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<tankf33der> morning
<Regenaxer> Cheers tankf33der!
<Regenaxer> Back from vacation?
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<tankf33der> Regenaxer: yea, just rest without internet and devices. full burn out, hardly surviving.
<mtsd> Morning all
<mtsd> Take it easy, tankf33der. Be careful
<Regenaxer> tankf33der, oh! Sorry to hear that. Take care!
<Regenaxer> Good morning mtsd!
<mtsd> Good Morning Regenaxer!
<mtsd> Thanks for a good pilcon last friday
<mtsd> Interesting, as always
<Regenaxer> :)
<Regenaxer> I enjoyed too
<Regenaxer> Very relaxing meeting
<mtsd> I enjoy hearing about the history of pil
<Regenaxer> The Forth part?
<mtsd> Yes, and how you have evolved the system over time.
<Regenaxer> I forget so many details
<Regenaxer> gc'd
<mtsd> :)
<mtsd> There are many details involved, I can imagine, since pil has passed through so many incarnations?
<Regenaxer> yes, and years
<Regenaxer> I always focus on the latest version
<Regenaxer> (now pil21, code name "Corona" ;)
<mtsd> hahaha
<Regenaxer> :)
<mtsd> The version that will spread to the entire world? ;)
<Regenaxer> Yeah. And cause I had time to concentrate en pil21 due to Corona
<mtsd> Good name, I think
<Regenaxer> :)
<Regenaxer> No boredom during lockdowns
<mtsd> My two youngest kids are home with a cold now, and I have some symptoms myself. Nothing serious though
<Regenaxer> did you have tests?
<mtsd> I will try to order a test today. I am curious to find out
<Regenaxer> good
<Regenaxer> My daughter had an app warning a little ago, but tested negative
<mtsd> Testing capacity has been stretched to the limit, so people working in health care, and elderly folks, gets priority
<mtsd> It is probably just a "normal" cold. But some staff at the children's day care has tested positive, so you never know
<Regenaxer> right
<Regenaxer> The probabilities for "normal" cold are lower these days too, due to the reduced contacts
<Regenaxer> But your kids must join school
<Regenaxer> so the prob for just a cold is higher than covid I suspect
<mtsd> Yes, I think so.
<mtsd> Anyway, I do not have any serious symptoms, so far at least
<beneroth> Hi all
<beneroth> mtsd, get a test if possible. mine was apparently just a cold, fortunately ;-)
<beneroth> but kids are probably one of the main spreaders, even when officials like to say otherwise. science looks like while they hardly have bad cases they can get infected and spread it normally.
<Regenaxer> Hi beneroth!
<Regenaxer> right, same as adults
<beneroth> yeah the school testing in Hamburg was telling...
<mtsd> Hi beneroth, yeah, I will try to order a test today. if I can get one
<beneroth> and there are multiple studies (months old) from kid summer camps in USA
<mtsd> Day care just announced they are closing. Staff are sick, so not possible to stay open any longer
<beneroth> how nice :( lets hope everyone gets well soon
<beneroth> tankf33der, I wish you well. Take care, and be fair to yourself. If we here can help you in any way, let us know. I adore you, you are remarkable.
<mtsd> I'll just have to go back to parental leave for a while
<beneroth> not possible to do homeoffice?
<beneroth> the Swedish strategy did now officially fail? or are the current shutdown/lockdown measures... just .. I don't know....
<beneroth> currently Switzerland is going the most risky strategy in Europe I think. Looks like we're now in the decrease of the 2nd wave, but rather high death toll...
<beneroth> and I guess with the current measures and trends we will end up in a 3rd wave in January...
<mtsd> Well, I can do home office, but hard to keep up with two small children in the flat :)
<mtsd> But I can spread out the hours, work in the evenings etc
<mtsd> It will be ok
<mtsd> Don't know what to say about the Swedish strategy, to be honest.
<beneroth> yeah I see
<beneroth> I don't think the Swiss thing can be called a strategy. It's more like: wait until things really look seriously undeniable bad, then do something, but without long-term planning.
<beneroth> main issue (my view) seems to be bureaucracy and nobody from the government offices wanting to do anything because nobody wants to do extra work and get any blame...
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