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<beneroth> once again I see confirmation for the "host yourself. be in control" spirit. Yes big central services should know what they are doing, and are indeed often capable (not including NPM from node.js into that group). But if they fuck up, the consequences are massive. The small guys doing their own stuff will fuck up more often, but that cannot result in such complete massive catastrophes.
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<Nistur> mornin'
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<DKordic> An interesting anallogy of subconscious with iceberg: .
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<wineroots> Can someone fix it if you had seen the picture?
<Regenaxer> tankf33der here?
<Regenaxer> What is the best way to get a better version of LLVM than 6 on Ubuntu 18?
<tankf33der> meeting
<tankf33der> cant.
<Regenaxer> ok, no worry
<DKordic> Greetings wineroots. There is a difference between Subroutine and Function! Depending how Function is defined, even between Function and Mapping: W:apply leads to Russel's Paradox!
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<wineroots> Greetings Dkordic. Thanks for the info!
<DKordic> "(= id (id id))", therefore "id" is not a mere ""function"" as defined by ""ZFC Set Theory"", but a Mapping like the ""set membership"" Mapping that appears in it's Axioms! ""Everything is a set""!?
<beneroth> everything is a list
<beneroth> (a linked list)
<beneroth> sets have no order, by definition
<DKordic> I will take the opportunity to note that C(11) is defined in terms of EBNF, which reaks of the ""Well-Formed Formula"" of ZFC!! An Appeal to Authority!? The so called ""Formal Methods""!?
<DKordic> In other words, with a proper definition of ""function"" the ""Barber's Paradox"" is not a problem: the barber shaves herself outside the office hours.
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<tankf33der> Regenaxer: ret.
<tankf33der> i have no idea, i will try to repeat your environment and check
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<tankf33der> Regenaxer: do you need it?
<beneroth> specify the version to use specifically when installing: sudo apt-get install llvm-10*
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<tankf33der> and this too
<Regenaxer> tankf33der, sorry, was in a conf
<Regenaxer> We solved the Ubuntu issue
<tankf33der> ok
<Regenaxer> Asked him to install a newer Ubuntu :)
<tankf33der> lts version, right?
<Regenaxer> Not sure
<Regenaxer> He seems to have Windows
<Regenaxer> Was not problem, a matter of seconds
<tankf33der> latest lts is always ok
<Regenaxer> yeah
<tankf33der> ok
<Regenaxer> Now he has LLVM 10
<tankf33der> so customer will be migrated to pil21?
<Regenaxer> Not directly, but he uses pil21 to develop / change parts of one of my older projects
<Regenaxer> That system actually still runs in pil64 in prodcution
<Regenaxer> but I thought it better to let him start with pil21 than pil64
<Regenaxer> During that course, I luckily found out that PilCon Friday will of course be 9:00 CET (and NOT 10:00 CEST!!)
<Regenaxer> Stupid summer time changes!
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<aw-> i should be able to join this Friday
<Regenaxer> Great aw-!
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<immasheepherrder> I don't know anything about this subject, but I'll ask it anyway: the docs frequently mention that in PicoLisp there is no compilation: there is only interpretation. But Pil21 makes use of LLVM, which does compile code, right? Does that mean the docs will have to be rewritten?