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<beneroth> brb
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* Nistur is in the company's main office today, while wearing my picolisp tshirt :P
<Regenaxer> ! :)
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<sriram_> In the constructor for undo button (form.l), I see (=: home undo This)
<sriram_> the doc for =: says the symbol whose home->undo property will be set is This
<sriram_> so it is a bit confusing. I know that one of the objects is the form and one is the undo button, but am not sure what 'This' and =: refer to
<sriram_> the button is created inside the form, but still...a bit puzzled
<sriram_> i guess this has to do with lexical and dynamic scope?
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<Regenaxer> Hi sriram_!
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<sriram_> Hi Alex
<sriram_> Good afternoon...
<sriram_> still exploring pdfPage...some questions came to mind reading the code..I posted one above
<Regenaxer> Sorry, just dropped in and must leave again
<Regenaxer> The code snippets in buttons (and other gui components) are always execkuted at some later point (eg. when the button is pressed, or enabled/disabled) in the dynamic context of that component
<Regenaxer> ie. 'This'
<sriram_> yes that is what I thought...In (=: home undo This), This is the Form
<sriram_> but then what does =: refer to, or is it a kind of circular ref i.e This-> home -> undo = This?
<sriram_> oh maybe This is the button rather than the form...still the question remains if This is bound to the button (gui component) then wouldnt
<sriram_> =: also use the same value when it sets This->home->undo
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