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<alice_wl> hi, trying to configure for xen the first time I get an unmet dependency: mirage-xen -> cstruct < 1.6.0
<alice_wl> tried with a pin to 1.5.0 but then mirage was gone :)
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<m__> when I make mirage-www, I get the error "Unbound module Conduit_mirage.No_TLS". Anyone knows how to fix it?
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<mato> thomasga: got a minute?
<thomasga> yup
<mato> i'm trying to get the block driver working on rumprun, and it keeps failing here:
<mato> Fatal error: exception Failure("block1")
<mato> Raised at file "src/core/lwt.ml", line 788, characters 22-23
<mato> Called from file "src/unix/lwt_main.ml", line 34, characters 8-18
<mato> Called from file "main.ml", line 31, characters 2-54
<thomasga> which project do you try to compile?
<mato> so, that's this line in main.ml:
<mato> mirage-skeleton/block
<mato> modified to use /dev/xenblk0 in config.ml, since thats where rumprun-xen puts the block device
<mato> block1 () >>= function
<mato> | `Error e -> fail (Failure "block1")
<mato> | `Ok block1 ->
<mato> how can i modify that code to dump the exception somehow?
<thomasga> I'm not sure how it is supposed to work with rump. Normally you should mount the block device in dom0 first.
<mato> well, rump is just like unix, so i tell it to use a xen block device for the disk.img file
<mato> and that will show up as /dev/xenblk0 in the mirage domU
<mato> so i'm just using the cross-compiled mirage-block-unix driver
<mato> what i'd like to get is instead of a <Failure "block1"> message, it should tell me what system call actually failed, and with what errno
<thomasga> fair enough
<thomasga> you can use: fail (Failure (string_of_error e))
<mato> ok, i'll try that
<thomasga> with "let string_of_error = function `Disconnected -> "disc" | `Is_read_only -> "read-only" | `Unimplemented -> "unimple" | `Unknown str -> str"
<thomasga> or something similar
<thomasga> we have plan to improve that...
<thomasga> but it's buried under 100 more TODOs unfortunately ...
<thomasga> in "`Error e" the type of e is http://mirage.github.io/mirage/V1.BLOCK.html#TYPEerror
<mato> great, this should help, thanks
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<mato> oh
<mato> i see what the problem is
<mato> on NetBSD, you can't open a block device more than once
<mato> or possibly just the rump etfs "block" device
<mato> anyway, the blkgetsize stub is passed a string and tries to open the device again in order to do an ioctl() on it
<mato> which fails with EBUSY
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<mato> thomasga: i've opened an issue for mirage-block-unix for this
<mato> also #25 where i found a problem in the error handling logic
<mato> my ocaml is not up to fixing it, but hopefully i've described clearly what needs to be done
<thomasga> yea, thanks for the report! I'll try to find some time to fix that today
<mato> thx
<mato> thomasga: by the way, will you be in cambridge next monday through wednesday? i'll be visiting the lab, would be good to meet up and cover some of the opam issues face to face
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<hannes> (<- back in office at cl)
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<mato> thomasga: quick question: What is the difference between Console.log and Console.log_s? The latter says something about being a thread that writes to the console, what does this mean?
<thomasga> one is blocking the is not
<mato> ok
<thomasga> is. sync write vs. async write
<mato> right. the async version is not doing anything for me on rumprun for some reason. weird.
<thomasga> is the lwt scheduler working properly?
<thomasga> if you add an other background thread printing sync writes in parallel does it change something?
<hannes> for me the async print on xen only works (in console example) when some keyboard input is produced, and thus the event loop is triggered
<justincormack> mato yes, all netbsd block devices are exclusive open. Not sure if thats true in other BSDs
<thomasga> we use to have that issue long time ago; though it was fixed … it's worth asking on the mailing list, djs55 will know better
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<mato> thomasga: ok, i added in a background thread printing hello/world and sleeping in between, still nothing from the main thread (kv_ro_crunch example)
<mato> i also tried a modified console example with two threads each printing different strings and that works fine
<mato> hmm
<mato> justincormack: how is stdout actually implemented on rumprun?
<mato> justincormack: if something tries to poll it, will it get POLLOUT back?
<justincormack> no
<justincormack> well,maybe
<justincormack> not sure
<justincormack> there is a rump console driver somewhere, not looked at it though
<justincormack> easy enough to write a quick program to check
<mato> sure
<justincormack> but its not very functional
<mato> well, i have no idea what Lwt is doing in the background for the async Console writes, but polling and never getting POLLOUT would explain whats going on
<mato> will write a quick C test to check
<mato> ok, it does indeed not raise POLLOUT
<mato> and runs into a panic as well :)
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<hannes> thomasga: I can reproduce with tun/tap
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<mato> ok poll(POLLOUT) implemented for rump console driver, it all just works now
<mato> on to the network driver :)
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