flux changed the topic of #ocaml to: Discussions about the OCaml programming language | http://caml.inria.fr/ | Grab OCaml 3.10.2 from http://caml.inria.fr/ocaml/release.html (featuring new camlp4 and more!)
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<guyzmo> is there any utility/library that can be used to refactor and browse through ocaml code ? I'd like to integrate one in an IDE :)
<hcarty> grirgz: ocamlbuild should be useable in production - what are you looking for specifically?
<hcarty> guyzmo: Someone worked on something along those lines this past summer
<guyzmo> han
<guyzmo> lri is at my uni :)
<guyzmo> well that's true they love ocaml there :)
<guyzmo> hcarty - thank
<guyzmo> s
<hcarty> guyzmo: You are welcome
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<Palace_Chan> how can i fix my nested matches here ? i keep getting syntax error on line 17
<Palace_Chan> im not sure how to place the parens
<thelema> Palace_Chan: if you like, you can omit the ''' if you won't ever refer to the previous binding.
<thelema> i.e. let cxt = rev_is_of_ast ctx guard in ...
<Palace_Chan> lol yea, once it became ''' it looks a litle annoyingg
<thelema> let cxt = rev_il_of_ast cxt t in ...
<Palace_Chan> thing is, those match statements, since i have two in there the type checker is blasting me away
<thelema> but the parentheses balance for me.
<Palace_Chan> they balance, which is the weird part
<thelema> what editor do you use?
<thelema> If you use one with indenting, that's helped me solve your problem.
<thelema> Your last match | None -> faileith "chibiusa if2
<thelema> (ignore all the typos)
<thelema> as written, that goes with the "match l with | CImm i ->" matching
<thelema> do you have a type that's [CImm of int | None]?
<Palace_Chan> emacs with tuareg, yea i have terrible indenting there...yeah i want match #1 to be None failwith Some -> the let thinsg and then a match #2 Cimm do something or None failwith
<Palace_Chan> i have a CImm of int32 type
<Palace_Chan> hmm wait i see what you mean
<Palace_Chan> i guess my last None has to be _
<Palace_Chan> because CImm constructor is not an option type and has no None either
<Palace_Chan> i mean..the match for it
<thelema> if your type has one variant: CImm of int32, then you might want to use a let to get at i: let (CImm i) = l in (I think)
<thelema> but if that's the case, you probably really want a private type.
<Palace_Chan> im doing a match on l which is of a type defined: type operand | CImm of int32 | Svar of svar
<Palace_Chan> adding the _ seemed to do the trick...well at least compilation is reporting another type error now lol
<thelema> you should match both CImm and Svar, if those are the two possibilities.
<thelema> using | _ in your match may hide errors in the future.
<Palace_Chan> yea ur right, might as well failwith Svar than _
<Palace_Chan> wow the type checker loves to shrivel me up and toss me into the recycle bin.... only error reported for this line: { cxt''' with cg_retloc = (if ((Int32.compare i 0l) != 0) then rt else rf)
<Palace_Chan> is "this expression is not a function and cannot be applied"
<Palace_Chan> Int32.compare is the only function there..and it is a function
<thelema> you have (x) y somehow.
<Palace_Chan> (x) y somehow ?
<thelema> cxt with cg_retloc = if Int32.compare i 0l != 0 then rt else rf}
<thelema> yes, two expressions separated by a space.
<thelema> ocaml tries to use the first expression as a function and apply it to the second.
<Palace_Chan> which are my two expressions separated by a space ?
<thelema> you don't need any () in your expression above, only the {} around it.
<thelema> I don't see where.
<thelema> I don't see which two.
<Palace_Chan> hmm, although sometimes...particularly with the Some keyword i get errors when i dont use parens
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<thelema> Variant names bind pretty loosely, and associate left, which often isn't what's wanted.
<Palace_Chan> ugh still getting that "expression not a function cannot be applied", took out parens at least: { cxt''' with cg_retloc = if Int32.compare i 0l != 0 then rt else rf
<Palace_Chan> cg_insns = [] }
<Palace_Chan> maybe a semicolen after rf ?
<thelema> no. Maybe Int32.zero instead of 0l?
<thelema> or how about [i <> Int32.zero]
<Palace_Chan> ohhh fancy..why in braces ?
<thelema> [] just IRC bracketing to indicate code.
<thelema> (used in ocamldoc)
<Palace_Chan> hmm nah same error...sometimes it takes me hours to find these errors
<thelema> oops - you do need something after rf.
<thelema> and it's a ; that separates record extensions.
<thelema> { expr with field = expr { ; field = expr } }
<Palace_Chan> ahhh
<thelema> your first paste had a } after rf.
<thelema> so I assumed that was the end of it.
<Palace_Chan> nice! i got another syntax error now which means that one is gone
<Palace_Chan> thanks, you're good at ocaml
<Palace_Chan> it's type sys. still messes me up
<thelema> it takes a while to get used to the error messages produced by type inference.
<thelema> and the parser gives poor feedback on syntax errors.
<Palace_Chan> oh wow it compiled...lol with ocaml getting my code to actually compile is soooo hard
<thelema> On my todo list (down towards the bottom) is to rewrite the ocaml parser to increase the usefulness of error messages.
<thelema> Palace_Chan: I remember people saying the exact same thing about Ada.
<Palace_Chan> is Ada functional or what ?
<thelema> no, it's very pascal-ish. Imperative to the extreme.
<thelema> but it has a reasonably expressive type system and is very strongly typed, so a lot of errors get caught in the process of compilation.
<Palace_Chan> imperative to the extreme ? how much so ?
<thelema> The normal style of programming involves almost all statements, especially assignment statements.
<thelema> I guess it'd be possible to program in a functional style with it, but since there's no type inference, one'd have to give full interfaces for every little function.
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<christo_1> why is this code giving me an error at the for loop
<christo_1> did i declare something incorrectly?
<thelema> your error is at line 10: x=0
<Palace_Chan> thelema, lol the error messages of the ocaml parser make segfault feel like your buddy
<thelema> ocaml doesn't do assignment this way. (nor does it declare "variables" this way.
<thelema> Palace_Chan: I'd take the ocaml error messages anyday.
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<thelema> try something like "let x = ref 0 in ... incr x;"
<Palace_Chan> haha true, guess im just overly sensitive right now because im not used to it yet
<thelema> Palace_Chan: it's like learning french - you just have to start thinking backwards. :)
<christo_1> thelema: thats odd, it highlighted the for
<thelema> christo_1: yup, that's the first bit that's out of place. x=0 is a valid expression comparing x with 0, but the for can't go next to that because (x=0) isn't a function
<christo_1> okay i forgot the let
<christo_1> used to C
<thelema> and you're forgetting that ocaml let bindings aren't mutable -- you can't just change their values.
<christo_1> jesus
<christo_1> so incr is a function that increments x
<thelema> let x = 0 *in*
<christo_1> im not following
<thelema> incr is a function that increments a reference to an int.
<christo_1> let x = 0 in for?
<christo_1> is tha ta scope issue or something retarded?
<thelema> let x = 0 in \n for ...
<christo_1> yes..
<thelema> the [in] is needed to signal the end of the expression to bind to x
<thelema> just like in C, how you need [if (expr) { do something }] how you need () around expr
<christo_1> im having an issue with incr x
<christo_1> This expression has type int but is here used with type int ref
<thelema> if you do [let x = 0 in stuff] then for all of stuff, x will have the value 0. Unchangeable.
<thelema> if you want something you can update, you need a reference.
<christo_1> so why would u make me do it that way lol
<thelema> let x = ref 0 in ...
<christo_1> ah..
<christo_1> thats odd
<christo_1> references in C usually mean address
<christo_1> well, when dealing with pointers
<thelema> that's actually what's going on. x is immutable, but it's just a pointer to a memory location.
<thelema> the value at that memory location can be updated.
<ozy`> christo_1: IIRC these variables are almost always pointers under the hood... it's just a matter of whether they're mutable
<thelema> ozy`: anything that fits into 31 bits isn't a pointer. Anything one word or bigger is a pointer.
<ozy`> right
<christo_1> thelema: i want to return the value at the end
<christo_1> cuz right now its locking up when i run the function
<christo_1> thelema: http://pastebin.com/m316f949e
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<thelema> !x will return the value pointed to by x.
<thelema> are you sure it's locking up and not just taking a long time?
<christo_1> isnt ocaml supposed to be fast
<thelema> yes, but it's also very literal in its compilation strategy - if you tell it to do something, it'll do that.
<christo_1> taking quite a long time to calculate totient of 12
<thelema> what n are you running at?
<thelema> oh, there is a problem, then.
<christo_1> indeed
<christo_1> what do you suggest
<christo_1> im usually good at this type of thing but not today apparently
<thelema> ah, i=0 is a problem for gcd.
<thelema> that'll cause gcd to loop forever.
<christo_1> i implemented it wrong eh
<thelema> try [2 to n]
<christo_1> is there something native in ocaml thats like that
<christo_1> i didnt relaly wanan code it from scratch
<thelema> gcd?
<christo_1> nvm.
<christo_1> thelema: well it works now
<christo_1> but it returned a unit() lol
<christo_1> i mean unit = ()
<thelema> you missed the ; !x
<thelema> at the end of totient.
<christo_1> that gave an error
<christo_1> hold on
<christo_1> yeh didnt work
<christo_1> sry indenting isa bit messed
<christo_1> copied and pasted in haste
<thelema> done; !x
<thelema> ^ need the semi-colon
<christo_1> bomb it works
<christo_1> thelema: thanksss youss
<thelema> you're welcome.
<christo_1> :D
<christo_1> now im trying to write a second .ml file
<christo_1> so i can take values from it and test it with my function
<christo_1> thats the requirements for this program
<christo_1> im guessing im gonna write a module that contains a list of test values and then iterate through it
<thelema> What school in OR uses ocaml?
<christo_1> oh no im from ontario Canada
<christo_1> i go to McMaster
<christo_1> they teach us Ocaml for i guess, the functional paradigm,and C at the same time
<thelema> oops, I scrolled up and read the dns for rstites accidentally.
<thelema> mcmaster.ca, yup.
<christo_1> my prof loves off lisp
<christo_1> like seriously, this guy brings up shit about it every class
<thelema> heh. http://xkcd.com/224/
<christo_1> thelema: would you suggest learning lisp?
<christo_1> i mean ive looked at scheme and haskell but
<thelema> OCaml will suffice for now.
<christo_1> thelema: cmon
<thelema> I haven't learned it well enough to really say. I've just done a little hacking in emacs lisp.
<christo_1> supposedly crash bandicoot was written in lisp and allegro
<rstites> I'm at PSU in Portland and I'm using Ocaml for my dissertation.
<thelema> rstites: ah, okay.
<thelema> topic?
<ozy`> <christo_1> i mean ive looked at scheme and haskell but <== haskell is not exactly anything like lisp whatsoever... instead, it's more ML-like than any ML out there
<christo_1> well schemes the new dialect sort of right
<ozy`> wasn't scheme designed in the 70s?
<ozy`> it's a fairly normal lisp
<ozy`> not exactly terse, but clear and fairly expressive as lisps go
<ozy`> (common lisp can be a huge mess at times... elisp is even worse)
<christo_1> so u suggest scheme
<christo_1> i waslearning it
<christo_1> from the wizard book
<ozy`> I would actually suggest clojure, if you're looking for something a little closer to ML or Haskell
<ozy`> it's probably the most expressive lisp out there right now
<christo_1> isnt it based on the JVM or something
<ozy`> yes, it is
<ozy`> and it's still in development
<ozy`> you might compare it to arc, except that it has actual support and isn't abandoned
<ozy`> if you've never used any lisp dialect I guess you might as well try scheme or CL for now, since they're the dialects with the best tutorials
<ozy`> scheme in particular has the infamous SICP
<christo_1> SICP?
<christo_1> ive been using scheme
<christo_1> like i said
<ozy`> okay
<ozy`> heh
<ozy`> oh, d'oh
<christo_1> yeh following that and the wizard book
<christo_1> i guess thats SICP
<ozy`> (I somehow missed when you said that earlier)
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<Palace_Chan> i have a record with a hashtbl field...i want to return a copy of that record with that field's hashtable modified...but the modify functions for a hashtbl dont return the hashtbl so how can i do this ?
<Palace_Chan> { cxt' with cg_bindings = Hashtbl.replace cxt'.cg_bindings...
<Palace_Chan> wont work because the right hand side returns unit, not the new hashtbl
<Palace_Chan> maybe, have a let k = hashtbl.copy in
<Palace_Chan> then, modify k
<flux> palace_chan, you want to create a copy of the hash table with one value modified?
<Palace_Chan> and set it equal to k
<Palace_Chan> yes
<Camarade_Tux> Palace_Chan, hashtables are modified in place so you'll need to copy it I think
<Palace_Chan> right, so make a copy with a let in above...modify the copy, then set my record field equal to the modified copy
<Camarade_Tux> and hi everybody :)
<flux> palace_chan, well, you can do it that way, but if you were to use a tree (Map), you wouldn't need to make a copy, as it work functionally
<Camarade_Tux> Palace_Chan, agree with flux, if you want to return a copy, hashtable is not the best thing (especially if it becomes quite large)
<Palace_Chan> hmm guess ill stick to that way for now...mr. type checker has been DESTROYING me enough today....
<Palace_Chan> right, but im working with a file which has them
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<Camarade_Tux> Palace_Chan, I'm sure there's a possible way but as far as I'm concerned, I need to really wake up first (or at least get up ;p )
<Palace_Chan> Camarade_Tux, lol, i know what you mean - i've got to finish this thing tonight and it's killin me
<Camarade_Tux> Palace_Chan, you could watch memory usage while making a big hashtable and then copying it && modifying it
<Camarade_Tux> I don't think you will get any sharing between the two but ocaml always surprises me so who knows ? (ok, Xavier ;p )
<Camarade_Tux> but otherwise, if you have to deal with hashtables, your approach is probably not the correct one
<Camarade_Tux> btw, if you try copying the hashtable, store nothing ("", None, 0, ...) in the hashtables, just add a *lot* of keys (maybe integers, from 0 to max_int or similar)
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<Palace_Chan> id like to build a list by traversing a given list, and every time i see a particular type of element...generating a record with contents a list of all the subsequent elements in that list till the next special one and adding that to my output list....no idea how i could approach it
<flux> build two recursive functions.
<flux> which both consume list elements
<flux> the first finds the element matching condition a, the second find the element matching condition b, but while doing that, constructs the result list
<Palace_Chan> flux, hmmm so if i have special elements a, b, c, d would those still work ?
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<flux> palace_chan, perhaps fun a will detect all those cases. I don't know if the end condition is the same for all those.
<Palace_Chan> flux, thanks, ill give it a go....after a nap though (its 6 in the morning)
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<guyzmo> hi, how can I print n times a string ? (like " "*12 in python)
<rwmjones> guyzmo, I was fairly sure I'd written a function specifically to do that once, but I cannot find it now. Anyway, I don't think there is one, so you'd have to write your own loop ...
<rwmjones> ok the function I wrote was a bit different from that ...
<rwmjones> (* Pad a string to the full width with spaces. If too long, truncate. *)
<rwmjones> let pad width str =
<rwmjones> let n = String.length str in
<rwmjones> if n = width then str
<rwmjones> else if n > width then String.sub str 0 width
<rwmjones> else (* if n < width then *) str ^ String.make (width-n) ' '
<rwmjones> guyzmo, if it's specifically a single character, then you can use String.make 12 ' '
<guyzmo> I found String.make that works for me
<guyzmo> :)
<guyzmo> but thanks
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<petchema> let pad = Printf.sprintf "%-*s"
<petchema> ah, it doesn't truncate
<rwmjones> ah but my code is longer :-)
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<Yoric[DT]> hi
<Yoric[DT]> rwmjones: ping
<rwmjones> Yoric[DT], morning
<Yoric[DT]> How do you do?
<rwmjones> busy
<Yoric[DT]> :/
<Yoric[DT]> I'm currently writing some documentation for Batteries and I have a small question regarding Fedora.
<Yoric[DT]> These days, what is the name of the official package manager?
<Yoric[DT]> Is it yum?
<rwmjones> yes
<Yoric[DT]> Thanks.
<Yoric[DT]> Thanks.
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<Yoric[DT]> Is there any GODI user around here?
<rwmjones> Yoric[DT], yes I use GODI on my mac from time to time
<Yoric[DT]> Actually, I was looking for someone with a GODI installation at hand to confirm that the package I just uploaded works.
<rwmjones> ah no, sorry
<Yoric[DT]> (I've tested it locally and I've had it tested somewhere else, but, well, it's my first package, so I'm nervous :))
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<Yoric[DT]> ...
<thelema> Yoric[DT]: ping
<Yoric[DT]> Now, where the heck is the GODI release tool?
<Yoric[DT]> pong
* Yoric[DT] can't find the GODI release tool.
<Yoric[DT]> That's a bit annoying.
<Yoric[DT]> Ahah
<Yoric[DT]> thelema: pong
<thelema> found it?
* thelema doesn't use godi
<Yoric[DT]> Yes, found it.
* Yoric[DT] will probably bookmark it.
<Yoric[DT]> Okay, let's try it.
<Yoric[DT]> Package now appears in the list...
<Yoric[DT]> Download works...
<Yoric[DT]> Configure works...
<thelema> did you get my note about rope.of_ustring?
<Yoric[DT]> Compile in progress...
<Yoric[DT]> thelema: yep, I've fixed it.
<thelema> ok. I don't see anything new in svn, so...
<Yoric[DT]> Could you write a short example of usage of rope?
<Yoric[DT]> Ah, maybe I haven't committed it yet.
<Yoric[DT]> No, it's committed.
<Yoric[DT]> Yeah, installation worked!
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<Yoric[DT]> Deinstallation worked, too.
* Yoric[DT] is happy.
<Yoric[DT]> Camomile 0.7.1 is now officially available for GODI.
<Yoric[DT]> Which means that I'll be able to make a Batteries package.
<Yoric[DT]> thelema: I'll try and go for a release today if possible.
<Yoric[DT]> Tomorrow at worst.
<thelema> ocamlforge's svn still has:
<thelema> let of_ustring s =
<thelema> let lens = String.length (UTF8.as_string s) in
<Yoric[DT]> thelema: er...
<thelema> this should be: let lens = STRING.length s in
<Yoric[DT]> Yes, I know, I remember fixing that.
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<Yoric[DT]> mmmhh...
<Yoric[DT]> Obviously, I forgot to commit it.
<Yoric[DT]> Committed now.
<Yoric[DT]> Sorry.
<thelema> no problem
<thelema> I'll write some test code for ropes and put it in the tests directory
<Yoric[DT]> Actually, there's also a new directory called examples .
<Yoric[DT]> So if you have a short bit of code which you think people would be interested in, it could go into that directory.
<thelema> will do.
<thelema> the error message one gets if sexplib isn't installed is particularly unhelpful.
<Yoric[DT]> What error message is that?
<thelema> + ocamlfind ocamldep -package camomile -syntax camlp4o -modules src/core/extlib/ref.mli > src/core/extlib/ref.mli.depends
<thelema> ocamlfind: When using -syntax, the META variable 'preprocessor' must be set
<thelema> Command exited with code 2.
<thelema> make: *** [byte] Error 10
<Yoric[DT]> :/
<Yoric[DT]> I'm not quite sure what causes that error message.
<Yoric[DT]> mmmm....
<Yoric[DT]> That's not the correct command-line.
<Yoric[DT]> Let me check.
<Yoric[DT]> Is that with the latest commit?
<thelema> no, right before it.
* thelema updates
<thelema> did you independently come up with the reinstall make target?
<thelema> is make doc still 15 minutes slow?
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* thelema goes
<Yoric[DT]> thelema: what do you mean independently?
<Yoric[DT]> Did you do it, too?
<Yoric[DT]> And make doc is a bit faster but still slow.
<thelema> yes. almost the exact same.
<Yoric[DT]> I've vaguely traced the problem, it seems to be ocamldoc's fault.
<Yoric[DT]> Most of the time is spent by ocamldoc doing ocamldoc stuff.
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<thelema> ok. We'll work on that later.
<Yoric[DT]> Yep.
* Yoric[DT] hopes we won't have to rewrite ocamldoc.
<thelema> I'll put in more work on batteries tonight (not going to aikido). Keep an eye out for some new code.
<thelema> 'later
<Yoric[DT]> 'later
* Yoric[DT] would like to resume doing Aikido but can't find a nice club.
* ertai[NP] would also like to resume Aikido, funny
<Yoric[DT]> ertai[NP]: well, if you find a decent place to train, be sure to tell us :)
<flux> do brackets in the nick indicate a former Aikido hobby?
<ertai[NP]> flux: I don't think so
<ertai[NP]> flux: I found the idea of putting initials near the nick is easier for people to link nicks to realnames
<flux> I always thought the ircname-field is for that purpose..
<Yoric[DT]> flux: you weird person.
<Yoric[DT]> thelema: at some point, could you upload your list test protocol + results to the tracker?
<flux> silly of me, I know
<ertai[NP]> flux: silly question but how to fetch irc-name of others?
<flux> ertai[np], /whois ertai[np]
<flux> it's also displayed on /who
<ertai[NP]> flux: thanks
<flux> np
<flux> ;)
<ertai[NP]> you convinced me
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<Yoric[DT]> ertai: you know that you don't need to leave irc to change your nickname, don't you?
<ertai> Yoric[DT]: yes but to change the Real Name field, I had to
<Yoric[DT]> possibly
<flux> ooh
<Yoric[DT]> Ok, I think I've finished writing the presentation of Batteries.
<Yoric[DT]> Now, back to actual documentation.
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<Palace_Chan> i keep gettin a syntax error in line 23 of this code...since it's not a type error im thinking i must have some misuse of the let in, or {} or matches....
<grirgz> you forgot the in at line 21
<grirgz> err, no
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<Camarade_Tux> Palace_Chan, let a = ... in let b = ... in let c = ...
<Camarade_Tux> you need let cxt'''' = {} in cxt''''
<Camarade_Tux> you're missing the : in cxt''''
<Camarade_Tux> but if you just want to return cxt'''' (you want to return it, right ?), you can just rip off "let cxt''''"
<Camarade_Tux> (with the equal sign of course)
<Palace_Chan> Camarade_Tux, let me try that
<grirgz> j'y etait presque =)
<Camarade_Tux> grirgz, mouhahah ! ;p
<Camarade_Tux> grirgz, I've too been surprised with the weird way to write the record ;)
<Palace_Chan> Camarade_Tux, thanks it worke
<Palace_Chan> d
<Camarade_Tux> Palace_Chan, yw
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<azi`> anyone happens to see what's illegal with the syntax in the if statement : | Dva (x, y) -> x' = zdruzi x y' = zdruzi y if (compare x' y' == 0) then Ena(x') else Dva(x',y')
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<Camarade_Tux> azi`, you should read how to use the "let" construct ;p
<ozy`> whoa
<ozy`> azi`: dude we're like bizarro-doppelgängers or something
<azi`> i see what's the issue sorry
<azi`> bizarro-doppelg?ngers?
* ozy` points to their nicks
<azi`> now i get a sysntax error indicated at the second "let"
<azi`> syntax*
<azi`> i still have the same error :
<azi`> | Dva (x, y) -> let x' = zdruzi x let y' = zdruzi y if (compare x' y' = 0) then Ena(x') else Dva(x',y')
<azi`> | Ena x -> zdruzi x ;;;;
<azi`> Syntax error
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<Camarade_Tux> let x' = zdruzi *in* let y' = zdrusi y *in* if
<Camarade_Tux> of course, don't write the '*'s
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<azi`> yeah, i've figured it out thanks
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<nyingen> so, I compiled my library of C bindings, and would like to test it. However, invoking the external functions in the ocaml top-level results in message "external function foo not found"
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<nyingen> I understand this is because the ocaml top-level is not linked against my foolib?
<Camarade_Tux> nyingen, how did you compile ?
<Camarade_Tux> nyingen, does not need to
<nyingen> oh, ok
<Camarade_Tux> you only need to make the .cma appropriately ?
<nyingen> Camarade_Tux: I'm actually adding onto someone else's bindings, and they have a Makefile. I can paste the relevant rules if you want to see them :)
<Camarade_Tux> use a nopaste service ;)
<nyingen> what's a nopaste service?
<Camarade_Tux> a service where you put your paste and which give you a link to it, therefore you don't flood the channel with thousands of lines, just one url ;)
<nyingen> oh, right
<nyingen> pastbin.org or somesuch?
<Camarade_Tux> exactly
<nyingen> ok
<Camarade_Tux> btw, we need an ocaml official one, and the corresponding pastebot, paste.lisp.org shouldn't be allowed to be the only one ;p
<nyingen> yeah
<nyingen> I figured out the 'atypical' approach, btw. bdb.src contains C code with the "external" caml declarations embedded in comments
<nyingen> the perl script extracts them into bdb.ml
<Camarade_Tux> nyingen, for bdb.cma, try to replace $(OCAMLC) with ocamlmklib
<nyingen> hm, ok, I'll try that
<Camarade_Tux> and I'm not sure a .cmi is generated, do you get one ?
<nyingen> yes, there is a .cmi after running make
<Camarade_Tux> ok
<Camarade_Tux> also, here is a small script I use for my 7zip bindings : http://pastebin.com/m75413ec4
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<nyingen> Camarade_Tux: ah, thanks
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<nyingen> Camarade_Tux: so the -ldb is not needed for ocamlmklib?
<Camarade_Tux> nyingen, my needs were different, I had the .o files so I used them (no real reason except it was one step-less, namely creating the archive file), but *you* should need it
<nyingen> I see
<Camarade_Tux> nyingen, chances are you'll try a few combinations before getting a working one ;)
<nyingen> yeah, I'm reading the docs for ocamlmklib now
<nyingen> the ocaml FFI isn't as bad as I thought it would be, until I got to the compilation phase :)
<Camarade_Tux> nyingen, completely agree, but I'm not sure it's ocaml's fault
<Camarade_Tux> and I think that's because we're completely unused to runtime errors such as function X is not available
<nyingen> yeah. interfacing with libraries is always a minefield
<Camarade_Tux> florent monnier's tutorial is great, his compilation makefile is maybe not the best though
<Camarade_Tux> by removing his last step, I resolved a problem of external functions not being available, just by *removing* the step
<nyingen> yeah, that tutorial was really helpful
<hcarty> Camarade_Tux and nyingen: I have found OCamlMakefile /very/ helpful when starting a C library binding. It has a nice set of features to handle most of the details.
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<Camarade_Tux> hcarty, I think we always start thinking "it will be easy, just compile and that'll be ok", but then...
<Camarade_Tux> I'll see OCamlMakefile, I've just never used it
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<hcarty> Camarade_Tux: It doesn't really make the binding generation itself easier, but the Makefile is greatly simplified
<Camarade_Tux> hcarty, how do you use it ? you "include" it in your makefile and then can benefit from automatic rules ?
<hcarty> 4 or 5 lines are often enough
<hcarty> Yes
<hcarty> I can paste an example, and I think there are some examples online
<Camarade_Tux> I've got a few sources using ocamlmakefiles so that should be alright, thanks :)
<hcarty> The examples here might be useful as well, since they are quite simple: http://www.ocaml.info/ocaml_sources/ocaml-make-6.28.1/
<hcarty> calc/Makefile in particular
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<Camarade_Tux> calc/Makefile is indeed impressive :)
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<Yoric[DT]> thelema: ping
* Yoric[DT] fears he should take a good hard look at OCamlMakefile some day to produce something for using Batteries.
<Yoric[DT]> At the moment, the only tried method of using Batteries is OCamlBuild.
<nyingen> hcarty: neat
<nyingen> OCamlMakefile itself is terrifying :)
<nyingen> I heard a joke once about make: "there's really only one hand-written makefile, all others are the result of copying and modifying that one"
<Yoric[DT]> :)
<Yoric[DT]> Well, for the moment, I'll just wait and hope that someone submits a OCamlMakefile for Batteries.
<Yoric[DT]> Has anyone every had problems with OCamlDoc not rendering @author ?
<Yoric[DT]> Mmmhh....
<Yoric[DT]> Might actually be a bug in ocamldoc -dump.
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<Yoric[DT]> Well, I won't spend the night hunting ocamldoc bugs.
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<Yoric[DT]> thelema: here, yet?
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<azi`> hm how can i express a type `foo' holding an [int*int] or an in [int*int] appended to `foo' ?
<Yoric[DT]> What do you mean by "append"?
<Yoric[DT]> Maybe [type foo = A of int * int | B of int * int * foo]?
<Camarade_Tux> Yoric[DT], I think he's rather looking for (3, 4) ;)
* Yoric[DT] still doesn't understand the question.
<Yoric[DT]> Camarade_Tux: I have the feeling that Batteries is not coming out today.
* Yoric[DT] is waiting for thelema to get back to irc.
* Camarade_Tux doesn't understand either
<Camarade_Tux> Yoric[DT], we're still friday, you said week-end ;p
<Yoric[DT]> :)
<Camarade_Tux> btw, did you manage to add "open X" at the beginning of a file ?
<Yoric[DT]> Yep.
<Yoric[DT]> Well, I'm just waiting for him to drop an example in directory examples :)
<Camarade_Tux> great, great, great ! thanks :)
<Yoric[DT]> In the mean-time, I'm polishing the code and fighting ocamldoc.
<Yoric[DT]> And finding a number of bugs here and there.
<Yoric[DT]> I hope people will test that alpha release.
<Camarade_Tux> as far as I'm concerned I'm not doing anything, I can't concentrate, plus I'm tired of trying to find and counter what stupid things the "user" could do =/
<Camarade_Tux> Yoric[DT], I'm pretty sure they will
<Yoric[DT]> What user is that?
<Camarade_Tux> well, maybe you :p
<Yoric[DT]> :)
<Camarade_Tux> it's for my livecd project, it automates absolutely everything but that also means the script is quite heavy
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<Camarade_Tux> now, godi in a chroot but only after checking ocaml is not meant to be installed in /usr
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<Palace_Chan> if i call the following function (only 3 lines so ill cp it here) and give it c as an argument..does it modify c ? (i.e. is it by reference?) and, does it return tmp properly ? or does tmp go out of scope or something ?
<Palace_Chan> let alloc c =
<Palace_Chan> let tmp = mk_svar () in
<Palace_Chan> !(c.cg_temprec).cg_all_temps <- (tmp :: !(c.cg_temprec).cg_all_temps); tmp
<Yoric[DT]> Camarade_Tux: can I ask you to test another package for me?
<Camarade_Tux> Yoric[DT], sure
<Yoric[DT]> Ok, let me finish the packaging first :)
<Camarade_Tux> np, I have a bug report for drm/nouveau to fill in :)
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<Yoric[DT]> Actually, I forgot an additional test I intended to make.
<Camarade_Tux> take your time, I'll probably be awake for a few more hours
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<Palace_Chan> the parens and use of nested matches here is killing me, when i compile it just carries on errors further down because of it...
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<Camarade_Tux> Palace_Chan, according to your indentation you forgot one let at the very beginning
<Camarade_Tux> also, you probably don't need to "match ... with" accumtup, just write
<Camarade_Tux> let blocklist, insnlis, link = accumptup in
<Camarade_Tux> also, when matching, you don't need to put parens around what you return
<Palace_Chan> Camarade_Tux, yea i changed that, also in another match near the beginning.....cuz im at war with the type checker now
<Camarade_Tux> you can however put some around the {...}::blocklist though in the first match case, that'd be a better candidate
<Camarade_Tux> also, what does ocaml say ?
<Palace_Chan> gives a huuuge type error now, let me pastebin the ting with some of the changes you suggested
<Camarade_Tux> in List.fold_left also, you can probably remove one paren : (Ext (Cf...)) should simply be Ext (Cf...)
<Camarade_Tux> Palace_Chan, compiling with -rectypes ? :d
<Palace_Chan> Camarade_Tux, what is -rectypes ? in here: http://pastebin.com/d622c2a9a the error reported at line 5 is: This expression has type cgext Cfil.Il.insn list but is here used with type
<Palace_Chan> unit Cfil.Il.insn list
<Camarade_Tux> Palace_Chan, you'd better only annotate when ocaml cannot find your type for example because it lacks informations, not when it's not the one expected
<Camarade_Tux> as for rectypes, it lets you have recursive types which are used in trees for instance and it has the power to make type-checker message really long
<Palace_Chan> Camarade_Tux, yea we didnt have that before, but we didnt get what the compiler was saying so we added them to see if that would change something
<Camarade_Tux> Palace_Chan, what you see is ocaml accepting what you tell him but being unable to go over line 5, your problem certainly lies between the first and fourth line
<Camarade_Tux> line 5 is just the line the ocaml typechecker can't manage anymore, the line it encounters a pure contradiction
<Palace_Chan> there doesnt seem to be a whole lot before that except the definition....could we benefit from commenting out line 5 onwards and plugging in a failwith ?
<Camarade_Tux> not really, I'm nearly sure you have a problem in your algorithm (the way it's written, so maybe just a typo or something forgotten)
<Camarade_Tux> if you don't see it just go outside and take a walk, rest a bit and come back to it
<Palace_Chan> yea, ill get back to this for a minute now
<Yoric[DT]> Well, in the absence of thelema, I guess Batteries is postponed to tomorrow or Sunday.
<Camarade_Tux> Yoric[DT], I don't know if it changes much : the ocaml mailing-list has always been much more quiet on week-ends anyway
<Camarade_Tux> ie don't worry :)
<Camarade_Tux> haha, I was going through my scripts, I've found an useless line ;)
<Camarade_Tux> ( cd $TMP/camomile-0.7.1
<Camarade_Tux> ./configure --prefix=$TMP/ocaml/$OCAML_PREFIX && $MAKE_CMD all opt install )
<Camarade_Tux> :p
* thelema returns
* thelema pulls the latest SVN
<thelema> Yoric[DT]: gone yet?
<Yoric[DT]> Not completely.
<Yoric[DT]> Camarade_Tux: noted :)
<Yoric[DT]> thelema: going soon, though.
<thelema> yes, it's late there.
<Yoric[DT]> I'll make the release during the week-end.
<Yoric[DT]> It's 1 am.
<thelema> what needs to be done to release?
<Yoric[DT]> First, I'm waiting for your examples :)
<Yoric[DT]> Then I'm tweaking the documentation.
<thelema> examples of ropes? OK.
<Yoric[DT]> After that, it's just a matter of committing, checking out under a different name, testing that make * works, tar.gzipping and uploading.
<Yoric[DT]> That'll be done tomorrow.
<thelema> no problem. I'll try to find any showstoppers before then.
<Yoric[DT]> ok
<Yoric[DT]> If you have any tests to add for ropes, feel free to.
<Yoric[DT]> The test directory will need to be reworked at some point, though.
<thelema> my benchmarks are under the test directory.
<Yoric[DT]> Could you post benchmarks and results to the tracker, too?
<thelema> I have graphs, but they're not very exciting.
<Yoric[DT]> Anyway, I'll have to call it a night.
<thelema> good night.
<Yoric[DT]> See you during the week-end.
<thelema> I'll be around as much as I can.
<Yoric[DT]> I'll be more present on Monday, though.
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<Palace_Chan> let string_of_insn pr_ext = function
<Palace_Chan> | case something -> bla | case another > bla.......is pr_ext the parameter to the function called string_of_insn here ? and why does it say = function ? is our return type a function ?
<thelema> doing that makes a function with two parameters - one called pr_ext and another that gets matched by your cases.
<Camarade_Tux> Palace_Chan, you could name the second name and then use "match foo with | case something -> ... | case another -> ..."
<Palace_Chan> so then string_of_insn is a function with paramter pr_ext, and another paramter depending on what pr_ext is ?
<thelema> the second parameter doesn't depend.
<thelema> if you only give one parameter, it returns a function that takes the second parameter.
<thelema> you could have it depend.
<Camarade_Tux> ok, to bed now, good night
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<thelema> good night.
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