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anyone know about an interface mismatch problem when trying to compile camlp5 with ocaml 3.10.2? I get the same problem (Error while loading "./pa_lispr.cmo": interface mismatch on MLast.) with both camlp5 5.08 and 5.09
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i seem to have a type error beginning in line 17 here that i dont know how to's only a "type" error so i figured somebody more experienced in ocaml could see it:
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Palace_Chan: what's the (x y z) notation you use in lines 17-20?
my guess is that it should be a list construction similar to other cases in the match
so yes, the other cases in the match are one, the diff is i give more than one there
but the error i get when i compile
is strange, it says: File "", line 40, characters 26-31:
Syntax error
first of all, that's not a type error
but i then added
and as I already said, there isn't such notation in ocaml
(as in the lower match cases)
that gives me: This expression has type 'a list but is here used with type X86lite.LInsn.t
could you paste the version you're currently working with? that would help a lot.
which confuses me because apparently the overall return type is a list type
the first three cases in your match don't have a type of 'a list
hmm which is what i apparently should be getting, you mean they need :: too ?
although at the end of the match there is a ::
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if I understood correctly, your match looks like this:
i started getting that problem when i added the matches with more than one line today
LInsn.Add (esp, CImm 4l) :: ( the match ) :: :: accum_r
neverminf the double ::.
well, you know x::xs is a 'a list
true, so that is why i added :: to the match cases with more than one line
but you can't use 'a list in the position of x
wrong, the whole match should have type X86lite.LInsn.t
ohh, i have to use @ ?
no, your match shouldn't be of type list at all
otherwise the latter :: doesn't make any sense
then there would be no way of getting those multi-lined match cases
there is.
turn the last :: into @
and surround any non-list cases in match with either [ ] or add ::[] after them
so like line 17 for example ?
what's with line 17?
ah surrounding with [] last :: do you mean the last one in the multi-Insn cases ?
no, the one that is :: accum_r
non-list cases would be those like line 9 ?
yes, just turn them into one-element lists
let me give that a try
a saner option is to surround them with [...], a future-proof version (in case you'd want to add more instructions to them) is to add ::[] after
by the way, you miss that [] in multi-instruction cases too
remeber :: is 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list
right, so a multiline needs [ and ] at the end with , separating the elements i guess
see, there are several ways to define a list
[1;2;3] is the most common
what you're trying to do is 1::2::3::[]
which is also possible
oh semicolons..oops
do you study at penn?
thanks for the help, yea
I wish we also had some ocaml courses here.
it's not an ocaml course (which is why you can see how my ocaml SUUUCKS)
it seems pretty nice but i need to actually try and learn it a bit more as in itself so i could appreciate it more (so far inrias manual has been all)
well, it's probably some compiler course, but you seem to be forced to use ocaml for X86Lite stuff
yes indeed, its a compiler course
wow it compiled
took me a while to get use to ocaml least less confused with stuff like 'a -> ('a -> 'b -> 'a list) -> 'a * 'a -> 'b etc....
they torture as with java here :(
for compiler writing ?
as if.
just stupid java.
well, ocaml's type system is pretty much usual algebraic stuff.
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lol java, at the moment i have a much much harder time using ocaml than even C but i can see how its pretty neat if i had some more time to learn it properly
that's the point
when I started learning ocaml, I was quite familiar with C and sometimes ocaml made me cry
but nowadays I just can't do java properly -- it misses just everything! where's currying? higher-order functions? closures?
they "taught" us ocaml in a day so i feel like im still hacking my way around it...i even feel happy when i go back to double pointers, pthreads and forking compared to not even understanding syntax errors
did you use any resources aside the manual and stdlib to learn ocaml ?
but the bonus is, that once you fix your type errors you have very high chances that your code will work properly
hmm, I think I used my teacher a bit
we had an ocaml course in secondary school
yea i guess, ill have to learn it some more as soon as i get rid of this compiler course
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so the initial stuff - like understanding its type system and functional languages as a whole -- wasn't from a book for me
functional languages as a's a leap from the usual way of thinking in C family and java and those
like 2 weeks ago i would be in here asking about those 'a -> 'b -> etc.. chains
yeah, and I'm thankful this leap was done pretty early and having some people to talk to about those matters.
functional programming is a bit difficult to master if you're used to C, but then you'll miss every feature of it in an imperative language
when we were studying ocaml, we often wrote the program in C and then translate it to ocaml
that's weird
then we started learning java and tried to do the opposite, which was much more painful
translate ocaml into java?
strange, like OO ocaml into java at least ?
I just can't get why do you need an explicit for loop if all you want is to print out your array's elements.
Java was designed with the mindset that starting with C++ and removing features would result in a more useful language
I don't mean literate translation, it's just that it's easier to think in functional programming for me these days
and since C++ doesn't have a way to distinguish automatically between a pointer and an array...
easier ? interesting, as im new to ocaml it still sorta blows my mind...but mostly syntax wise for now since im so new to it
ozy`: decided to hide pointers.
olegfink: and it didn't occur to its designers that that was the perfect opportunity to introduce useful array-specific syntax
aight, it's like 5 am, thanks for the help ill go sleep a bit
because after all, the main goal was to remove features
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(at least, to remove language features, not implementation features)
see, people still prefer C with GObject for OOP
this pretty much proves that java has failed to be useful
coding mainly in java now, I still can't understand how it's possible
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why C with GObject rather than C++ ?
speaking of which, does ocamljava has the ability to call java methods?
Palace_Chan: _I_ have no idea. I tried to speak to some developers, they say it's more useful.
I've never heard of GObject
C with GObject than C++ ? interesting
i wonder why
ozy`: it's cfront take #2
another set of preprocessor macros to add classes to C
olegfink: never heard of cfront either...
don't worry though, I looked up GObject :p
cfront was the first implementation of what became C++
it was a preprocessor emitting C
anyways gnight
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GObject is pretty much the same, unportable (it sort of works only with GCC), not even having its own preprocessor (uses cpp)
I knew that C++ used to emit C
but not what it was called in those days
the question of the day is, why do they had to stay with C syntax?
so the usual code in GObject looks like: