Fast is nice. But what I like most are language features that distinguish it from other languages; that may change the programmer's view of programming in general.
i'm off now
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dostoyevs: It's a semi-functional language, so if you're not familiar with functional programming, that part will certainly change the way you approach problems.
dostoyevs: Also, it's the only language I know of with inferred typing.
Malkuth: Is it more functional than LISP?
dostoyevs: Much more. Common Lisp has lots of side effects.
dostoyevs: I probably wouldn't call CL a functional language, actually.
Malkuth: Yes, CL is not really a functional language. I will see, if I find inferred typing explained somewhere.
mmm, i can't see why ocaml would be much more functional thant clisp
pnou: The standard library in CL isn't functional.
pnou: There are all sorts of CL functions with side-effects.
well, ocaml too
Like what?
I haven't run into any yet.
Yes, but compare that to this:
(setf foo '(10 9 5 7))
(sort foo #'<)
Suddenly, foo is axed.
well it's the same with arrays
The libraries in OCaml that are non-functional are clearly labeled as such.
that's true
But in CL, individual functions in the standard library may or may not be non-functional.
aren't all variables mutable in lisp?
Yep, all variables are mutable.
Even inside a list.
(setf (nth 1 foo) 99)
You can 'setf' pretty much anything.
Even object slots.
Or even (setf (cdr foo) '(a b c))
* Malkuth
loves Common Lisp.
Even better is (setf (cdr foo) foo)
gl has joined #ocaml
So anyhow, that's why CL isn't functional.
what is you definition of a functional language?
a language where we don t care about the memory state
('lo all)
so ocaml isn't a functional language
OCaml doesn't claim to be purely functional.
but you said that it's more functional than clisp
It is.
Becuase you can program in a functional manner without having to worry about non-functional side-effects.
In CL, you always have to be aware of the state of your variables and what you might be overwriting.
You have to remember if the function you're calling is destructive or not, and if you will harm other variables by altering a pointer somewhere.
to me that doesn't make it a less functional programing language
To each his own. :)
It's just not that often that you hear Lispers claiming theirs is a functional language.
to me a functional language is a language that helps the programmer to handle functions
so with my definition, clisp is less purely functional
because it can't prove things that ocaml can prove about referentiel transparency
but it is as functional that ocaml
pnou: But clisp is more functional because it allows for fixpoint itterators.
hu ?
Y combinators ?
yes, that stuff
In ocaml you have to resort to let rec to write a factorial function.
but you must use ocamlc -rectypes
# let y = function le -> (function f -> le (function x -> f f x)) (function f -> le (function x -> f f x)) ;;
let length = y (function length -> function | [] -> 0 | h :: t -> 1 + length t)
val y : (('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b = <fun>
# val length : '_a list -> int = <fun>
# length [1;2;3];;
- : int = 3
launched with
dimitri@corwin:~$ ocaml -rectypes
Hmm, didn't know that one.
pnou: Why is the last "length" bound there and to which length?
i didn't understand
Without -rectpyes the "+ length t" would give onbound binding length.
that's not a problem of binding, but of typing
ah, forget it. length is bound there.
the y function cannot be typed without -rectypes
Why do you write "function | []..."? Is that a common custom?
The extra | I mean.
so that i can cut and paste the first pattern matching
common i don't know, but i'm not the only one :)
I saw that a few time here now.
mrvn_ is now known as mrvn
Does -rectpyes make ocaml less type save or compilation slower or what is its effect apart from the y working?
it doesn't make it less type safe but it can accept some program errors that are typable, there are some example in the oreilly book as far as i remember
i don't think it slows compilation but i'm not sure