the depth at any node is simply the higher depth of its two children, plus one
* RichiH
doesn't understand that one
"higher depth"?
node -> node -> node -> atom == depth of 4
larger, longer, whatever
erm wait I think I confused myself on your data type
it's basically a tree
nothing else
either, i got two branches going further down or i got an Atom, meaning some kind of data
well if you have a node in a tree (let's assume this node is the root), the depth of the tree starting from that node is the depth of the children
the higher depth of all the trees starting from that first node
I think this works :|
* whee
draws pictures
* RichiH
isn't entirely sure we are talking about the same type of data structure
just a binary tree, right?
a binary tree can have data in it's nodes, too. but apart from that, yes
this might be off by one somewhere but it looks good to me
i can't put it into code, though
# let rec isBalanced arg = match arg with
that will only say it's balanced when x equals y
looks like it works, also looks a little wasteful
wouldn't be |x-y|<=1 better?
looking at the one I just pasted?
if the trees have the same depth, it may or may not be balanced, so we check the subtrees
it's only not balanced if the depth of one side is unequal to the depth of the other
but as i said ealier, a difference of one will still be balanced
really? hrmf
so is |x-y|<=1 the right thoing to do?
* RichiH
can't type any more
that's the easy way to fix it
attempting to find existing code that does this
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whee: so, you got any further leads?
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guess ;)
my damn balance
I can't find any examples
* RichiH
couldn't, either
which is odd
it seems that most algorithms just make sure the thing's balanced when it inserts
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ok, i am done for today...
i just can't get it to work
i need to sit down and do hours and hours and hours of ocaml tutorials
but not today
that's reserved for the weekend
whee: thanks again and cu
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hi All!!!
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??? all dead?
yes, we`re all dead, decomposing corpses with our pale, white heads lying in our keyboards and flys circling us ;|
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nobody had started Generic Security Service (GSS) API for OCaml? :-)
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damn, got disconnected
so, nobody did GSS API for caml? :-)
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I'm a beginner (and begginer) in the world of FP...
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I'm searching for a good FL to learn... :) I'm still undecided which is the best to start with
I've seen so far: Ml, Mercury, Haskell, OCaml, Erlang
can anyone here help me?
on what you want to do with it
ie why you want to learn it
mhm just for fun???
I started with haskell... I like it but it has some strange syntax in some places imho
well the languages, and the learning experience they give, would have different advantages
I like much ML it's neat... but it doesn't have OO (afaik) and I don't like it's type definition system
for the pure learning experience of the functional, mathematical paradigm - scheme or, when you want something statically-typed, haskell would be best
Erlang seems good too... and it seems to be used in real projects
no I don't want anything that's lisp/scheme like
if you want something practical, either erlang or ocaml would be best imho - ocaml even more, as it has oop
and ( relatively ) lots of libraries
kenpex - Erlang is lisp/scheme like, in many ways if not in syntax.
and I want to learn something that could be usefull too... Haskell is good but it isn't used much in real-world apps
as I said
is OcaML - ML compatible???
i would recommend ocaml for that
no its not compatible to standard ml
but very similar
kenpex - if you mean 'Standard ML', of course not. This is a FAQ.
I have to admit though, I don`t know much about mercury, so I can`t say much about it
mhm is there a doc that explains the differences between OcaML and SML? I already know SML (a bit) this would save me some time
O'Caml and Erlang and Haskell and Mercury and SML are good for real-world apps, and any of them would be a fine place to start (I have a slight preference for Erlang, but you needn't).
Mercury seems to be good, but I don't like its syntax it seems to be confusing to me
well you could just start reading the ocaml docs at the ocaml hp
otherwise, I don`t know
ayrnieu: O'Caml and SML seems to have the faster compilers btw...
sml is nice too, but it lacks oop support
the only thing that I really don't like about O'Caml
persnally, I think sml is quite a bit 'cleaner' in many regards, but also quite lacking
is that it seems too much "imperative" to me...
kenpex - O'Caml and Erlang (I'm not familiar with SML compilers) both have very fast compilers. Haskell and Mercury both have much slower compilers.
you can do very functional coding in ocaml
many examples are imperative, many sources are done using imperative stuff
some things are just easier to do in an imperative matter
and the ocaml attitude to things is to use the right method for each problem
kenpex - read the O'Caml ORA book (online at www.ocaml.org). This should give you a better idea of how 'imperative' O'Caml is and isn't.
ie where imperative is better / more natural, use that, where functional is cleaner use that etc
ayrnieu: I'll try it
yes I know that imperative can be good
ML itself supports imperative stuff
but you can also write (almost) purely functional programs in ocaml, too
but it seems that it doesn't promote this stuff so much as O'Caml
or mabye it's only that the ML tutorials that I found are 100% FP, while most O'Caml tutorials are mixed
but if you want that, I think maybe haskell (or clean) would be the better place to start
MegaWatS: Is haskell "more functional" than ML??? I think that U can translate Haskell->ML quite easily
(kenpex - from your position of ignorance, the best direction to move in is *anywhere else*.)
they also have much more efficient, terse syntax (especially tailored towards it) for purely functional programming
kenpex - Haskell is purely functional.
haskell is PURELY functional - you can`t have any sideeffects
ie it is lazy
megawats - well, you can in a way; Haskell programs modify the state of the universe in-place =)
yep I know that haskell is purely functional, but it seems to me that the functional part of ML is much like haskell
of course
I need a good FP tutorial for O'Caml to make my mind :)))
Erlang is the most dynamic of all the languages under discussion -- but if your distate for Lisp goes deeper than syntax, you may not appreciate that.
but haskell`s (admittedly, very unusual and requiring of shedding old habits) very terse syntax, and pureity make it more tailored towards pure fp
kenpex - get the ORA book off www.ocaml.org
ie, things like list comprehension
ayrnieu: no I only dislike lisp syntax... :)
ayrnieu: I'm going to get it
kENpEX, you know lisp's syntax is there for a deeper reason, dont you?
mega - it's a bit silly to say that Haskell's syntax requires "shedding old habits". What habits do you mean?
"and pureity"
mega - err, I take that back. I won't say that saying that is silly until I know what you mean =)
it is dependant on indendation
megawats - no it isn't.
which is very unfamiliar looking to many people
ayrnieu: can't find that book in the "books" section...
well, you CAN use haskell in non-indendation dependand mode, but that is not the usually preferred method
megawats - hm, OK. The idiom is to use Haskell's 'offside rule' which allows you to use indentation instead of braces and the like, and I suppose that this may be momentarily confusing.
kenpex - it's there.
well I just think, haskell looks very strange and unfamiliar to the unschooled eye
it takes a while getting used to for people coming from C / C++ / pascal / ...
mega - all languages look strange and unfamiliar to the unschooled eye; this is why you school your eyes.
ayrnieu: U mean the oreilly's book???
kENpEX: yes
mega - but yes, I suppose that the majority of programmers come from C and similarly syntaxed languages.
ayrnieu: whereas languages like ml, I think, will offer more things someone like that can find familiar
kenpex - there's a link on the right side (under the Documentation section) named "O'Rielly book". http://caml.inria.fr/oreilly-book/
I mean differences like between sometzhing [ excuse if this is not exactly valid haskell syntax, it`s been a while ] [ x | x <- y : x > 2 ] versus List.filter (( <= ) 2) y
You probably mean [x | x <- y, x > y], but OK.
ayrnieu: kk found... I didn't understand what U meant with "ORA"
kenpex - oh, sorry.
the former will just look like line noise to someone who doesn`t know what it`s supposed to mean, whereas he can make a guess about the latter
ayrnieu: yes. as I said, it`s been quite a while since I last used haskell :)
mega - these are, nonetheless, poor reasons for someone admittedly interested in learning a language to avoid Haskell =)
I did not offer them as reasons why haskell is bad
I just said that, if he finds haskell syntax too unfamiliar for his tastes, that maybe ml`s will be more familiar
many FP languages tend to be very terse... terse is good but some languages are just weird... I like haskell and ML because their syntax is familiar, math-like
heh :)
mega - OK. My position, by contrast, is that unfamiliarity is nearly an advantage =)
and I find ML better than Haskell when it comes to the syntax
ayrnieu, actually, I agree
kk now I'll read that book
I just offered that expanding on a question / comment that was already there
kenpex - have fun.\
if O'Caml is something like an "expanded" ML then it will be surely my choice
ah, OK.
ah the last thing
are there many compilers for O'Caml???
I`m not one to evangelize - if someone says he doesnt want to try language "X" because of synax, I`m not going to say "that is a bad reason" but "well, maybe language Y, which is still similar in other respects, might be more to your tastes"
I'm expecially interested into O'Caml->java bytecode or -> c ones
as far as I know there is only the one made by inria
also does O'Caml support parallel stuff??? (multithreading etc...)
kenpex - you probably only think that you're interested in the latter. O'Caml can compile to native code, to bytecode, or O'Caml can compile-on-the-fly (like Perl and Python and such).
ayrnieu: to its own bytecode U mean???
kenpex - be careful, though: parallelism is not concurrency.
kenpex - most byte compilers compile to their own bytecode :-/
ayrnieu: yep I know, but as I talked about java bytecode eralier there could be some confusion
kenpex - I don't know of an O'Caml compiler that produces JVM bytecode though, sorry.
* ayrnieu
ayrnieu: there are many FP languages that compile -> java bytecode too
kenpex - OK.
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what's the difference between let sum a b=a+b and let sum = function a -> function b -> a+b in O'Caml??? Can't understand it
kenpex - there's no difference.
ayrnieu: ok, fine :)
ayrnieu: do U belive that the O'Caml compiler can generate better code (==faster) than MLton with a pure-functional input???
I've seen some benchmarks of O'Caml between Erlang, ML or Haskell... but they always used imperative programming for O'Caml
kenpex - I've not been interested enough in SML to care about its performance, sorry. I haven't heard anything about MLton's comparative runtime efficiency.
kenpex - that's probably because the O'Caml was optimized for the task, and because the task was created in the context of imperative programming languages.
if I am thinking about the right compiler right nw, wasnt mlton that one that created incredibly efficient code, btu wasn`t quite standards compliant because it evaluated curried function applications in the wrong order?
or am I thinking about the wrong one?
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MegaWatS: MLton is really fast, is the most optimizing ML compiler around... but I don't know of this bug
I'm learning O'Caml... :) It seems that the functional part of the language is very close to ML... that's fine
I wonder why they changed some little details... like anonymous function syntax, function declaration and stuff like that
they didnt "change" it
standard ml wasn`t around yet when ocaml was ivnented
I see
mhm, but the home says that OCamls descends from ML
kenpex - yes. You are very consistent in your mis-use of ML to mean SML.
well I know SML... what is ML???
What SML standardized, and what O'Caml is based on =)
also, ml is these days usually used to refer to the whole family of languages mostly, including sml and ocaml
what both of them derive from, I should say.
kenpex - ML was originally a theorem-proving language, I think.
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