledge..
<thomasga> would be less packages to release in one chunk for the mirage release
<thomasga> so that's good
<hannes> but nc-0.4 requires mirage-no-xen | mirage-xen & entropy-xen > 0.3 (which is not in opam)
<hannes> thus, all mirage-xen people will not get nocrypto-0.4
<thomasga> yup, I saw that. should be fine
<hannes> and after 4094 I'll do another simple one
<hannes> and leave the complicated things to you ;)
<thomasga> np :-)
<thomasga> hannes: merged, can you remove the packages from mirage-dev?
<hannes> thomasga: yes
<hannes> thomasga: well, only after you merged your updated mirage checksum there..
<thomasga> hannes: done
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<thomasga> hum that's annoying, conduit_mirage and TLS still don't go well together
<thomasga> (server-side TLS is ok as we don't need conduit anymore)
<hannes> thomasga: well, conduit hasn't been updated for the tls-0.5 / nocrypto-0.4 releases... what is the intended API/idea there?
<thomasga> the conduit API needs some clean-up … I was hoping we could avoid doing that before the TLS release, but well… I'll see what I can do :-)
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<hannes> thomasga: in opam-repo, 4095 [tlstunnel] and 4096 [gmp-xen, zarith] also are green.. happy to update the mirage-dev removal (81) when you merge opam-repo
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