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<mtsd> Hello all
<mtsd> How is everyone doing?
<tankf33der> \^.^/
<Regenaxer> Hi mtsd, tankf33der! Busy but fine :)
<mtsd> Good to hear. How is the Corona situation in Bayern?
<aw-> hi all
<mtsd> Hi aw-
<mtsd> How are you doing?
<aw-> good thanks
<mtsd> Good to hear!
<aw-> i'm worried about Pilconf though
<aw-> perhaps we can organize some kind of jitsy conf instead, would be difficult due to timezones, but not impossible
<mtsd> Italy is locked down, and the authorities here are preparing to ban public gatherings
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<mtsd> Companies have started to send people home. Schools are still open though
<mtsd> But yes, I too worry about Pilcon
<Regenaxer> Yeah, the growth of infections is exponential, so we'll have a shutdown here too within 10 days or so
<Regenaxer> aw-, what is a jitsy conf?
<aw-> Regenaxer: - free video conferencing on the web
<Regenaxer> ah
<Regenaxer> nice
<aw-> i think it's open source too
<aw-> if you want to run your own server
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<Regenaxer> not reachable
<Regenaxer> ok,
<mtsd> Could be an alternative, perhaps. Would be nice to meet in person though. If at all possible.
<Regenaxer> indeed
<Regenaxer> Let's wait a little
<aw-> sorry, spelling
<Regenaxer> np
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<beneroth> in 10 days our health systems will start to be overhelmed
<mtsd> Hi beneroth
<mtsd> I think the same thing is true here, too
<beneroth> they are in Italy now. they triage already. Anyone over 65 or with bad health background (cancer, smoker, implants) are not put in intensive care when they need it.
<beneroth> and that is from yesterday evening.
<beneroth> and no, I haven't informed myself on twitter, except for some few anecdata like this.
<beneroth> I've read the studies and my friend made some calculations with the available data and available demographic data.
<beneroth> I have the code. it is wrong, it is underestimating a lot, I'm sure.
<beneroth> we haven't seen yet a complete collapse of the health system. There was one in Wuhan city for a few days, then they sent in ressources from other parts of China.
<beneroth> That will not happen in Europe.
<beneroth> Germany has blocked transit (which is not export from germany) of vital medial protection gear to Switzerland. Diplomats are fighting since two days.
<beneroth> I'm scarred shitless.
<Regenaxer> :(
<beneroth> I sent a few of the more interesting stories to CH ministry of health. With 1-2 days delay I get an thanking note from a Dr. Someone stating "Thanks for this information, this is very interesting".
<mtsd> How is the medical system i switzerland, under normal circumstances. Do you have to wait long before you can see a doctor?
<beneroth> Why do I get such an answer from a Dr.? not an stupid thank response just to follow basic eticette from a dumb office bimbo?
<beneroth> mtsd, no
<beneroth> it is good, and we have pretty fast access to specialists, better than Germany I think
<mtsd> 4 of the large hospitals in Stockholm have gone into emergency mode
<beneroth> but they haven't prepared. Government only started to even recognize the isse like two weeks ago.
<beneroth> already?
<beneroth> fuck
<mtsd> Yes.
<beneroth> the main problems facing is ressource scarcity: intensive care beds, ventilation, medical clothing and even some basic medicaments
<beneroth> and of course not enough human resources
<beneroth> italy has currently (well info last evening) to put 50% of hospitalized people on intensive care (= ventilation)
<beneroth> and this includes young people
<mtsd> Politicians here have been cutting down the public welfare systems for years. Not much left in the way of resources, ICU- beds etc
<beneroth> the famous patient 1 from italy (the one for whom they don't know who infected him), a 38 year old very sportic guy, was two weeks on ventilation, just yesterday he started breathing on his own again
<beneroth> about 30 doctors fought 20 days for his life, throwing together an anti-viral cocktail of whatever they guessed to help
<beneroth> these resources are not available any longer and Italy is probably not on the inflection point (= half way) yet
<beneroth> .
<beneroth> I strongly feel NOW is the time (the earlier the better) to go on personal lockdown.
<mtsd> Are you working from home, beneroth?
<beneroth> to protect ourselves and even so more the people around.
<mtsd> I am at the office, but the place is rather empty today
<beneroth> aye. I should go on a client meeting tomorrow, I will most likely not go
<beneroth> switch to homeoffice if you can
<mtsd> I am considering that, actually
<beneroth> else take 2-3 weeks holidays asap
<mtsd> Schools are still open here, but that could change fast.
<beneroth> the people who will need ICU in 10-15 days are the ones getting infected now
<Regenaxer> I spend all this week at BTG
<mtsd> Stay safe, Regenaxer
<Regenaxer> Perhaps we should cancel from next week
<Regenaxer> T
<beneroth> here too, the reasoning is that else the grandparents would look after the children
<beneroth> Regenaxer, do cancel. seriously please.
<beneroth> work from home.
<Regenaxer> Yeah
<beneroth> get some supplies so you have not to go when the second wave of hamsterkäufe is comming, once the "normal" people who are still joking recognize the issue
<mtsd> haha, is it called "hamsterkäufe" in German too? Same word in swedish :)
<beneroth> I don't think food or other supplies will a problem, not unless civil order breaks completely down (which is not off-limits). We will see how italy goes next week.
<beneroth> aye
<beneroth> from hamster animal
<beneroth> ah it is the same animal name even in english
<Regenaxer> We have some supplies in-house. Rice and toilet paper ;)
<mtsd> We did some extra shopping yesterday. I will get some additional supplies today. Prepare for lockdown
<mtsd> Rice, toilet paper. And DVD's to entertain the children
<Regenaxer> good
<beneroth> toilet paper hamser buyers are the idiots who saw the internet video of a girl making a mask from it. which is complete bullshit, most likely you only get an additional bacteria infection this way.
<beneroth> in Switzerland, government didn't inform correctly at the beginning, mostly because they weren't informed themselves (which is telling about them)
<beneroth> there is no use in panic. but my thinking is.. that all these people making jokes now.. to whom will they listen once they realize what is happening here? will the listen to the authorities who previously played it all down?
<beneroth> it will probably be ok. we'll see in italy the next days.
<beneroth> social distancing, keeping away from healthcare system, and thinking positively is what we should do now.
<beneroth> prepare for lockdown. in italy the first small lockdown came within 3 days. the whole-country-lockdown came from one day to the other. this might happen very suddenly.
<beneroth> (though only when its mostly too late already)
<beneroth> .
<beneroth> I have to go fetch my new mobile phone, my (just new one, but too cheap Nokia 2.2) just broke down...
<beneroth> prepare yourselves.
<beneroth> take care
<beneroth> bbl
<tankf33der> int &= 3f;
<tankf33der> what is reverse of above ? :/
<Regenaxer> reverse as 'or'?
<tankf33der> yea
<Regenaxer> int |= -040
<Regenaxer> int |= -0x40
<tankf33der> ah
<Regenaxer> or FFFFFFFFFFFC0
<tankf33der> thanks.
<Regenaxer> :)
<aw-> Regenaxer: rice & toilet paper, typical Japanese home supplies in these situations haha. Your home is like mine haha
<aw-> beneroth: who is making jokes? what do you mean?
<Regenaxer> aw-, right
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<beneroth> aw-, jokes like "well as long as I can still go into the soccer/football stadium all is fine" "it is just a flu, stop the panic"
<beneroth> hospitalization rate with the flu is around 1%. covid is 20%.
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