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Hello razzy
mtsd: never seen you before
Been away a bit over the summer, but I am usually here
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Hi razzy, mtsd
mtsd: How was your presentation?
Hi Regenaxer!
Hi Nistur
hello! :)
I had the initial meeting yesterday, it went well. Presentation is on september 13th, but I am going to write a prospect to the consultancy firm today
Prospect == "Enthusiastic paper declaring why Picolisp is an excellent choice" ;)
Ah, yes, in September. Good
That said, the meeting went well. Both my current employer and the possible future employer got along really well
Good to hear :)
First presentation the 13th, here. Second one in London a few days later. 16-17th september
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Thank you for giving feedback about the questions I had, regarding technology choice etc
I'm happy to help
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i think that picolisp is in state of small efficient comunity. before it grow larger and drown in management of so many choices to have.
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maybe too small :]
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hi all
Hi beneroth
Hi Regenaxer :)
Hi folks!
Hi alexshendi
Ahoy alexshendi :)
beneroth: hi :]
I'm getting quite excited. I get to have my first discussion with the startup advisor next Monday... I mean things will go slowly I'm sure, but it'll be my first official step... and if I get money, I will hopefully be able to lisp professionally! :P
Congratulations Nistur!
gz Nistur
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beneroth: want to talk?
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razzy, if you like
i kind of do like to talk. i do not know where is my place in world
can't you create yourself a place, a place which fulfills your basic needs?
Regenaxer, (print) outputs namespaced symbols like transients. I'd like to do some code-generating, but this makes it very hard to use namespaces
Regenaxer, example:
(symbols 'tgs 'pico)
(symbols 'pico)
(de goodbye (A) (prinl "Goodbye " A))
(de hello (A) (prinl "Hello " A))
(println '(hello "Fred"))
(println '(tgs~goodbye "Fred"))
(hello "Fred") # all good
("goodbye" "Fred") # not so good
How to fix?
I understand that technically a namespaces symbol is kinda a transient symbol, as its placed within a separate scope. I guess the writer checks for "separate scope" (not direct member of interned tree) to decide if its a transient or not.
maybe this check could be improved print namespaced symbols with their namespace-prefix instead of printing it like a transient?
s/could be improved/could be improved to
what if i have oposing basic needs?
then you need two places.
(actually... I was discussing this with a friend recently who was pretty much saying that she had... two opposing basic needs... so yeah...)
Nistur: good advice if you need 2 woman/men in life,... my problem is more deep, imho. i need to understand and control physics around myself. and on other hand i need some mystery and universe to explore. sooo,.. build new universe?
'control physics around myself'
maybe is not so bad advice at all
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Nistur: too cold, too hot, etc
razzy: you sound like my wife :P
Nistur: oooh, poor you :]
but regarding the mystery and understanding, I think that's pretty easy. For one thing, I think it's physically impossible to understand everything... especially at this point. So just making the effort to try and learn everything is enough for most people to keep them happy with that... alternatively do what the rest of us do, and lost half your life in fantasy world which either you can choose to fully
comprehend, or not :P
create some heavilly encrypted mysteries :]
way to go
biology is pretty mysterious while following the physical rules
knowledge is fractal, the more you know, the more border to the unknown you have, I find.
beneroth: if knowledge synergies start to kick in,... it start to compress itself again
beneroth: biology is encrypted
in some sense of a word
it takes really huge amount of work to reingeneer it
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it's not encrypted. it's just a huge mess.
beneroth: but the parts that needs to communicate, understand each other
so it is not random mess
what would you think about program, that seem from outside like a mess, but work reliably in wide enviroments?
I said nothing about random.
it looks like a mess, it should maybe be refactored.
beneroth: you only gets snippets in assembler and processor instructions
you would better look for some tooling to translate it
beneroth, I see no general problem with the above printing
print should correspond with read, and there may be another symbol interned in the current search order with the same name
The trick is to do (symbols *MyOrder ... (print ...]
The printing environment must be the same as the reading one
This is even more critical with DB-I/O
I do that excessively in PilBox. All apps share the same process, but may have different DBs open
so namespacing is usable to isolate stuff. but not so feasible for grouping stuff while using it intermixed.
I think it is
It is you to control the search order
What do you mean with "grouping"?
the problem is, when printing the symbol I don't know to which namespace it belongs, so I can't switch symbols order to get it be printed as a namespaced symbol
you can find out the namespace with 'nsp'
In your case, simply set to *all* namespaces then
My use case is: (print 'tgs~foo) -> tgs~foo instead of "foo"
But I do not see the sense. You see the symbol as internal, but *which* one it is is not clear
How about 'import'ing them?
e.g. read picolisp source code, and print the resulting prg out again as-is
yes, importing solves my problem.
read souce, then print is the normal case
not working when the read source contains namespaced calls
ah, right
aye, that's my point :)
The printer could be more intelligent, but it would be too expensive
now we are speaking about the same thing :)
needs to search all namespaces for every transient symbol
I thought about it
But rejected if for efficiency reasons
ok, so my guess was right (about how checking of a symbol being transient/internal works)
it is just a lookup
yeah, afaik internal symbols, internal namespaces symbols, and transient symbols all are the same data type symbol. so no tag for further differentiation, right?
if its in the intern tree, its internal symbol, else it must be transient.
If found, it is printed as internal
And the original namespace might be out of scope
So 'nsp' is also of limited use
external symbols are detected because of their special naming? or do they have another tag?
they have a tag bit
yes, the reader "forgets" the namespace of the symbol its read.
I see no easy fix.
yeah, there is no space in the symbol
And a symbol may be in many namespaces
true, but then - is it really the same symbol? :P
ah right
pointer equal
both is possible: one symbol in multiple namespaces, or multiple symbols in different namespaces with the same symbol name
the ~ is like a read macro here
hierarchical database system concept mistake applies here
They are also not printed
yes, this is my initial issue
but there is no solution to it, because the namespace of a symbol is not stored, it could be brute forced by searching through all namespaces trees (as nsp does), but thats not really a solution
the other fix would be storing the namespace symbol upon reading - but thats overhead, and we have no good place to store that thing.
the ~ read macro cannot be patched, aye? :D
a global assoq list of symbols would be a way
silly though, I think
if it were 1:1, we could store it in a propert
more reasonable not to use namespaces in such a way then.
Not sure what is the best way
Namespaces are relatively new
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Also without printing they must be used with care
I shot myself into the foot often
the fun bit is, that the ~read macro should not be used outside of (import) calls then, to have all parsed source be printable
read prg to be printable is a use-case-specific requirement
yes, I think that printing code is not the most frequent case
as with 'pp' or 'pretty'
interesting is that 'edit' does it well
I use 'edit' to browse runtime code
It handles transient symbols in general
I think a bit about it. for now I tend to say: if read code should be printable, do not use ~macro in that code (so import everything you use from other namespaces)
also before we had namespaces
yes, this rule is safe
being able to print all code is a nice feature in general.
so it is a flaw being limited by namespaces a little
But I see no good solution atm
especially in picolisp where not much happens during read parsing. I still find executable being equivalent to source code a great feature.
not worth the overhead to keep records of all ~ macro calls
or, perhaps do it only in debug mode
hmm, but I think it is too much
another idea might be making the reader macros patchable
yeah, but they are rather deeply embedded in the core
then one could adapt it when needed, and when not needed, the default optimized asm implementation is used.
yes, would mean introduction of some "patched" flag on all those macro "functions"
'load' throug a pipe is better then
pre-filtering. hm, yes.
more work though :P
but yes
(load "-foo ...")
I will build something like this anyway, at one point
because when I allow picolisp script written by user/admin to run in a specific context, the scripts need to be validated before anyway
I guess
thansk Regenaxer
so it is as I initially suspected :D
Yes. btw, scripts, a few days ago I tweeted something interesting
too bad it always takes so much time to establish a common view, communicating about this stuff is hard, not enough words to make accurate descriptions.
I found out that you can pass more than one file to a hashbang
I keep playing with the idea of setting up a chording keyboard, but I would definitely want a physical keyboard. I cannot stand touchscreen really
For me the opposite
I hate mechanical keyboards
and the need for two hands all the time
What a waste
well, when I'm at home, I never use a mouse, so if I don't type with both hands, there's nothing to do for my other one :P
I hold the coffee cup, or the phone
but I like actual tactile buttons
sure, that's useful I guess :P
i like adaptable buttons. i like emacs hydra
and emacs command sequences
most of the words and wentence syntax could be automatised
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Guten Abend
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Hi rudha
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Hu Regenaxer mich grüßt du wohl nicht mehr?
Hi freemint! :)
Sorry :)
Was on phone (with rudha)
okay na dann
I got a fun project *idea*
I am just musing about the technical details and how i would implement it , if you want to hear it say so
Not at the moment, I'm busy
offer stands ask me about "zones" then
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OK, ready now
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freemint: can i listen?
razzy Regenaxer i noticed there is no way to try out PicoLisp online.
My idea was that i use my Solaris server to create zones which serve a small picolisp root server.
Zones allow for limiting, pooling, of CPU, RAM and Network resources.
The idea is that i make a service when you can get credentials for a Zone with PicoLisp installed for a certain period with a certain ahrddrive space
you would login via ssh or (maybe ) a website
good one
These zones could spawn very quickly and would not eat much resources on the server if i configure it properly.
For networking : i do not want people to use my network so i might set something up that networking is only possibly over a reverse ssh, where the server gets the internet connection from the PC of the user
freemint: i would just make it work and optimalise after people start using it
if i just make it work, people will download CP over it and i go to prison
in our country people haras you first
buzz word for evil stuff, also child pornography
well as admin of a machine i am legally responsible for everything that happens on it
Good ideas, freemint
yop, but it is unavoidable problem
would a PicoLisp zone without internet access be interesting?
if you allow interaction, you allow abuse
Zones allow me limit the abuse on my machine, but they are no magic bullet against problems outside machine
depends if potentional gain overweight potentional problems
Perhaps allow only *incoming* connections
only port 443
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To make GUI development possible
freemint: i liked web repl
Regenaxer even worse then people will host child pron as a service
well there got to be a away
freemint: i would solve that problem on monitoring side
i can not expect myself to monitor anything
mhh but no gui is bad too
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if you catch CP sooner than autorities, you are ok
I think best to try out everything is PilBox
gui, db and all
and no harm, as it is the user's own device ;)
I have not fully grasped how to develop +in+ Pilbox I've only made it load zips and that experience is just as bad as compiling
You can use the repl
but preparing Zips in Termux and uploading is more comfortable
I do both
it is just one line to zip a project and send it to PilBox
I edit in one window, then repeat the send in another
ok ...
a round time of a few seconds
then postpone that project with zones for a while
Nono, I did not want to discourage you
but true, security is hairy
web repl is quite safe
Which repl do you mean?
razzy that repl got to execute somewhere
yes :]
I use the repl fun in @lib/form.l
it is dangerous
but it is hard to reliably abuse web repl
but on PilBox I consider it safe
and if i give an unmodified version of pil you get local bash execution
yes, anything
why or how?
or just 'call'
even worse
(call "rm" "-r" ...)
yes, you would need to put it in sandbox
I don't know well
yeah that would be zones, there is hardly any better
is it SE-Linux based?
Android is, and it isolatel users pretty well
No it is a Solaris technology and has been around since 2006 or so
The idea is that the Solaris kernel works on different sets of data structures for each zone
This means that assuming the kernel has no exploitable flaw each zone behaves as if it had its own kernel
This means each zone has their own set of process id's, and so
The only side-channel between zone is networking
oh and then there is the unique global zone which can access and manipulate all other zones
it is for administration
and as mighty as a hypervisor would be
i like this solaris thing
how much they pay you to administrate this
i pay 32€ a month
bad deal :]
(well actually half since i am sharing it with my girlfriend
Nah i learn the skills now and might get paid later
Oh and the Solaris networking stuff is insanely clever
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They have the chance to pass real standalone networking cards to zones or shared virtualize cards or both
virtualized cards can be rate limited, connected to virtual switches which allow you dictate which zones can talk with which zones on a port by port basis
and all virtual cables can be plugged in and out in real time to allow to connect to other thinhs
i find that as powerful as i could hope for
oh and Solaris got the best file system for anything server like - ZFS
freemint: maybe you have limited hopes and imagination?
but it is ok for most imaginable applications
and i never seen better
ofcourse my imagination is bounded
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