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<beneroth> Regenaxer, how to do (peek) with binary input ?
<tankf33der> there is only one peek function
<tankf33der> afaik
<tankf33der> what is the task?
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<beneroth> I wanted to use (peek) in a binary context. to use a delimiter character to mark the end of a block of (plio-formated) binary data.
<beneroth> solved it now by using (pr) (so writting a NIL) as separation marker
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<tankf33der> but pr cant do readahead
<tankf33der> it reads and move cursor
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<rob_w> wsl doesnt seem a bad idea
<beneroth> tankf33der, exactly.
<tankf33der> how pr helped you if it read move cursor forward?
<tankf33der> how you handle this then?
<beneroth> rob_w, that's microsoft attempt to make windows attractive for developers again. a majority of developers work with linux servers these days, so they use a Mac to have some compatibility without having to use linux.
<rob_w> yeah , ms finally admits something back to the people
<beneroth> tankf33der, instead of doing a look-ahead for the end-marker, I just do (rd) and assume to having reached the end-marker if (rd) returns NIL (what it does when there is NIL in the input, or when EOF is reached)
<rob_w> a nice effect of wsl is , that one is forced back on good old console-powers ..
<rob_w> .. and if you already have those, it sure feels helpfull
<beneroth> rob_w, well, they're forced to it kinda. currently Google is the big EEE guy while Microsoft tries to play a bit fairer so people continue to play with it
<beneroth> I would like to see some performance benchmarks about wsl :)
<rob_w> well it does see my 4 cores , at leat htop shows em .. /proc is pretty ripped out
<rob_w> and ps -axm is nicely short ;-)
<rob_w> a init() and a bash() :)
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<Regenaxer> beneroth, binary input with 'rd' does not use the normal input stream with character look-ahead, so (peek) cannot work
<Regenaxer> all other input functions do, but not (rd
<Regenaxer> ie load, line, read, char, skip, from, till etc.
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<beneroth> Regenaxer, aye. I wondered if there might be an equivalent for binary 1 byte look-head
<beneroth> no problem
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<Regenaxer> oops
<beneroth> freenode net-split
<Regenaxer> ax
<Regenaxer> ah
<beneroth> did you receive my two messages?
<Regenaxer> yes
<Regenaxer> I'm looking only sparsingly, sitting here with guests ;)
<Regenaxer> "I wondered if there might be an equivalent for binary 1 byte look-head"
<Regenaxer> I saw
<Regenaxer> and, no, there is not
<Regenaxer> the binary read does not keep a look ahead buffer
<beneroth> grokked
<beneroth> alright
<beneroth> away for dinner :)
<Regenaxer> :)
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<beneroth> brb
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<kuarg> Hello picolisp people. ,what is the rolling release?
<kuarg> *the
<Regenaxer> Updated every few days, see doc/ChangeLog
<kuarg> Regenaxer, ha... so does that mean it is not stable and safe for production?
<Regenaxer> It is considered stable
<Regenaxer> I use it for production
<kuarg> PicoLisp page in Wikipedia says "Stable release 18.3.23 / March 23, 2018; 57 days ago"
<Regenaxer> Yes
<kuarg> I cannot find that release to download?
<Regenaxer> Every half year a snapshot is released to the Debian world
<kuarg> This is what the download page offers picoLisp-17.12.tgz (987 kB, md5: e2b2f621cd86881efaec769525b6a900)
<kuarg> beside rolling release
<Regenaxer> yes, right
<kuarg> "picolisp-17.12"
<kuarg> 17.12 =! 18.3.23
<Regenaxer> hmm, true
<Regenaxer> iirc 18.3.23 is just a variant of 17.12
<Regenaxer> An intermediate fix
<kuarg> So, if the rolling release is considered stable and usable for production, why not release it as non-rolling-release?
<Regenaxer> The Debian release procedure is tedious
<Regenaxer> So I do it every half year
<Regenaxer> next end of June
<Regenaxer> But it is just a snapshot of that rolling release
<Regenaxer> So I would always recommend the newest
<Regenaxer> There are some bug fixes since December
<Regenaxer> see doc/ChangeLog
<kuarg> I usually like to build things by myself, so should I download picoLisp-17.12.tgz or the rolling release picoLisp.tgz?
<Regenaxer> Better the newest
<Regenaxer> They are very similar, just a few months newer
<Regenaxer> I don't remember the exact difserence atm
<kuarg> but you said "Updated every few days"
<kuarg> piles of updates would make differences
<Regenaxer> yep :)
<Regenaxer> again, check doc/ChangeLog
<Regenaxer> Most changes are probably irrelevant for most use cases, but there are also bug fixes
<Regenaxer> 15mar18
<Regenaxer> Bug in 'echo' for zero 'cnt' arguments
<Regenaxer> 09jan18
<Regenaxer> Bug in token parser
<Regenaxer> Other bugs apply only to new functions like 'pool2' or 'blk'
<kuarg> Good
<kuarg> I am going to install the rolling release now
<Regenaxer> So indeed new functions are unstable sometimes ,)
<Regenaxer> Yes, good
<Regenaxer> Just as described in the INSTALL file
<Regenaxer> The easiest if you first do something like 'apt install picolisp'
<Regenaxer> To get the old Debian version for bootstrapping
<Regenaxer> Is it a x86-64 system?
<kuarg> yes it is 64 bit
<kuarg> I just don't like old software
<Regenaxer> yeah
<kuarg> That is why I like to stick to the newest updates..... this is a habit
<Regenaxer> Me too
<Regenaxer> PicoLisp is so small, a rolling release makes few problems I believe
<kuarg> why do i have to do one of the three orders before building 64 bit version for the first time?
<Regenaxer> Pil64 bootstraps itself. Needs a running pil (pil32, pil64 or ersatz)
<Regenaxer> or just download the pre-built files
<Regenaxer> that's the easiest
<kuarg> what about the java option?
<Regenaxer> That's also fine
<Regenaxer> If it does not find a picolisp binary but Java on the machine, it uses that
<Regenaxer> But the easiest is to take
<kuarg> i downloaded that now what should I do with it?
<Regenaxer> Unpack it in the installation dir
<kuarg> in the src64 folder in folder picoLisp?
<Regenaxer> tar xvfz picoLisp.tgz && cd picoLisp && tar xvfz ../x86-64.linux.tgz && (cd src64; make)
<Regenaxer> then ./pil +
<Regenaxer> Needs gnu asm and make to be installed
<Regenaxer> After that, you don't need to download x86-64.linux.tgz any more
<Regenaxer> just get the newest picoLisp.tgz and do (cd src64; make)
<kuarg> what does runtime tools mean here " After a 64-bit build, the runtime tools - if needed - must be built separately:"
<Regenaxer> Mainly httpGate and ssl
<Regenaxer> Needed for some application server architecture
<Regenaxer> I thing you can ignore for the beginning
<kuarg> yes I don't need these protocols at all currently or even in the future
<Regenaxer> ok
<kuarg> I think it would be better if you add these info in the installation document. A good document is one of the top qualities of any software.
<Regenaxer> that's true
<Regenaxer> I think httpGate and ssl are extremely important
<Regenaxer> as I do mainly application servers
<Regenaxer> I go to sleep now! Have fun
<Regenaxer> :)
<kuarg> thanks a lot!
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