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<reed> Hi all. Could someone explain to me what is happening in this line of the "vip.l" file: (native "@" "LINES" T)
<reed> after running that, the transient variable "LINES" has a value in it
<reed> I'm familiar with that documentation, but there aren't any examples with the "T" result specification
<beneroth> T # Don't call, just assign handle and pointer
<reed> Hmm, I'll put some thought into it. Thanks
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<beneroth> so as I understand it: obtain the pointer to "LINES" in the current binary, don't call it just get the pointer (which then gets stored in the "LINES" symbol in our lisp context)
* beneroth wonders why people always disconnect so quickly -.-'
* beneroth "LINES" seems to be weird for a C function, maybe a global variable? Regenaxer?
<beneroth> gn8 all
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