the COPYING has also a explizit "NOTE! This copyright does not cover user programs that use kernel services by normal system calls - this is merely considered normal use of the kernel, and does not fall under the heading of "derived work"."
this isnt talking about the actual kernel, but the ARM mali_kbase kernel module ...
(but yeah i agree with you on that... just that the license file for mali_kbase itself doesnt include that explicit note :P)
and I would say that if (even) Richard Stallman of the FSF says that then its rather safe *g*
additionally, the kernel module uses the syscall service from the kernel - so it falls under the explicit note as well in my oppinion
my understanding is that the note clarifies what is considered normal use of the kernel and not derived work
not so much as adding an exception for something that otherwise would be normally considered derived work
but IANAL :)
jep, I understand it exactly this way
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I swapped out Arch's CrOS 4.4.168 kernel + config for my distro's mainline 4.20 kernel + config and depthcharge just gives me a sad beep. Is there some magic config to make depthcharge happy, a size limit I need to stay under, or is there a way to debug why it makes the sad beep?
thefloweringash: which device?
A kevin
oh, I'm getting one of those :)
(Samsung Chromebook Plus v1)
thefloweringash: depthcharge has indeed a hardcoded size limit
thefloweringash: for these issues, eballetbo[m] in #armlinux and ezequielg here (but later) could help you
do you happen to know what the limit is?
they are very much interested in mainline working fine on the kevin
* hanetzer
will do u-boot when he gets his kevin :>
I didn't realise that was an option. Can you still boot to ChromeOS?
i mean, CrOS fw updates will break for sure
hanetzer: you mean chained boot?
note there is no support for kevin in current u-boot. same for speedy (though my final patch should be accepted for next go round)
tomeu: no, I mean u-boot on the spi flash
right now you just need my last patch for u-boot support for veyron-speedy
heading to work, later o/
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Spelunking a little through the depthcharge source, it looks like the expanded size should be <64mb. My entire kpart is ~45mb. I see lots of useful printf statements, is there a way to receive those?
how big is the kernel partitions on kevin?
(i remember them being 16M on speedy and going "that's gigantic" :P)
looks like they're 16M
my working kpart is 29M
thefloweringash: hmm. make the 'kernel' depthcharge loads u-boot and let that handle actual kernel load?
for the record, my rk3399-google-scarlet (the tablet) refuses to boot with kparts > 32MB
that's been on my todo list, but quite a long way down
did you say there's no kevin support in u-boot yet? is there a patch somewhere?
no, though I intend to do it once I acquire mine :)
assuming the used vendor labeled it right on the listing and its actually the right one :{
thefloweringash: I take it you actually possess one? if so, feel like being my guinea pig? >:D
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uh, sure. would definitely be keen to boot my distro's kernel instead of building my own
can you get a cbmem dump on a coreboot->depthcharge->chromeos boot? (as vanilla as possible)
would prefer to keep chromeos intact and continue to boot from my sd card (as painful as it is)
should be able to, probably. stick u-boot as a depthchare kernel on the sdcard, leave the other devices (emmc, spi) alone
are you capable of/willing to flash the spi for testing purposes?
flashing to spi: if it comes to it, sure, so long as it's easy to recover from?
yeah. if you dump your current spi (do it a few times, check hashes/etc) you can always go back
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seems like lz4 is enough to get me under the sad-beep limit, but now I only have a blank display
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the more I google the less confidence I have in recovering from a bad spi flash
its honestly pretty easy. I'm just getting impatient waiting on mine lol
shoulda took up those people's offer for rk3399 hardware :P
but, raspi-alikes are not very useful outside of sitting in one place and a decent lappy the kevin is :)
They’re useful as CI servers for Kevins ;-)
suppose. I already have a bbb I could use for that tho
Another build slave for more throughout is elate handy. It takes my rock64 about three days to build chromium.
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* hanetzer
would never build chromium, but believes firefox would take a similar amount of time :P
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Failed to load module: /usr/lib/libweston-5/drm-backend.so: undefined symbol: gbm_bo_get_offset - where should I be looking?
libgbm.so, maybe?
part of media-libs/mesa on gentoo
that's part of panfrost/mesa, and was built into the gfx-prefix/lib dir
that symbol was added to mesa more than 2 years ago though
check with strace which libgbm.so was opened at the end?
(as an aside, anyone know why weston-launch only produces output once per boot / another way to reset it?)
what makes mesa want to open panfrost_dri.so?
as my mesa build doesnt even try to open it...
(it tries rockchip_dri.so and fails...)
libgbm and actually gfx-prefix at all doesn't show up in the strace
wellit dlopens it and init fails
somehow (havent put in debug yet to find out)
gfx-prefix/lib does show up in the strace for eglinfo though
raster: for display output mesa should open the rockchip_dri which in turn should hand 3d over to panfrost_dri internally
raster: some kmscube variants (like the one from yuq / lima) does have a dump mechanism which can run offscreen with just the gpu-related mesa parts
bc rockchip fails - thus panfrost does
well panfrost isnt even tried
so need to debug rockchip first
is current panfrost still only workable for the t8xx gpu?
helps if I follow forks with strace; yeah it's reading the wrong libgbm
hanetzer: that's what people are currently using for testing atm, afaik
what gpu version are you interested in?
... why is weston not following LD_LIBRARY_PATH
i'd assume the one on speedy (t760)
* urjaman
would get back to that ... given energy to do all the things :P
ah - because it's setuid
how did alyssa get around that?
hanetzer: firefox is about 8 hours, iirc
ok, just run weston directly - avoids that problem. claims to start successfully and then exits without updating the screen. should be working though
*I should be working
so I'll look again in a few hours
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tomeu: I have 2x rk3288-veyron-speedy chromebooks, t7xx
hanetzer: cool, would be interesting to know how well it works there :)
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yann: got any success with X?
tomeu: originally that's what alyssa was working on before it dead.
hanetzer: yeah, I have seen references to it in the code
I have a veyron on my desk, but have too many other boards piled on top to be able to check :p
tomeu: not yet got around to it - since alyssa told I have to go through Xwayland for this, the priority of this option is a bit lower, I'm digging to understand what precisely does not work with libMali
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mifritscher: ". It would take a substantial amount of code (coming from inline functions or macros with substantial bodies) to do that. " Arguably that's the case with the headers as we currently use them now
thefloweringash: 32M is the limit for kernels on Kevin
thefloweringash: And, uh, make sure it's packed right
hanetzer: Yeah, t8xx only on current master.
TheCycoONE: I have a dedicated machine that _only_ has Panfrost on it so I have it installed systemwide (/usr/local/lib), so no LD_LIBRRARY_PATH needed for me. Keeps me from accidentally using soft rast :p
ah, ok
hanetzer: I have working veyron(s) in my posession now; I just haven't had time to dedicate to backporting stuff yet
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about the kernel size limit in depthcharge, there are a couple of things
the first thing is that there's a build-time configuration with the size of a buffer to download an FIT image
which may well be 32MB by default, but can be set to something larger
the kevin in our lab has it set to 128MB
the FIT image is kernel + dtb + ramdisk, so it's easy to get over 32MB
the second thing is if you're getting the FIT image over TFTP, there was a bug in Depthcharge with files larger than 32MB
due to some annoying block counter thing in the tftp protocol
but that's fixed now in the latest Depthcharge
if someone needs some help to flash a kevin with depthcharge having the debug cli and tftp boot enabled, let me know
I'd say focus entirely on the 4.20 right now
4.20 does not have HDMI output
you need a patch
there's a mali-t860 entry in it
stikonas: this one does
is there any chance you can/have (sorry-I haven't been keeping track) try with just the mainline kernel? or mainline + whatever patch you need for the hdmi output?
well, I use the one from kernel.org and add a single patch
to enable hdmi in device tree
Lyude: i can't find the exact src tree with deb build stuff but it's
stikonas: guessing the patch is waiting for acceptance into mainline or something like that?
I meant just building a kernel off kernel.org
only first two will be needed on 5.0
stikonas: sounds like my problem
yeah, I prefer mainline kernel form kernel.org
i woudl too
but i'd need to patch too
raster: any chance I might be able to get ssh access to this system at some point? Could probably figure this out a bit faster that way
it's probably something very silly
it possibly is
also: is there any dmesg output when you try loading the mali_kbase ko?
as this is the first rockchip board i have and basically the first thing i do after getting an existing os image to run, then update to deb testing .. and make the closed mali drivers work... (but with the working kernel).. and hen panfrost
i dont have myc experience with these boards :)
and the only dmes is the foreign module thing
raster: I'm here all night, although I will be slow to respond since I'm also at work (and have not yet convinced RH to let me work on panfrost :p, so I need to multitask a lot)
Lyude: oh sure :) hahahahah
or rather, I should be here at least until 8:30
well i dont think i can give u access to THIS one...
well i could but i'd be punshing a hole through company firewall into the inner network
i have an identical board at home
alright-that sounds like it should work
i could do that for sure - add an account etc. if i can get your ssh pub key
raster: any idea if this system has a working watchdog?
i ... don't.... know
it's debian...
raster: alright, that just means I'll need to poke yuu if I end up crashing the machine :p
if it cleanly reboots it'll reboot to everything set up properly
but... that's about it
alright, mind if I give that a shot? (working on people's systems remotely for long enough has taught me the first thing I need to do is make sure I can crash the machine and have it recover :p)
aight, one second then
i dont have a serial console working either... fyi
i have tried on my other board but... all serial stuff before a login prompt is always junk bytes
it might be baud rate.. but i have no idea hw the rate should be...
sounds like something isn't hooked up right or wrong baud rate yeah
usually the baud rate is pretty standard
let me see what it is on my machines at home
well to date 115200 was the std
and thats worked just about everywhere...
i tried 1500000
yeah, I was gonna say that's what all of my machines seem to be on
but not supported at leats by my serial usb thingy
it's probably something not hooked up then somewhere, or the wrong serial console
but it dfoes work as soon as a login prompt rolls by
input and output
so *shrug*
alright I'm back in
i'll give this a quick shot right now and if I can't figure it out I'll come back on the weekend
no problems
just hookinmg up my serial dongle right now... ned that usb extension cable....
raster: any idea if there's somewhere I can clone the repo for the kernel you're running on this machine so I can build mali_kbase on my laptop locally?
your home dir
thats what i did
my stuff is in ~raster/panfrost
mali_kbase is there already
you have sudo access :)
ok serial console is working.. well login prompt is there
and i can log in
so if worst happens i have that
tomeu: poke, you around?
ah nvm, figured it out
i see u startd the watchdog
raster: /home/raster/panfrost/linux-kernel/ is where your kernel source dir is I'm guessing? or linux-mainline-kernel
raster: I didn't actually o-o
actually no
the kernel is the .deb
there is a kernel watchdogd thread...
i've never messed with one before...
raster: yeah that's just on by default, and doesn't ever really work very well in my experience :(
raster: but I mean, where's the kernel source that you're building mali_kbase against? You've got to have an actual source directory somewhere
or at least some place with kernel headers
i wish i could find the src for those debs so i could build/update my own with mods
i couldnt
i found a raw kernel tree git ayfan maintains with patches for rcokpro64
yeah, we should probably get a mainline kernel working on here at some point so we don't need to worry about that in the future. for now thugh I'll see what I can do
and i used my config.gz there and that kernel didnt boot into anyting useful
so i'm missing something in preparing it and thats in the deb control files which ... i cant fine
i didnt want todeal with patching in e.g. hdmi support - i'd like to have 1 problem at a time :)
not sure what else i'd have to patch in tbh
alright, got the kmod built
let's see if I can poke around and see what's going wrong here
and loaded
but still nothing other than "it loaded" . no /dev/mali.... ?
raster: yeah, I'm still figuring out why :p
at least that is what has appeared before with prior kernel drivers .. unless kbase is different
heheh thats hwy i was wondering if there was debug
watchdog service running at least...
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raster: so I can't even et the kernel module to print anything in kbase_platform_device_probe() which should be the entrypoint for the module
but-that's good because what I can infer from that is that we're probably not matching any of the device ids in kbase_dt_ids
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raster: you said you say mali-t860 in your dts file, was it /exactly/ that string?
alo, where did you find the dts file that told you that? I don't see anything that you linked that would have it, only dtb files (I'm loooking for dts)
well, you can decompile them :P
Lyude: sorry was going around in circles in real life
oh you can? excuse me, I'm a bit new to devicetree stuff :p
hanetzer: how does one do that?
yeah. pretty much a 1:1 decompilation, minus some nice things
its kinda like decompiling java tho. no comments, and you lose nice things like foo-property = &other-node
that's ok, I should just be looking for the string raster mentioned
&other-node becomes a hex digit, and the actual node referenced by &other-node has a property called phandle or linux-phandle which matches that hex digit
hold up, is /proc/device-tree toggled by a kernel config option?
it's there
oh wait there it is
must have typo'd something
now if the kenrel is somehow using some other dtb that doesnt have this.. that'd make sense :)
i honestly think that's the issue
from reading the src the only way the platform probe code would be skipped is if there's no matching entries in the dt
prolly. if you're using uImage(zImage+dtb) then it prolly doesn't grab the one from fs
raster: how are you booting? what's the boot firmware, coreboot, u-boot, etc?
gah, dtc just segfaulted on this board
Lyude: tar the filesystem and send it to another device, extract, do it again :)
alright, let's see
hanetzer: as i didnt build the kernel... i dont know what it's doing :)
raster: device?
yeah.... that would help a lot to know :s
hanetzer: rockpro64 - so extlinux or something new to me
raster: u-boot ?
not that i know of
it prolly is, if its not a chromebook
i never saw a uboot prompt on serial or anywhere... so '' that's why i don't know :)
or you could be in vendor hell and have some thing compiled from terrible asm files :P
it is possible :)
raster: /proc/cmdline ?
i have seen enough horrible stuff not to make any assumptions :)
I'm assuuming that's just rockchip,rk3399-mali + arm,mali-t860
that's maybe ok... I'm unsure if the compiled dts is \0 deliminated
Lyude: its in the dt right?
status = "disabled"
raster: yes
appears so
ah yeah
well dang
most everything is default 'status = "disabled"' in the cpu dtsi and is turned on by the board dts :)
now i wonder if the dtb is on disk or in the img
raster: anyway-that's definitely your problem
raster: does something akin to /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf exist ?
rockpro is not meant to be a gfx consumer more or less, yeah?
anyway-I'm going to go back to work now
let me know if you guys have any issues once you have the dt stuff sorted out
btw hanetzer: any progess with kernel stuff? I'm probably going to start trying to come up with some code this weekend, since it seems we (may???? it's still kind of up in the air) will have issues getting panfrost into mesa with deps on mali_kbase
Lyude: well since current panfrost is not in a status to work on arm32 I've been putting it off until I get my rk3399 device (anywhere from jan 10-16 it could arrive)
makes sense
hanetzer: that does seem to the what the bootloader uses - and since its in a normal filesystem (ext4 even) and it's extlinux... i thought it is some custom/different bootloader
* Lyude
reallllly needs to fix that :s
raster: its prolly u-boot. u-boot can find that extlinux.conf file and make a boot menu basically :)
hanetzer: and yes - it exists. i've looked into it before :)
hanetzer: also I happen to be waiiting for an rk3399 device as well :p
what a coincidence
you may have u-boot compiled in such a way that is meant for fast booting and not tinkering
I don't use extlinux.conf on rk3399...
Lyude: tnx man. so dt problem eh? i wouldnt have thought given the same guy's 4.4 kernel works...
just use ESP active partition... simpler...
I will, once i port kevin to u-boot :)
raster: sure looks like it at least
hmm, should read backlog here. Maybe upstream kernel on rockpro64 is also missing something in dts
stikonas: no we found the entries in their dts
they're just disabled
is rockpro rk3288 or what?
rockpro is rk3399
hanetzer: rk3399... its probably one of the better 3399 boards
with 4gb ram, gig-e and a tonne of connectors....
your devicetree probably lives in /boot/dtbs/4.20.0-1083-ayufan-g686e1f1aa461
/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf is present so that's probably what is determining the devicetree
well thatas where i found them
and your dtb definitely isn't built in
i do wonder how it actually chooses the right dtb file tho
yeah. on current mainline rockpro64 dts the mali gpu is not enabled. you'll have to compile a custom dtb
raster: it's in /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf and it's determined by model name
Lyude: this is what i was hoping as it means i can hack it more easily :)
Lyude: it indicated the base dir for dtbs but not which
yeah. you can enable the gpu via &gpu {\n\tmali-supply = <&some-supply>;\n\tstatus = "okay";\n};
in the dts
unsure what supply you should use
hanetzer: all the other info that they should need looks to be there, I think it's just a matter of changing the status line. let me post their dts
I think mali-supply is needed
hmm, why would it be disabled in dts... what's the point of adding it there then
it must find the model name string from some other rom/firmware as its not coming from extlinux.conf
raster: well yeah-that part is determined by uboot iirc
oh, yeah, mali-supply is optional
so you can exclude that line
raster: yeah. assuming u-boot, well-supported mainline boards encode the default dtb name in the firmware
you can explicitly name a dtb though, I think
(also-from that dtb your uboot does have the right model name in the firmware at least
/boot/dtbs/4.20.0-1083-ayufan-g686e1f1aa461/rockchip/rk3399-rockpro64.dtb should be the one it's loading
stikonas: do you have any link to instructions on how to build everything from source for the rockpro64? I couldn't find unstructions for uboot
well it seems to then be finding it right by some magic :)
AntonioND: not written...
I have some scripts
... ok, that's what I thought
AntonioND: uboot is only non-upstream for now...
this board needs better support. ayufan is doing a good job ... but he's missing some bits
AntonioND: hopefully upstream support will come withing then next few months
Lyude: how dodo u decompile? i get a segv evenon my pc
yeah, I have one and was quite disappointed to see that it wasn't that easy to actually get everything working, because I bought it because of panfrost actually...
and there are still 2 binary blobs in my instructions
AntonioND: it will be easier once upstream uboot is supported
raster: I ended up having to give up on /proc/device-tree and I used /sys/firmware/fdt
hope so
also though the file path I gave you above should work
that's rockchip's fork but still better than reverse engineering
veyron-speedy is one patch away from mainline u-boot support :)
gpu found
rk3399 is one of the few interesting SoCs that have open source ATF, so it would be a shame not to have support for this board as openly as possible
AntonioND: well, if you have any progress with your open source self compiled ATF, let me know...
mesa still fails to load rockchip
failed to load driver: rockchip
that's the problem, if there are no instructions on how to bundle things... every single company that uses the TF uses it in a different way
at least your GPU seems to be up
AntonioND: I thought u-boot bundles it
when you make u-boot.itb
raster: make sure that youre running it in a context that has permissions to read /dev/mali-
but since I couldn't get it working, I wasn't sure
stikonas: you can also have uboot as part of the fip and let the TF load uboot
yeah, I think that's what happens on my system now
when I make u-boot.itb
Lyude: 0 crw-rw-rw- 1 root video 10, 57 Jan 9 22:22 /dev/mali0
i'm good :)
there is also coreboot, which loads the TF
udev already set up
so yeah... anything goes
raster: darn, unfortunately I don't think I've got any more time to look at this todya
well, with u-boot, you first load part of u-boot (SPL), that loads TF, then load another part of u-boot
no problems
go back to work :)
thansk very muchly
np, sorry for all the trouble!
an intro to dtb's
never had to mess with them before
i learned something :)
stikonas: ok, I didn't know that part. in any case, enough of offtopic. so far my rockpro64 is in a box in a cupboard and it will have to stay there for a while because I don't have time to play with it
it isnt even trying to load rockchip_dri.so
oh wait
never mind
ther eit is higher up
weird... it doesnt seem to do anything with /dev/mali0 ....
this is for another day i think....
yeah. spl inits registers/ram/etc, just enough to run real u-boot :)
Lyude: hanetzer thnks muchly. got over this hump thnaks to your help and onto the next... i guess it's putting debug into mesa time
raster: np, that's what we're here for :)
tnx :)
give me time and i'll actually try and get better support for these things
like better out of the box stuff so people can work on panfrost more easily
raster: that would be awesome, thanks! :)
i'm working on trying to do the same as well with the vim2 that I got sent
going to try at some point to get fedora's default kernel config working with it, and make sure that there aren't any patches for it missing upstream
i was in the middle of doing it for my rpi too - too much manual "enable open souce 3d driver" magic for people ... so was going to prepackage a wayland compositor everything working right thing :)
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ezequielg: Pong
I haven't done anything with AFBC scanout yet, so none. But FBOs are all AFBC, so at least in userspace we ought to be able to do it. Scanout is linear since, yeah, I don't want to deal with kernels and such yet :)
alyssa: btw, re: 11:17 <@alyssa> mifritscher: ". It would take a substantial amount of code (coming from inline functions or macros with substantial bodies) to do that. " Arguably that's the case with the headers as we currently use them now
where exactly is that the case might I ask?
i didn't see any kind of functions in the header that were non-trivial
Maybe it's a different set of headers than I thought
(I haven't looked carefully at what we import and what we don't)