I like a more random approach to compute PI. Draw equidistant lines and drop a pin on it randomly. By counting the times it crosses a line or not you can compute PI.
is it that site where you are supposed to "break" into pages ?
to pass levels ?
mrvn_: m and n are ints. always
taw: yep
RichiH: Then you have to convert them to float for the result and you are limited to 31 Bit number of tries.
Better make them float all the way.
* taw
wonders why nobody is dividing by monte carlo
computationaly division is harder than pi
how big can get numbers in ocaml, anyway?
RichiH: 31 default
use Int64 if you want more
RichiH: 31 or 63 Bit deending on your cpu.
athlon xp
and suns at the university
aren't they 15 on windoze for compatibility with the rest of stuff ?
and a p1 133 in my laptop
I had some problems showing code at university that run perfectly at home. I have 63 Bit, uni has only 31. :(
mrvn_: now that is great...
how could i test that?
RichiH: Uni has cheap PCs. I have an Alpha.
just do (x:int64);; ?
alphas are nice
Its Int64 and you can't calculate them as with ints.
people have alphas at home ?
that's unfair ;)
let n = Int64.from_int 0 in Int64.add n 1;;
hmm, its not from_int
# let n = Int64.from_int 0 in Int64.add n 1;;
Unbound value Int64.from_int
you are supposed to use .zero and .one
* RichiH
has a syntax error coming
# let n = ref 0;
let m = ref 0;
let pi = ref 0.0;
let monte_carlo_pi (x, y) =
n <- n + 1;
if ignore (inside (x, y)); true then m <- m + 1
pi <- 4 * m * n ;;
Syntax error
the "<-" after pi
this is so unfunctional
* RichiH
tries to hide behind his brick
taw: fell free to chew me out. i can only learn from it
RichiH: pi := 4. *. (float_of_int m) /. (float_of_int n);;
i need to break the old habits asap
"if ignore (inside (x, y)); true" also amkes no sense
what would you use instead?
if inside (x,y) then
Your code looks if x,y is inside, throws that away and uses true for the if.
mrvn_: getting to the floats: you would propose using floats because they can have more than 31 bit, right?
or are there any other reasons i should know about?
RichiH: and since you need float for a division.
Otherwise PI equals 3
You multiply by 4 and its signed so its only 28 Bits for n.
Thats 500 million points or 22360*22360 points.
Thats probably good for 3 or 4 digits.
500 million random numbers seems a lot to me
If at all
* RichiH
yearns for his database languages ;)
Thats about 10 seconds to a minute on your pc.
or less if the optimiser is good.
let monte_carlo_pi (x, y) =
n <- n + 1;
if inside (x, y) then m <- m + 1
pi := 4. *. (float_of_int m) /. (float_of_int n);;
Syntax error
at ";;"
and ; after m:=m+1
# let monte_carlo_pi (x, y) =
n := n + 1;
if inside (x, y) then m := m + 1;
pi := 4. *. (float_of_int m) /. (float_of_int n);;
This expression has type int ref but is here used with type int
!m and !n
have you ever trued ledit ?
if not yet, then do not ever do it
let countpi rounds =
let rec countpi_aux n m = function
0 -> 4.0 *. (float_of_int n) /. (float_of_int m)
| r -> let x = Random.float 1.0 and y = Random.float 1.0 in
if (x*.x +.y*.y) < 1.0 then countpi_aux (n+1) (m+1) (r-1)
else countpi_aux n (m+1) (r-1)
in countpi_aux 0 0 rounds
this is nice functional code
# let monte_carlo_pi (x, y) =
n := !n + 1;
if inside (x, y) then m := !m + 1;
pi := 4. *. (float_of_int m) /. (float_of_int n);;
This expression has type 'a * 'b but is here used with type int
look at my code ;)
it is nicer
i am
and functional
with tail recursion, no refs
i am trying to grok it, atm :)
you use it:
countpi 100000;;
let countpi rounds =
let rec countpi_aux n m = function
0 -> 4.0 *. (float_of_int n) /. (float_of_int m)
| r -> let x = Random.float 1.0 and y = Random.float 1.0 in
it looks even nicer, but many people can't stand valued if ;)
hmm, countpi 100000000000000000;; wasn't a good idea, probably
* taw
thinks so too ;)
if you want fast results there are algorithms which are milion times faster
in fact with completely different complexity
RichiH: shoudln't compile
* RichiH
doesn't care about fast results
all i want to do is get the right way of thinking into my brain
taw: Do you know a digit dropping algorithm?
mrvn_: i ctrl-c'ed it
# countpi 1000000;;
- : float = 3.13922
mrvn_: i know it exists but i don't remember exact formula
one digit.
huh ?
two !
0.0 to 4.0
100 times that and you might get another
# countpi 1000000;;
- : float = 3.140732
taw: that's why it's called monte carlo :)
3.1 is one digit after the .
Also the random isn't very good.
mrvn_: but what we are counting is whole 3.... not only after-digit
# countpi 10000000;;
- : float = 3.1413564
4 digits
RichiH: anyway, learn always to use tail recursion, and never refs
Try going from y=1 downto y=0, calculate the x*y=1 and add x * dy to m and dy to n.
mrvn_: i counted pi that way !
in increments of dy
i was a child then and used pascal ;)
i was damn proud that i found out that formula by myself hehe
As far as counting goes thats a very good method.
how old i was ... 14 ?
* RichiH
found out about 1+2+...(n-1)+n = (1+n)*n/2 (for n mod 2 = 0, else (1+n-1)*n/2+n) out in grundschule :)
I like the geometric way: Start with a six sided polygon of radius 1. Each side has length one. Half the side and draw a line from the center of length one through that. Connect the spikes and you have a 12 sided polygon.
mrvn_: that would be my approach, too
Its quite fast but you need to compute roots.
syntax error: "fast" and "to compute roots" in one sentence
You can also calculate the arcus tangens of a small angle. We know that tan Pi/4 = 1 and theres a formula relating tan a and tan 2a.
calculate "arctan" isn't really fast way either
Also theres a series which sum gives the arcus tangens of x which converges realy fast for small x.
or you could just go to this 3.141[...].jp site :)
taw: The series contains x, x^2, x^3, x^4, x^5. If x <0.1 you gain a digit accuracy with each elemnt of the series.
RichiH: you need it why ?
taw: university
we have ocaml course here too
ocaml is quite neat
only i don't really understand it, yet
first few weeks consist of brainwa^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hshowing us paradigm of functional programming
^H is traditional espace code of backspace ;)
we have to write ton of stuff using the only true functional way
later, we will go back to real life ;)
ok, i can see why your approach is better than mine (i think), but i still need to finish this according to specs
* RichiH
the copy and paste actually substituted characters!
let root3 a =
let rec root3_aux a x e =
if (abs_float ((x*.x*.x) -. a) <= e *. abs_float (a)) then
root3_aux a (x +. (((a /. (x *. x)) -. x)/.3.0)) e
in root3_aux a (if a >= 1.0 then (a /. 3.0) else a) (1e-15)
one of tons of tasks we had to do the only true way
that looks... nice... ;)
this one is searching for third root of number
# let foo x = x**2;;
This expression has type int but is here used with type float
i know what you mean, but every x _needs_ an y
thus the tupel
RichiH: just because it looks like coordinate doesn't mean it should be used
tuple is expensive to make
engstad has joined #ocaml
it is made in some evil place in memory
then pointer passed
instead of 2 simple pushes
for this function, they are always tupel and we are required to write it with tupels
you are required to write it with tuples, refs etc ?
this does not follow the one true way
not with refs, but with tupels
i included your solution and will ask them why i should use their way
i'll tell them you two own them at ocaml
* taw
lovez to ownz people
who doesn't?
I hardly ever use tuples
well, i need more than 3 hours sleep once a week, so i will go off now
tuples are useful mainly for polimorphic constructors
* RichiH
will add #ocaml to his standard channels
using them for function is preverted :)
oh, and for multivariable matches
well yeah
darn, just seen some really huge spider here
for a moment i thought it was a mouse :)
is it related to chernobyl somehow ?
attack of the polish killer spiders from outta space
oh and now that someon's awake, have you used steams for parsing any taw?
parsing ?
you mean ocamlyacc ?
i only use lex/yacc for parsing
there's a Stream module, it's a camlp4 language extension
now where did this m*f* go
it looks like I should be using it for my problem but I don't really know how :\
why can't you use yacc ?
yacc is overkill
* RichiH
what I have is a string in the form of standard command line arguments, like "-y -m 300 -d "some string"", and I need to parse that into an array of each word
* RichiH
also hugs mrvn_ and taw
simply splitting by whitespace doesn't handle quoted strings, so I can't do that
a character based stream seems like the best way to do this because it's not that complicated
whee: maybe use just lex ?
if you can write non-recursive def lex is enough
seems like overkill though, and I'd like to learn streams
no it's not
I just can't find good examples :\
it may seem like one, but it's not
is it easy to do this in lex?
very easy
RichiH has quit ["mv /dev/richih /usr/home/bed"]
rule token = parse
[^ "']+ {WORD (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)}
| "[^"]+" {WORD (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)}
syntax of rx is somewhat different
but you get the idea
so it's just a bunch of regular expressions that handle state
state ?
what state :)
you don't need any
you can write rx for "argument"
and another for "whitespace"
and that's all
by state I mean what it's parsing at the moment, the meaning of it
more or less
fuck, here it is
the 3vil spider
and i don't have anything to kill it
I usually torture insects that get in my room :|
it's damn too big
put it in a jar and put that in the freezer
the world is safe again
* taw
has to go to bed now
i hope no more evil spiders will come
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On my Debian system, Flash movies have the sound going several times faster than it is supposed to. Anyone have a quick fix? I'm playing them under Mozilla.
Oops, should have said that to #debian.
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Hello Could anybody help me a bit on how to compile OCaml to native code on Windows?
lka - yes.
I have Visual Studio so I think it's linker is fine but what about the assembler?
its, and I don't understand your question.
Ok, I understand I need to have MS Assembler in order to compile to native code
Assembler is not included in Visual Studio
Sorry, I assumed that you wanted help with compiling with OCaml's native-code compiler, since compiling ocaml to other-than native code seems to be the only way to compile it.
lka - I don't know what Visual Studio is. You might want to get cygwin instead.
Hmmmm, seams we are crossing lines ... let me try to put it simpler
Working on Windows 2000, how am I to compile OCaml source to produce an exe?
You use OCaml, of course.
OCaml produce byte-code, doesn't it?
Yes, it does. It also produces native-code.
Byte-code to exe needs assembler and linker
lka - your last statement is wrong on many levels.
TachYon25 has joined #ocaml
lka - ignoring it, I'll say that if you have the OCaml native-code-compiler, then all you have to do is understand its usagew.
is it ocamlopt?
lka - I, for instance, have both byte-code compiler and a native-code compiler versions of OCaml; I don't know if the native-code compiler has been ported to Win32.
lka - yes, I think so.
it is
no need for the Miscrosoft Assembler and Linker?
no need
Ok, fine Thanks ayrnieu and gl
Sorry guys but just found something that proves your are a bit mistaken
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finally, camlp4 is back in the makefiles
I can go back to using cvs now heh
war over ?
doubt it
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heh I couldnt figure out how to use ocamllex/ocamlyacc if my life depended on it
this oreilly book seems to be good but I'd be better off with the finished source to this basic parser than whatever they have now ;\
I can'tseem to put all the pieces together correctly
define your types in a file (ast.mli for example), then you must define a function witch associate a token to a regexp (lexer.mll), and a function witch will create you abstract syntax tree (parser.mly)
I don't get the first part
I thought I define types of all important things in the mly
it's not clean
The lexer needs types from the parser and the parser from the lexer if you don#t put your types into another file.
right but I don't get what defining types will get me
I mean I don't know what I mean
If you don#t needs your own types then don#t.
the only example I have that I understand is the calculator one in the ocaml manual, which is too simple
the one in the oreilly book seems like spaghetti
whee: i can paste you a part of some files, if you want