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can I use ur topic
to use in another channel?
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anyone alive in here?
nm, i figurd out my problem :)
actually no, i didn't ;)
uh, make up your mind
hold on...i might be able to figure this out...i'll ask again in a little bit if i can't
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if i have a module ArrayGraph in arrayGraph.ml and I have another module Hmm in hmm.ml which "open"s ArrayGraph, do I need to have a corresponding .mli file for ArrayGraph?
hrm....when i try to compile ('ocamlc arrayGraph.ml hmm.ml') it gives me an error "Unbound value labNodes" from hmm.ml which is defined in arrayGraph.ml
from a guess, try compiling compiling arrayGraph.ml to arrayGraph.cma (?) and then 'ocamlc arrayGraph.cma hmm.ml'
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you need to refer to labNodes as ArrayGraph.labNodes in hmm.ml
unless you put 'open ArrayGraph' at the top of hmm.ml
at the top of hmm.ml, i have "open ArrayGraph;;"
ayrnieu`: .cma? if i just use ocamlc, i get a .cmo file
how is labNodes defined in arraygraph?
hdaume - sorry, that's what I meant.
arrayGraph.ml looks like "...module ArrayGraph = struct ... let labNodes (ne, ea) = let rec label i l = match l with [] -> [] | (x::xs) -> (x,i) :: label (i+1) xs in label 0 (to_list ne);;"
and then there's an "end;;" at the end
that's your problem
you neede to ArrayGraph.ArrayGraph.whatever with that structure
a file is automatically put into a module, then any internal structures get their own
whee: huh? (i'm obviously new to ocaml)
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so i should have 'module ArrayGraph = struct...' 9in arrayGraph.ml?
just have my definitions?
you could do that
this is one of the areas I'm kind of fuzzy on too, trying to find something heh
:) okay
butif you want to define a module for the sole purpose of using it in other files, you usually don't want to put the explicit 'module ssomething = struct blah blah" in the .ml
okay cool...thanks
ooo okay I found a good example if you have the ocaml source
i do
filename.mli and filename.ml in ocaml/stdlib/ is something to look at
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whee: how are you ?
* Yurik
is discussing ocaml-based project w/ another participant ;))
I'm incredibly bored
all my projects are pretty much done :|
* Yurik
is tired developing project alone
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got disconnected
the most bad think that most of OSS developers even didn't hear about ocaml
and seeking developers is pretty complex
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most 'developers' I've interacted with just dismiss ocaml as being not ready for real programming
they're just afraid to give up c++ :P
however, seeking developers for non-standard project is quite hard, especially for ocaml
so our project still has quite small team. I hope it will increase when we'll release first prototype
there just needs to be more programs written using ocaml and released on places like freshmeat and sourceforge
all it'll really take is some super elite program that everyone wants to use :P
And a proper compiler that actually optimizes and unboxes.
* Yurik
had released ocamlbdb and ocamlgettext to freshmeat yesterday
I doubt that'll be a major factor in anyone's decision
A speed factor of 10-100 is a decision factor.
i know
but ocaml is already plenty fast
that was just my 2 cents to contribution
Not on non i386
I doesn't unbox floats at all and allways untags/tags ints.
have you complained to people who can do something about it?
nativeint`s are boxed as well... but it may be that the newer version do some unboxing on int32`s / nativeint`s
yeah that's what I'm thinking
I think they're working on getting more performance with unboxing out of those
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Take a break from studying for finals and join us in Erdle Commons for some
FREE popcorn on Friday, Nov. 15 from 1:30 to 3
they have the lamest things here sometimes :|
Do they have "After Earthquake Parties" or "The day ends in y parties"?
I believe they do
today for example was "Reading Day" (no idea)
so we had today off
except we have finals starting tomorrow so it's really not that big of a deal
dumb question: i want to have a 3d matrix of zeros. saying 'create_matrix n n (make n 0)' doesn't work because the 'make n 0' will be shared and i don't want it to be...how can i do this?
There is a make that uses a function int -> value
makei I think
makei n (fun _ -> makei n (fun _ -> make n 0))
you mean 'init : int -> (int -> 'a) -> 'a array'?
yup, that worked. thanks :)
yep. init
Too bad you can't write a funtion that takes a size and dimension and makes a hypercube matrx of size and dimension
mvrn: you can't?
it looks like standard recursion to me :|
yes, but you couldn`t type it
or rather, the ocaml couldn`t type it
int -> 'a array? 'a array array? or what?
'a array list :D
or wait nevermind
actually now that I think about it I think it's still doable
probably could pull it off with some camlp4 preprocessing
how should it be doable?
you can`t even express the type such a function should have in caml`s type system
so, what do you suppose camlp4 could do about it? it can only change syntax
handle it like a template proble
camlp4 would go and create a function that does nothing but create 3d matrices, another that creates nothing but 4d, etc etc
it'd look like you have the ability to have a function that does nd matrices, but it's just camlp4 handling it
hmm ok
but that`s not exactly the same
a FUNCTION would be able to create arrays with a different number of dimensions at run-time
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close enough :P
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You can difine a N-Array that doesn't take a integer as index but an array itself.
fun at: 'a NArray -> int Arrays -> 'a
But you would loose the dimension in the type and would have to check it at runtime.
Why can arrays only be 4 million elements big?
that's the size of an unsigned int
No, unsigned int is 4 billion
oh, million
Its 22 bit for the size of an array it seems.
And I need like 200,000 more elements.
odd, there's the bigarray library if you need unlimited size though
and it does handle the multidimensional stuff ha ha
It uses an "int array" to select what element you want to use/change.
And unless ist a specific dimension you loose the info about the number of dimentions from the type.
# Big arrays are multi-dimensional. Any number of dimensions between 1 and 16 is supported. In contrast, Caml arrays are mono-dimensional and require encoding multi-dimensional arrays as arrays of arrays.
I see support for 1, 2 and 3 and any dimension. Why 1-16?
why not :D
The generic Bigarray takes a int array as index. What does it care how many dimensions? As long as its <= 4194303 so it fits into an array.
You would have to explicitly check for dimensions <= 16 everywhere.
yep pretty much heh
there's a MAX_NUM_DIMS #define in the source for this
But why? Its easier to not limit it and doesn't improve anything.
So If I need a 17 dimensional array I have to copy Bigarray and remove all uses of MAX_NUM_DIMS?
(or change it to 17)
I'm guessing it was set that way because of memory problems
A 17 dimensional array would have to be pretty small in most dimensions :)
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I used a 27 dimensional array for 3D Game of Life once. Each dimension had size 2 so that was just managable.
you're crazy :p
You have 3*3*3 cells, each can be alive or dead.
The array then contained alife or dead (1 Bit).
haha damn
Given that array I let a programm look for ways to compactify that array into a small function that takes the 27 cell states and says alife or dead.
a 16 dimensional array sure allocates a lot of memory
whee: 1 byte minimum.
*** malloc: vm_allocate(size=2289631232) failed with 3
now you've got me interested in doing a 3d game of life :p
although I'm not exactly sure how I would display that heh
using OS X, really can't :|
not sure if lablgl would work inside of Xdarwin
lablgtk with gl canvas?
hmmm apparentlyt there's software opengl support with hardware accel in cvs. may just work :D
O just write your own 3D support. Its just simple cubes you have to draw. Wireframe with flat shading.
I think I'll see how lablgtk and lablgl work later tonight, I can live with software acceleration until it's done
Try zoggy or its successor.
gotta cook. *wave*
or maybe going with sdl would be a better choice