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<m__> we are using irmin_http module AO in a mirage application. Making the application results in "unbound constructor". Irmin and Irmin_http are already added. Any idea how to fix it?
<dsheets> m__, need more details about the error message and the erroneous code
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<m__> I have a line of code that says: `let m = Irmin_http.AO Client`, and no use of m anywhere in the code. I get the error on this line saying "Unbound construtor Irmin_http.AO"
<dsheets> m__, Irmin_http.AO is a functor. You need to use `module M = Irmin_http.AO(Client)`. See <https://github.com/mirage/irmin/blob/master/lib/http/irmin_http.mli>.
<rgrinberg> dsheets: so would the currently released github be broken with cohttp + request/response removal?
<dsheets> rgrinberg, yes
<rgrinberg> wondering if i should wait for github 1.0 to be released before releasing cohttp 0.18
<dsheets> i don't know of any users that demand the newest of both so i don't think they need to be synced
<dsheets> but if there is a gap, it should be closed fairly quickly
<dsheets> i'm working on future-proofing and interface proof-reading for github 1.0 now
<rgrinberg> ok, i'm not in a rush anyway. just wary of introducing potential opam hell
<dsheets> are there back incompat changes in 0.18?
<rgrinberg> just request/response
<dsheets> so no one will set >= 0.18
<dsheets> but as soon as there are new features, we are in dep hell
<rgrinberg> well, it will also have Async.calvv
<dsheets> oh, then it's best to wait, i guess
<rgrinberg> s/calvv/callv/ so in the future >= 0.18 is potentially possible
<rgrinberg> yep
<rgrinberg> although ocaml-github is lwt is based so it's unlikely
<m__> for the parameter of Irmin.AO_MAKER, Irmin.Hash is recognised, but not Irmin.Hash.S (unbound constructor). How I can pass Irmin.Hash.S to AO_MAKER?
<dsheets> m__, Irmin.Hash.S is the name of a module type. you need a module with that type (e.g. Irmin.Hash.SHA1
<dsheets> )
<m__> thanks
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