avsm changed the topic of #mirage to: mirage 2 released! party on!
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<m__> any way to update mirage to 2.5.0 (except pinning)? the latest on opam is 2.4.0
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<hannes> m__: "opam repo add mirage-dev https://github.com/mirage/mirage-dev" adds the mirage-dev repository onto your repositories.. in this, e.g. mirage-2.5 is released
<m__> thanks
<hannes> (or git://github.com/mirage/mirage-dev.git is what I use actually)
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<vbmithr_> I've got a problem with cohttp/async
<vbmithr_> sometimes it does not send the whole http content
<vbmithr_> I'm going to prove this
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<vbmithr_> I'm sure I've already bumped into this once
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<vbmithr_> OMG
<vbmithr_> This commit
<vbmithr_> ocaml-cohttp f03012072c096580bcd7b753515614aa6f95f89d
<vbmithr_> So what if the input is larger than the max buffer size ?
<vbmithr_> my bug is from this.
<yomimono> vbimthr_: looks like there is some work on this atm: https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-cohttp/issues/345
<vbmithr_> I'm trying to pin down the bug now
<vbmithr_> yomimono: thanks
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<miragebot> [mirage] samoht pushed 4 new commits to master: http://git.io/vk0nR
<miragebot> mirage/master 56e500d Thomas Gazagnaire: Changes to support the latest conduit+tls changes
<miragebot> mirage/master 196bfe5 Thomas Gazagnaire: Ensure that every conduit instance has a unique module name....
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<miragebot> mirage/master 71ffd2b Thomas Gazagnaire: Shorten a line
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<miragebot> [mirage] samoht deleted v2.5.0 at 6b0606f: http://git.io/vk0Cr
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<miragebot> [mirage] samoht tagged v2.5.0 at 4936793: http://git.io/vJ6Pk
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<raboof> at http://www.openmirage.org/wiki/hello-world#Step4Networking, it is mentioned that this setup 'simultaneously' supports a socket and a tuntap connection
<raboof> i'm pretty sure what is meant is that the application code supports both, but you have to select one at build time, right?
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<raboof> so I'm playing with mirage a bit and am trying to convert a small opium-based webservice app to mirage
<raboof> i got so far that when building for xen, I get: http://paste.debian.net/187723
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<raboof> do I read this correctly when I think that 'Core_kernel' is depending (indirectly) on the 'unix' version of cohttp, where it should be depending on the 'xen' version?
<raboof> ah, I guess I should somehow pass the cohttp_lwt server in as a parameter to my Main
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<raboof> hmm, that seems to lead to even more references to Unix (http://paste.debian.net/187764). I guess it's time to call it a day though :)
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