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<Nistur> mornin'
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<Regenaxer> Hi Nistur!
<Nistur> hello!
<Nistur> Regenaxer: I got it to work last night :D I can now easily send and receive json files \o/
<Regenaxer> Cool! :)
<Nistur> (that's what I was doing while everyone else was watching prime minister's statement... which was bloody obvious what he was going to suggest anyway)
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<Regenaxer> yeah, he changed his mind
<Nistur> it changes little for me anyway. I was already working from home. Already only going out occasionally for walks with MiniNisturette, and already shopping as infrequently as possible :P
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<Regenaxer> MiniNisturette ? ;)
<Nistur> My 8 month old daughter
<Regenaxer> ah :)
<Nistur> she's currently the only reason I can spend any time on personal programming projects :P She has trouble sleeping in the day, so ends up often being so tired she needs to go to bed at 17:00-18:00... MrsNistur sits with her for an hour then, and then I take over. In THEORY we can just leave her to sleep, we have a monitor and for most of the time it'll be fine... but she will inevitably wake up once
<Nistur> before we go to bed, and if I pick her up and walk with her, she falls straight back to sleep and I can put her back in 10-15m, if I'd have to hear her cry, come upstairs etc... she'll wake herself up fully and it'd take her over an hour easily to fall asleep again
<Nistur> so, I spend between 19:00 and 22:00 ish, sitting in bed with my laptop poking away at code, trying not to make much noise :P
<Regenaxer> Nice :)
<Nistur> not a particularly productive 3h unfortunately. The only quiet laptop I have is an old EEEPC. The actual coding is being done on a VPS, but the tiny keyboard and display don't make for perfect coding environment
<Nistur> I spend far too long pressing the wrong keys and trying to correct it :D
<aw-> Nistur: perhaps I can suggest an SBC (arm64) computer? they're tiny and quiet (no fan) and you can plug any external keyboard
<Nistur> I have plenty of those
<Nistur> I'm (sort of) talking to you through a RPi4
<Nistur> at least, it's one of the computers in the chain...
<Nistur> the problem is setting it up in the bedroom :P
<aw-> right, so you _need_ a laptop
<Nistur> pretty much
<Regenaxer> I'd recommend a Tablet with Penti ;)
<aw-> well if you're lucky maybe you can get a hold of a Nexdock
<Nistur> Regenaxer: while I approve of the idea of a chording keyboard. I think I'll be even more unproductive for short term :P It may be a long term improvement, but things (both COVID-19 and baby related) are changing at a rate where, by the time I'm comfortable with it, it'll be all change again :P
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<Regenaxer> right, takes very long to learn
<mtsd> Nistur, family still ok?
<Nistur> I did start with a different chording keyboard setup. I forget which... to _learn_ it didn't take very long, but I tried for a while and I just couldn't do anything anywhere near as fast as with a qwerty setup. The speed takes a long time. And I have years of muscle memory
<Nistur> mtsd: medically, yes. The only person I know who has been infected is a dutch guy on another channel. He's not enjoying it at all :( My family have other worries... like my mother is a childminder, so she'll basically have zero income for the duration of this, and as a childminder, I doubt she's been able to save up much to help...
<Nistur> my father is stuck in Qatar, my stepmother is all on her own in Netherlands
<mtsd> My wife works in social services, so she has to go to work. I was sent home last week.
<Nistur> oh yeah, my mother does still actually have work... for the kids of key workers... but that is... I think 1 kid twice per week or something, which I don't think covers her costs to actually do anything... and of course key workers, like your wife I guess, will be high risk of catching, so my mother will probably be high risk too
<Nistur> eh
<Nistur> moving on :)
<Nistur> hopefully no-one on here's been infected?
<Regenaxer> We hope not
<Nistur> :)
<Nistur> Regenaxer: my new job (as of January) is (unfortunately) no longer gamedev, but I do get the pleasure of working with Germans :P A lot of Germans. I have at least weekly calls with people in... 3 or 4 different companies in .de :P
<Regenaxer> :)
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<mtsd> We seem to have avoided infection too, so far.
<Nistur> perhaps the secret to immunity is to lisp? :P
<beneroth> hey all
<beneroth> well Nistur, the plan is to take over the programming world with picolisp right after the crisis. achieve much in short time with less developers etc. ;-=
<beneroth> all fine here... so far
* Nistur coughs
<Nistur> fewer
<beneroth> T
<beneroth> thanks
<Nistur> ;)
<beneroth> also we should learn Chinese
<beneroth> but "less human resources" ? :P
<beneroth> which is a horrible term anyways
<Nistur> yeah, I don't like it...
<Regenaxer> Hi beneroth!
<mtsd> Hello beneroth!
<Nistur> Hmmm, making plans for my coding session tonight. I think I will... basically make a command line client to send requests to the server, make it easier to test things than curl-ing everything. Should just be a few functions that I can call from the repl I guess
<Regenaxer> Or log in at the server and use psh
<Nistur> hmmm, maybe. But I want to test this as if it's coming from a real client, so using the correct endpoints etc would be useful. Can't do that with psh can you? :S
<Regenaxer> right, that's different
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<beneroth> Nistur, JSON debugging clients are a thing
<beneroth> checkout browser plugins...
<Nistur> ehhhhhhhhhhhh. I'd like to stay away from a browser as long as I can :P
<Nistur> but I will :)
<beneroth> good principles!
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<aw-> Nistur: cmdline https client for PicoLisp
<Nistur> huh. I'm getting a 401 on github. Wat.
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<aw-> works for me even in private browser
<aw-> kinda wish i worked with libcurl instead of neon (unmaintained since 2016)
<Regenaxer> btw, there is also a 'repl' form in the standard gui
<aw-> and also (client) i think is part of http.l
<Nistur> works now, I think there was something borked with my internet
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<aw-> Nistur: sorry that project is also archived/dead.. i think it requires OpenSSL < 1.0 as well :(
<Nistur> no problem :)
<Nistur> I'll figure something out :)
<beneroth> openssl s_client
<beneroth> unsure how well it is for prod purposes. disclaimer say no.
<beneroth> I use it to check certs & stuff
<beneroth> otherwise I use curl, wrapped cli call from picolisp
<beneroth> good enough so far
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<beneroth> mtsd, my girlfriends company has one confirmed covid-19 case in their offices in Sweden (and one in Germany)
<beneroth> s/company/employer
<mtsd> The numbers are rising in Stockholm.
<mtsd> A large conference building near where I live is being converted into an emergency hospital
<beneroth> Madrid is using their ice sport hall as morgue
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<mtsd> That's terrible..
<beneroth> my friends uncle died in a nursery home in Germany (was old and had dementia). Doctors tell it was just the flu. He had flu symptoms, then pneumonia, then cardiac arrest. Not tested for covid, and afaik neither for flu virus.
<beneroth> just a bit before they had an older woman dying the same way, who was just recently transferred to that nursing home, living a few rooms further from my friends uncle.
<beneroth> just flu deaths
<beneroth> possible, but it smells false.
<beneroth> flu season is ending since mid february.
<beneroth> even hospital personal are largely not taking it serious in Germany and Switzerland
* beneroth is picolisping, picolisping is good
<Regenaxer> true
<beneroth> all fine in your town, Regenaxer ?
<Regenaxer> yes, as far as I know
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<beneroth> good to hear
* Nistur is also picolispin
<mtsd> Picolisping and Perl-ing (just a little) here :)
<Nistur> wondering if I should use sys or native for curl hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
<beneroth> Nistur, I often use cli wrapping, so (in (list "curl" param1 param2 ...) (read/check output))
<beneroth> I would recommend starting with cli wrapping, and then later improve to (native) for better performance
<beneroth> though I just stayed with cli calling. the end-point I worked with was slowly responding anyways
<beneroth> responding slowly?
* beneroth has bugs in his english module
<beneroth> Nistur, issues I had with curl: it doesn't use linux CA store, but each own
<beneroth> there are supposedly ways to add a CA into the curl store, but so far I researched and tried out they don't really work...
<beneroth> one of the servers I had to connect to (not under my control, no way to influence) happened to use an CA missing in the store curl is using
<beneroth> in the end I solved it by downloading the server cert and hand it to curl as an argument.. that way it will break when the server cert changes the next time, but in the meantime it is kinda even more secure...
<beneroth> my use case is a rather low-frequency data exchange, therefore I store both input (soap xml, not json) and the response for logging/debugging/audit tracking (in pilDB), so I used picolisp to generate the request XML and sent the file as an argument (request body) with curl as POST
<Nistur> hmmm
<Nistur> CLI wrapping is definitely easier :P I just thought I'd have a poke at native for fun... but even using curl_easy, it's... 6 calls to just make a request, and that doesn't handle the result at all
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<beneroth> cli wrapping in picolisp is heaven
<beneroth> takes a bit in the beginning to wrap your head around
<beneroth> but afterwards.. easiest stuff ever
<beneroth> makes you hate other languages/stacks
<Nistur> :P
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<Nistur> for fun, I thought I'd try the native way... because I have a very specific use case. It complains about the URL, and doesn't tell me why... so... yeah, (call it is
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<beneroth> you may call it with more verbose output
<beneroth> dunno about the C FFI though
<Nistur> doesn't look like it
<Nistur> I'll look into it in future. For now, I have something that work
<beneroth> good
<beneroth> :)
<DKordic> Greetings everyone.
<DKordic> Nistur: Perhaps Python module ""requests"" would be easier than curl or wget?
<beneroth> Ahoy DKordic
<DKordic> o/ beneroth
<beneroth> DKordic, python is such a fat beast, I like to not have it on my servers where it is feasible :D
<DKordic> Enter
<DKordic> I don't see how are curl or wget better than python in any way.