"OCaml Meeting 2009 has been announced. It will be held on February 4, 2009, in Grenoble, France."
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I am getting frustrated with tuareg mode. Is there a workaround not to kill and launch interactive mode every time I want to eval buffer? If I only eval the buffer things start to be a little wild, sometimes functions are in old versions etc. Is there something like load-file from any other emacs mode?
well, I imagine it would be relatively easy to write a function that kills the eval buffer, creates a new one and the evaluates the current buffer?
I am trying to do it right now but I don't know elisp good enough
but beacuse there isn't one and no one cares you must have some other way to work with interactive mode
Yoric[DT]: I was going to add --with-godi, but I see you have also fiddled with configure.ac
do you need something for this release?
_zack: yeah, I'd like someone to strangle the authors of autotools.
common feeling :)
anyhow, note that configure.ac does not end up in released tarball
I've been on this since yesterday.
It does not?
no, because you don't want the user to have installed autoconf
you, as the author, only release ./configure
That, for sure.
can I implement --with-godi? then in the release note you can just tell "if you want to use GODI, just pass that flag to ./configure"
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But there's no harm in having configure.ac, too.
Is there?
foo__, Have you tried Eclipse + OcaIDE ?
Well, if you insist :)
well, usually it is not there, but I agree that there is no harm
Yoric[DT]: :)
* _zack
dig into configure.ac
Does anyone know how I can do a simple replacement with sed?
sed 's/simple/replacement/g'
That is replacement without regular expressions.
In that case, I need
simple: quote the data ;)
sed 's/A/$(B)/g'
where B is given by the user and may contain arbitrary characters.
I don't know of such way
perl maybe?
I'd write this with OCaml Batteries Included, but I can't do that here.
plain ocaml then?
Yoric[DT]: done, brief list of changes
- if --with-godi is passed you get a @HAS_GODI@ variable set to yes in Makefile.in
(or wherever is subject to AC_CONFIG_FILES substitution
I've re-enabled --with-docroot (I need it into Debian), if passed it overrides --with-godi
I'm not sure if the value of DEFAULT_DOCDIR in the GODI case is the correct one though
you have to check that
It seems correct.
ok, I'm just scared by the fact that it is a relative path
Yoric[DT]: if you need something else just shout, I'm sorry to have you waste time dueto an implementative choice of mine :) (good old damned autoconf)
Well, sorry to have us waste time due to autoconf.
* Yoric[DT]
starts to believe in dumping autoconf before going to version 2.
as you wish, to me is not that a waste of time because in the end I've learned to tame the beast, but if it is for all you other I understand the choice
Well, we have lots of time until version 2.
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_zack: as you may see, I've reverted generation of config.ml to the Makefile.
That was necessary to get everything expanded properly.
(and it's in accordance to the documentation of autotools)
what was not expanded?
(and yes, I didn't notice that, sorry)
uhm, my Makefile.in is not aware of the fact that you are generating config.ml using it :)
Yoric[DT]: any chance of making [make instdoc] -> [make install-doc]
Well, mine is.
thelema: I can do that.
Yoric[DT]: no push?
Not yet.
ah, then the question stands: what wasn't expanded?
thelema: done
_zack: DOCDIR
it should be expanded
It ended up with 'let documentation_root = "${prefix}/... "'
Well, not according to the documentation of autotools.
ah, I fear a clash with a built-in variable
Yoric[DT]: merci
thelema: un plaisir
just rename DOCDIR to DOCROOT or something
_zack: According to them, this kind of stuff should be generated by the Makefile.
anyhow, here I see no ${prefix} in documentation_root
anyhow, the DOCDIR variable I defined was not meant to be the legacy one, but our own variable, and it can be definetly expanded at configure time
That was when I changed DEFAULT_DOCDIR to comply with the the autotools's variable.
Oh, that's legacy?
I don't think so, but if you go for DOCROOT it will work for sure
Well, too late, I guess.
Do you think I should revert?
I don't know the current state of your configure.ac
but anyhow just find something which work
we will clean up after alpha2
just beware that I've pushed the change of --with-godi
(as announced above)
FWIW, in the version I've pushed, DOCDIR is expanded properly without any ${prefix}, at least not here
Ok, I'm starting to get confused.
OK, RSET, I've a proposal
Yes ?
I can just commit ./configure to git (and remote its entry from .gitignore)
this way you need not to invoke autoconf in general, and just use the last ./configure I've generated
Let me think a second.
rationale: I know the ./configure I've does work
Well, yes, but does it work with GODI?
I've just realized that my latest GODI package shouldn't work.
you just have to tell me which values need to end up in config.ml/Makefile
actually, you can check by yourself, just running ./configure
well, ./configure --with-godi
Ok, but that needs for me to find out more about GODI configuration.
Ok, but that needs for me to find out more about GODI packaging, that is.
ah, that I cannot save it from :)
Until now, I was working by applying a patch to Makefile.
ah, urgh, /me didn't know that
If everything has moved to configure.ac, I need to find out how to pass options to ./configure.
or, you can tell me what the patch did, and I'll figure out how to mimic it from configure.ac
(just to save some headaches, if possible)
Well, I'm starting to get dizzy from too much fighting against autotools.
But essentially, it does the following
* add a dependency of [install-doc] (formerly [instdoc]) in target [all]
* change the default docdir
(that's probably it)
ok, then:
1) can be done in Makefile.in, with an ifeq(@HAS_GODI@,yes)
(which is what I do)
2) I don't see why it is needed, if godi users are required to pass --with-godi, then the docdir will be ok in Makefile already (by substitution from Makefile.in)
Yeah, but I still don't know how to pass --with-godi.
That was the whole problem.
It's certainly not possible with godiva.
it is already implemented in the change I pushed 10 minutes ago
No, I don't know how to pass --with-godi *from GODI*.
if you pull (conflicts permitting) you alreayd have a ./configure accepting --with-godi
I know it does.
is there anyway to recognize ./configure is being called form GODI?
an environment variable, anything
if there is, I can look for it in configure and autodetect the --with-godi flag
That's the problem, I don't think there's any.
I'll check further.
at worst we can have the GODI DOCDIR as the default default (pun), and everybody else is required to use --with-docdir
Well, actually, there's a simple solution.
Embed a patch to configure.
(in the GODI package, that is)
Something which will trigger --with-godi.
it is enough as simply as adding HAS_GODI=yes after the first line of ./configure
unless, ... wait a sec, let me check
nope, that doesn't work, I'll figure out an easy alternative
Ok, I think I've found how to do that.
I mean passing an argument to configure.
ah, cool
still, let me make a fix to configure.ac
then you can revert your changes to configure.ac and rely on HAS_GODI=yes in Makefile.in (rather than on INSTALLATION)
Yoric[DT]: what should be the default docroot when GODI is *not* enabled? your configure.ac used DOCROOT, but it is undefined there
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(that's the only missing bit)
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The way I've found to pass an argument to configure is annoying, though.
So if you have a way which relies only on arguments inside the Makefile, I'd prefer.
Why shouldn't the default docroot be the default directory supplied by autotools ?
I don't understand that.
ah ok, that's fine
how to I tell ocamlbuild to ignore one directory (containintg c++ files and .so) in my source tree ?
Don't [include] it?
Yoric[DT]: I've just pushed the other fixes, I'll look for how to patch easily configure
munga: did you add a tag to include that directory?
_zack: ok.
I think it complains just because there are .so that are result of a separate compilation process.
* Yoric[DT]
will take a break.
* Yoric[DT]
is too irritated by autotools.
Yoric[DT]: no, there are no tags that are related to that directory...
Yoric[DT]: is it possible to easily pass arguments to "make" with GODI?
_zack: well, it's possible to easily patch Makefile.in .
Yoric[DT]: right, so the solution you want is filling DOCDIR with a Makefile.in
"with a patch to Makefile.in" sorry
Ah, ok.
deal? :-)
That and the Makefile.in target.
(to add [install-doc] in [all])
Yeah, deal :)
Makefile.in target can be that or the ifeq, as you prefer
the ifeq is cleaner IMO
Than what?
than patching Makefile.in also to add the target
... from the command line is -X ... is there a directive in _tags to do the same thing ?
There's a tag [not_hygienic] which may help you.
Or [precious].
_zack: good with me.
_zack: should I wait for a push?
Yoric[DT]: I've already pushed, but Makefile.in still relies on INSTALLATION, give me another sec to port it to HAS_GODI
Yoric[DT]: pushed, actually, even DOCDIR is under HAS_GODI, so it is enough to set HAS_GODI = yes with your patch
* Yoric[DT]
has network problems.
Test in progress, results in about 20 minutes.
* Yoric[DT]
is taking that time to read about lambdas in C++.
The result is... humorous.
not_hygienic did the trick
thanks :)
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Test failed, fixing, trying again...
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It worked!
congrats ;)
Now, I'll need to blog about it.
* Yoric[DT]
suddenly feels tired.
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I surrender, types with -rectypes are too annoying
camarade_tux, what did you try to use them for?
(especially when you're looking at code you haven't touched in months)
camarade_tux, wanted to avoid intermediate constructors in recursive types?
(hmm, I guess that's the only use?-))
flux, I was using my patricia tree in another program
ahahaha I'm trying to do the exercises in Essentials of Programming Languages but in OCaml
and it is using rectypes
camarade_tux, hence everything you do must be rectypes?
flux, yep, it propagates
and the bad part is I can't remember why one type was like it was (* (string * 'a) where 'a was enough*)
I suppose rectypes is mostly useful for demo purposes..
and trees ;)
maybe it was more useful if it wasn't contagious
hmmm, actually it may be alright :)
the error I'm having is on a different line this time :)
it's still unreadable of course but that's an improvement still
could anyone please give me a brief rundown of tail recursion versus, er, not (tail recursion)?
as far as I know tail recursions are iterative loops written differently
filp has quit ["Bye"]
well there are different things but at least this : "A tail-recursive function uses constant stack space, while a non-tail-recursive function uses stack space proportional to the length of its list argument, which can be a problem with very long lists."
(now, really gone)
thanks Camarade_Tux :)
but that's just a quick beginning, I just don't have time for more :p
Are there any GODI users around here?
mfp: ping
Yoric[DT], for a few minutes
Camarade_Tux: not long enough.
(I just launched the new batteries)
(installation lasts 15+ minutes...)
Yoric[DT], hehe : gzip: /ocaml/build/distfiles//batteries-20081110.tgz: unexpected end of file
Yeah, there was an upload problem.
Re-uploading now...
Yoric[DT]: thanks for the release, good job!
Not quite done yet, obviously.
and the recursive type is fixed (but I'm so late)
well, we already have 3 downloads ;)
Something is wrong.
checksum fails
Still fails.
Well, let's re-upload everything.
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I don't get it.
I just don't get it.
Probably some cache on GODI's server.
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Yoric[DT]: Is the source fetched from a mirror that hasn't updated yet?
The problem is during mirror update.
(which is a mandatory step)
Not better.
could somebody please give me a hand with using pattern matching?
Camarade_Tux: working through the exercises of the first chapter of Essentials of Programming Languages to familiarize myself with pattern matching and recursion with OCaml
it's like using a cleaver to apply butter in this instance, I guess
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I would have said it's nonsensical, but anyway, what is the problem in eclipse ?
It compiles on save, but when I select the text, right click and select 'Load in Toplevel', attempting to execute, say, duple 5 6;; from the toplevel gives me a Unbound value duple error message
the code works if I type it into the toplevel and append ;; to the end
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and if you append ";;" at the end of the definition of duple, *in ocamlde* ?
Camarade_Tux: loading the code after appending ";;" to it in the text area still doesn't work
thanks anyway, I can live with this
* Camarade_Tux
just found again the code for the Obfuscated Code Contest were to be send to Pierre Weis
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I can justify sticking to the toplevel for now because I'm a beginner :V
here let me save you some aggravation
or ledit, but ledit needs some configuration first
thanks mbacarella :)
and thanks Camarade_Tux, this will come in handy when my machine arrives in 2 weeks :)
I must admit ledit vs. rlwrap is political ;)
rlwrap was just already installed here
rlwrap is better ;)
(I switched)
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line edit, by Daniel De Rauglaudre, it's written in ocaml (relies on camlp5) and achieves the same thing once configured
i can get rlwrap to segfault sometimes
flux, really ? what made you switch ?
camarade_tux, like ctrl-r?
well, readline is quite a complete readline-implementation..
ledit didn't work with some software, rlwrap seems to. it hasn't crashed for me yet, but it's written in C, so..
flux, I haven't used the toplevel since the new version of ledit came out and therefore have not configured ledit but I'm sure it can be configured for everything
and I too had problems with one or two programs with ledit (godi_console for instance iirc) but as long as works with ocaml, I'm happy with it
well, atleast ctrl-t works nowadays
^W doesn't, but if you say that it can be configured, I suppose it would work too
the manual page mentions nothing of rebindings keys
(ledit 1.11)
Camarade_Tux: I will :)
Asmadeus, biiiiiiiiip, I can't remember, can you confirm ^w, ^r, and so on can be configured in ledit ? :)
M-t doesn't work, C-t does
Yoric[DT], I'll maybe set you up an ssh access on 64 bit so you can test with godi or anything you want (I'm already doing that for Nightstrike : "<Nightstrike> I'm using the whole gcc farm right now, which is 38 cpu cores" ;p )
Camarade_Tux: that's nice, thanks.
flux, well, Asmadeus spent a lot more time on customizing ledit than I did (mostly because I'm a vim guy and he's an emacs one) so I can't tell you more
camarade_tux, in any case, the political reasons to prefer rlwrap don't affect me ;)
uh, to prefer ledit over rlwrap
Checksum problem again...
yoric[dt], what do you use for uploading?
The GODI administration tool.
I believe it has issues with two successive files having the same name but different checksums.
flux, rlwrap uses readline and it's because of readline's license that the corresponding capabilities are not available in 'ocaml' ;)
camarade_tux, yes, but if ocaml were to switch to use, say, libedit, I'd probably forget about rlrwap
but you're right, that's only political, nothing more (not like vim vs. the world which is just because vim is simply superior ...)
(iirc libedit was the name of a bsd-licensed libreadline-clone)
flux, just checked, right
If anyone wishes to implement a toplevel with built-in libedit, we're interested.
yoric[dt], wouldn't that mean batteries would have its own ocaml? or were you thinking pushing to upstream?
I'm trying to find the discussion that happened on the mailing-list about readline-capabilities
flux: actually, there's a hook to allow this in the toplevel.
So we don't need our own ocaml.
yoric[dt], oh, that's nice
so a function to call in place of simple input_line?
I suppose a decent first step would be to provide bindings for libedit, although ocaml toplevel would hardly require everything libread has
writing an interface to that all seems like a big task..
val read_interactive_input : (string -> string -> int -> int * bool) ref
camarade_tux, one issue comes to mind: the example refers to FILE*'s stdin, stdout, stderr..
wouldn't the ocaml toplevel only need a glue-library to provide, say, otel_init(), otel_get_line(), otel_add_line(), and otel_fini() ?
Yoric[DT], there you go, extracted and compiling (I'll leave my computer for a few minutes but that should be the time for ocamldoc to complete)
* mfp
$ locate histedit.h
flux, it is available on windows as far as I can tell
damn that sample code even compiles and runs
Yoric[DT], ok, thanks, I'll try that on tomorrow morning
Great :)
What do you intend to do?
7zip/lzma bindings, they're ready, except they need a better interface
You should get in touch with _zack, if you haven't done so yet.
He's our manager for (de)compression.
We also have a (temporary) common API.
For this purpose, you should read the documentation of module Compress.
ok, I'll take a look at the api and see with _zack :)
hmmm, do I have enough free ram to start a windows vm ?
oh, yeah, of course, I don't have 800MB in a tmpfs because of windows updates...
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ok seriously ocaml toplevel to libedit looks really easy to me
what's the catch?
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there's no catch. now, go do it :)
(but if you do find a catch, please do tell)
Yoric[DT]: worked
Camarade_Tux: what about you?
maybe i can convince my employer to let me work on it during work hours
good luck with that
Yoric[DT], just completed and working :)
\o/ again
ncurses compiling, I love slackware, when something doesn't build for windows, I can take the slackware build scripts, add --host=mingw32 to the configure invocation and everything works :)
* Yoric[DT]
will now take a long break.
yes, good night ;)
Tomorrow, I have to finish a paper which has been postponed too long because of Batteries.
what's the paper about? you might've mentioned, but..
(and, well, because I'm not motivated by research at the moment, thanks to my oh-so-motivating team)
flux: exception monad
(and I've next one in the series starting, with an attempt at types-and-effects in OCaml without monads)
yoric[dt], how's that going?
Camlp4 and needing to rewrite every single library.
how should I go about testing if a variable is an int?
Essentially :)
yoric[dt], so, piece of cake!
Kerris0 you don't.
Still, time for a break.
yoric[dt], well, job well done, you deserve some break ;)
(not forgetting the rest of the people involved in batteries, krhm ;))
Oh, forgot to announce on the OCaml mailing-list.
Kerris0, you can't test the type of a variable at runtime if that's what you're asking for
and, building for windows is not as easy as I first thought but it shouldn't be long either
crumbs, this is a new paradigm all right :D
kerris0, the first time you try to check if a value is an integer, it becomes one ;)
Kerris0, well, your variable has only one type anyway ;)
even if that type is "anytype"
hehe, [Godi-list] Checksum mismatch while building godi-batteries
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Camarade_Tux: gasp.
er, this may seem bizarre to you guys, but does this follow the OCaml school of though? http://pastebin.com/m13a43674
Yoric[DT], answered ;)
Kerris0: well, it's always going to return true, if that's the question.
ugh, it throws an exception rather than return false if I put in a float, that's not good :(
* Yoric[DT]
will now take that break.
kerris0, you would write it with 'function' instead
kerris0, let rec isInt = function 0 -> true | n when .. etc
thanks flux, I'll rewrite it now
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also, although this is may be a more subjective, I've always used lower_case_identifiers_with__'s in O'Caml
Kerris0, 'type entier_ou_flottant = I of int | F of float'
that's the most common way to mix different types
anyway, off for a while as I said
thanks Camarade_Tux
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hi, I'm trying to build janest-core using godi but I get an error. Googling for the solution I found that I need to downgrade bin-prot. How to do that?