let visual = Gdk.Visual.get_best ~depth:img_bpp ~kind: `TRUE_COLOR () in
does anyone know what that could mean? :[
well, apart from that that call failed, obviously
I mean, WHY
very informative ocaml exception :(
well I'm trying to create a bitmap
i've got the same on my mdk box
and it uses such a "visual" to describe it's properties, such as color depth
so I'm trying to use Gdk.Visual.get_best to create a visual with my desired properties
but it doesn't work :(
because it always throws this exception
MegaWatS: proably means X can't support your desired properties
well but I'm not even on X
but on windows
ah :)
why shouldn't windows support a 24-bits-per-pixel truecolor visual?
maybe it prefers 32 bits ?
well but windows usually supports[21:53:48] <lus|sefu> \o/ opoc \o/
[21:53:49] <lus|sefu> \o/ MegaWats \o/
[21:53:56] <lus|sefu> \o/ Albstein \o/
[21:54:07] <lus|sefu> /o\DoeNAMaNN /o\
whoops sorry
Heheheh. :)
i accidentally hit ctrl+v
what I was just trying to say
windows supports bitmaps in any bit-depth etc
and I want to create a bitmap with that exact color depth and format
I mean, gtk, after all, was used to write the gimp, so it should be possible to create a bitmap in any format one wants, shouldn't it?
seems to be a windows/GTK problem
GTK was written for X
it was ported to windows afterwards
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so does anyone know of an easier way to do this?
do what ?
I want to display an image which I have available in a bigarray in (for example) RGB format with lablgtk
[22:46:38] <MegaWatS> I want to display an image which I have available in a bigarray in (for example) RGB format with lablgtk <-- just that
I have loaded an image wghich was stored as a .jpeg inside of a .zip file
and now I want to display it
and I need the least possible latency from the request to have it grabbed out of the zip, decoded and displayed
didn't you adapt the lablgtk function for creating an image from a string so that it could work with a bigarray ?
well for now I converted the string into a bigarray
but that doesn't help
because I can't create a visual with my desired properties
I can't create an image with those properties
now I've tried it with a pixmap
but that seems to want the data to be in .xpm format :/
but there has to be an easier way
I mean, it can't be true that it is this hard with a gui toolkit to do something trivial like display an image?
there's module in GTK for loading from files
ut I'm not sure they were wrapped in lablgtk
two-face: I see you're preparing to explore the Dark Side. :)
anyway I don't think that would cover my needs
module GdkPixbuf
I'm already starting to thinjk that maybe I should just write my game with SDL, but then it won't have as nice an interface :|
you can mix GTK and SDL
how so?
ask smkl : he does that in his project
Dybbuk: i'm curious :)
Dybbuk: i'm an explorer :)
basically there's nothing special to do
two-face: It's a great thing to learn, I think. :)
Dybbuk: i'm too interested in functional for not trying this
karryall_: thanks
judging from what I read in the .mli file, that seems to be exactly what I need!
which .mli ? GdkPixbuf ?
a Gpointer.region is basically just a bigarray :)
at least, from what I read in gpointer.mli
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unbount value GdkPixbuf.from_data
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gdkPixbuf seems to be missing in the windows port of lablgtk :|
it's in version 1.2.5 of lablgtk
maybe the windows port isn't up to date
well its there in the source distribution, but the .c file of it won't compile :|
also, the only thing the ['a] GDraw.drawable method put_rgb_data seems to do is to crash :/
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it is associated with GNOME in lablgtk build process
although gdk-pixbuf itself doesn't need GNOME
try to muck with the Makefile !
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i think i found the error
you have to manually call the Gdk.Rgb.init function before using the #put_rgb_data method
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how do I add a scrollbar to a listbox? :|
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