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can you add guards when you catch exceptions with "with"?
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Hallo men!
let f ((a,_) as x) = a;;
why I can't write let f (a,_) as x = a;; ?
that looks pretty confusing
Is it obvious to recover parenthetes around keyword `as`?
and if you add more parameters, let f (a, _) as x b = a;;
adrien: why?
I think that alone identificator can be after `as` keyword
I mean, for the human reader, I find it pretty hard to read
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olasd: i can't escape it either, but adding some spaces seems to make ocamldoc happy
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diml: thanks :)
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IS this the right place to ask about ocamlbuild? Is there any way to change the output directory (within _build) for generated executables? Symbolic links won't work, since the program looks through symbolic links.
tomprince: I think -build-dir should work
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tomprince, place the corresponding in your source tree where you want the resulting binary
oh, I had misread, sorry: thought you wanted to change "_build" to something else
A bit more detail. I ave two executables (scripts/coqc and toplevel/coqtop). coqc calls (depending on arguments) coqtop.byte or coqtop.opt, and expects it to be in the same directory as itself. Now, this works fine after installtion. but fails for running tests.
To complicate matters, coqc looks through symbolic links, to find out where it is located. Which is good for when it is installed, since you can add a symbolic link from $HOME/bin to the installtion directory, for example.
But that means that even if I generate symbolic links side-by-side, coqc still looks for _build/scripts/coqtop.{opt,byte}
add argument for coqc to specify exact coqtop command to use?
and use it in tests
how did it work pre ocamlbuild?
It just generates all the binaries in bin/ when not using ocamlbuild.
hmmm, or use a Makefile which calls ocamlbuild and then cp everything in a tree looking like / after the installation?
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Is there any way to teach ocamlbuild to do that copy after the binaries are built?
you can probably do that with but I don't know how to do it
there is cp rule builtin in ocamlbuild
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you need to add a rule to and use cp there
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So how does one add a rule to create bin/coqtop.opt from toplevel/coqtop.native? I trie
hi, I am having problems compiling unison from source (I do not know ocaml but I want to use an older version for compatibility):
can anyone see what's wrong?
Dynetrekk: have u declared value Update.split?
DimitryKakadu: as I said, I do not know the code
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DimitryKakadu: I could probably paste you the relevant code
the source code checks for extended input devices by iterating over all devices and checking if one ends with "eraser"
While the type may be opaque, the device "name" is unresolvable
what is the corresponding gdk function?
which returns a linked list of void pointers to GdkDevices
rather GdkDevice*'s
I could implement this in C, but this sounds like it would get messy
but I still need a way to resolve the device name
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hold on young padawan
Don't you "young padawan" me
I need to check how lablgtk extracts stuff from GSList
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NaCl: can you prepare a short test code that would use such a function? I think I can add it
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I'm going to hunt for food and I need to hurry up: I found a place nearby where fruits, vegetables and animals are close to each others and not moving much, I should get there before they move
let f dev = Printf.printf "%s\n" dev#name in
List.iter f (Gdk.devices_list ())
adrien: or I could just call it from C
joewilliams is now known as joewilliams_away
actually, that would probably be simpler than extending lablgtk
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sweet I got it to segfault
NaCl: simpler? you're talking to someone who's maintaining a branch named "api-additions"
it's actualy fairly easy to add something to lablgtk, the issue is that there are many conversion functions and it takes time to get to know them
so, uh
mystery segfault
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adrien: the example segfaults here
how do you start it?
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are you using my META file? =)
and of course, do you have a backtrace? ;-)
so it only segfaults in native code? if so, can you add "module X = GtkInit" at the top of the file and try again in native code?
no such module GtkInit
link against "gtkInit.cmx"
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(ah, that reminds me of a comment from someone about having to reference modules or not to get their side-effects depending on whether they are .cmo/.cmx)
* NaCl
wonders how he did it with flamel
* NaCl
simply add "gtkInit.cmx" to the command-line for linking
it auto-worked there
-lib wants a cmxa
* NaCl
is useless
I mean for, so use -verbose and hand-edit the command-line
* NaCl
wonders why the META doesn't like me
how so?
flamel linked against gtkinit fine
btw, does 'ocamlfind list | grep lablgtk' return anything?
lablgtk2 (version: 2.12.0)
it didn't install using findlib by itself, right?
what do you mean
I was checking that a default lablgtk2 installation wasn't using findlib, and considering the git never mentions "ocamlfind", it probably doesn't
and that META is old
yeah, that's why I made a new one =)
but actually, if the other thing is painful, drop my META in place of the old one, and link against the package "lablgtk2.init" in your _tags
* NaCl
does not understand why this does not workr
which steps/command are you doing exactly?
ocamlbuild -use-ocamlfind
using the default meta
to hell with this
try by hand for now so at least we know if that's the reason of the segfault
it worked if I included it
I don't see the usual stuff which shouts "missing gtk_init() and friends" so I'm not sure
ah, ok, good to know
should I mention my META file a bit more? I'll merge it in master in a few hours anyway so you might as well use it now :P
emphasis on "to hell with this
I'm getting it now
I though that's what I was intending. xD
well, I'm going to see for the API you need, I don't think it's going to be an issue
(famous last words)
* adrien
readies several bottles of beer, don't fear the code quality
* NaCl
kills iframes
it worked
\o/ (what worked?)
your META
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* NaCl
now goes to figure out why his mouse event isn't working
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* NaCl
can't seem to get the drawingarea to appear
are you using a ~packing?
I set the background to white, but nothing appears
on the drawable?
how do you set the background then?
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drawable#set_background (`NAME "white") ;;
so on the drawable :P
^ ^
do you implement "expose" (drawing_area#event#connect#expose)
there is no way to pack a drawing area
* NaCl
asks this question
How was I supposed to know this?
there is definitely a way to pack a drawing_area with ~packing
drawing_area? sure
drawable? no
but: let drawable = new GDraw.drawable drawing_area#misc#window in
I'm not sure that implementing expose will fix your issue but you'll need it sooner or later anyway (very very soon actually)
it doesn't
how did you write it?
let redraw _ = drawable#set_background (`NAME "white") ; false
it's actually quite clearly stated in the gtk/ documentation
* NaCl
doesn't feel like going and poking at the documentation
it's quite thick
I think I'll edit the ocamldoc stuff in lablgtk2 and make the link to that documentation much better, noone checks it
NaCl: for only one module? I find that it's actually quite readable and easy to go through quickly
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actually, now, I first find the lablgtk2 function I want and then immediately load the documentation
The sematics are different
and it can be difficult to determine the translation
otherwise, in practice, you're hitting an API with side-effects until it works
gtk_event_add is a function
it's: get_foo -> #foo, set_foo -> #set_foo, first argument of the C function becomes the object, enums are polymorphic variants
well, here, #event#add
I have to say #misc and #event are hard to get used to
in particular, when you're after some function, you often don't know where it is hidden
because they could have been implemented as methods in the classes directly
that made it work
And I personally found that signals and slots were a bit easier to deal with than this
I've been really pissed off at Qt after I got code that compiled but no signal->slot connection, and no error or warning
I would *only* get that when running the application inside gdb
* NaCl
senses that the moc should have been able to pick that up
it definitely takes some time to get used to lablgtk2 but once you start grokking its organization, it starts being much easier to use
no, moc never picked anything
Qt wins points for making sense organizationally
Qt loses points for its horrible layout management and the fact that layouts are widgets
* NaCl
hasn't had a problem with that
then again, I used the designer for everything
and you end up having to create both layouts and and corresponding widgets most of the time
well ;-)
what lablgtk2 needs is a few peoples who don't know lablgtk2 and simply ask "where is this?" and "why is it there?"
* NaCl
has been
so we can then make some kind of guide to it
there's actually already some stuff but it's probably not visible enough
so, to detect a mouse drag, I would detect a mouse click, then observe the motion of the mouse in a motion_notify, then stop recording when the button is released?
sounds good
anybody here use tuareg-mode? how come some of my menu commands are greyed out? usefull stuff like show type at point, etc.
rgrinberg: install caml-mode
NaCl, gotcha let me google it
NaCl: did you get your list of devices from gdk?
did I?
I've been working on the drawing routines
because it seems that there might be more work than I expected since the whole module is missing currently
I noticed that
Isn't caml-mode a replacement for tuareg-mode, I'm not sure how I'd use them both
you don't
C-c C-t calls a function in caml-mode
that doesn't need it to be running, apparently
NaCl: ok, do you need the device list soon? it's probably easy to add the new module
the harder is going to be the makefile
C-c C-t does nothing for me. I'm not sure how to install caml-mode then :/ won't the usual (setq auto-mode-alist etc...) override tuareg-mode
adrien: nope
NaCl: ok, but ping me daily about it so I don't forget however
* adrien
is supposed to release caravel 4 today
maybe I'll try it if it doesn't require me recompiling half of my system
* NaCl
doesn't feel like tweaking spec files today
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currently I'm using react and lablgtk2 (since it's lablgtk-react and not caravel actually)
adrien: am I supposed to use cairo to draw stuff, or gdk itself?
good question
* NaCl
senses a disturbance in the Force
if you want with cairo, use cairo from
I'm not doing stuff complicated
conversely, if you don't want to use cairo from, don't use cairo
What do I want to use?
gdk directly
well, "directly" is the wrong word here
eventually, this may get more complicated
I think the APIs are quite similar between cairo and gdk so you can probably migrate a bit later to cairo if you feel like doing it
don't wait too long of course but it might make sense to start with gdk, toy a bit with it, experiment and prototype
although this thing may be gobbled up by my employer
but I doubt it
adrien: the gtk docs suggest that the gdk drawing routines may be deprecated
dumb question but how do i use ocamlc to compile an .ml file that uses batteries
they are already deprecated, in gtk3
they are deprecated in gtk2
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sorry, they are removed in gtk3
in gtk2, they exist just fine
yeah, except it looks like I may need pathing
drawing a bunch of points does not look viable
cairo2 it is then
rejoice, it's using oasis
* NaCl
was hoping not to make a new spec file today
this one should really be easy to make
because it already exists in Fedora
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cairo or cairo2?
and cairo2 should be like anything using oasis, meaning copy-paste + a few search-replace should work
just cairo
how old is it? which version is it?
so not "cairo2"
afaik, "cairo2" was created because "cairo" wasn't very good and had memory leaks
now, if I got cairo2 working on windows in a few minutes, I'm sure you can get it packaged in a few seconds :P