antocuni changed the topic of #pypy to: PyPy, the flexible snake (IRC logs: ) | use cffi for calling C | "PyPy: the Gradual Reduction of Magic (tm)"
I'm trying to figure out how to use CPython 3.6 + cffi to test my C code, but I'm getting confused. Is this the right place to ask for advice?
This is the right place for cffi questions.
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Assuming I do as the docs advise and use API mode, what's the second argument to set_source? Not the actual C file under test, right?
ffi compiles my modile when I give set_source the library_dirs directive, but then when I call importlib.import_module, it fails with "Library not loaded" and it's looking in the wrong place.
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no cluuuue runs with the GC feeling responsible for 3GB of arenas and 300MB of raw-mallocs, both in default and in mmap-for-arenas
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but the default RSS grows to 5GB, and the mmap-for-arenas RSS grows to 6GB
fijal: would be cool! ...if we manage to avoid an overlap as this looks like a busy period for us
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arigato: right
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Using PyPy on the mac, it seems like the builds aren't entirely endorsed by the dev team yet? Am I misreading that?
nedbat: the builds are a bit "meh"
they require stuff from homebrew
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fijal: i'd like to be able to use them with confidence, but I can't offer personal effort. If I wanted to put the word out on twitter looking for volunteers to help, would that help?
nedbat: they're allright, just require libraries from homebrew
fijal: so we just need some more instructions about how to use them?
nedbat: the only difference would be to bundle libraries with the builds, as opposed to requiring them installed
yes and no, bundled build has its value and should probably be there, for which volunteer would help for sure
we generally recommend pypy from homebrew anyway (since then they deal with openssl being up to date for example)
we have noone who tracks openssl releases so we can do security releases of bundled stuff for example (which is a problem)
you also need different libs per different macos version (and that keeps slowly changing over time) so most projects just staticly link in their deps instead of trying to educate their userbase to take a stance on userspace library management
fijal: it took a really long time for me to load that page too!
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nedbat: so yeah that's a bug, we should fix it
but it has nothing to do with the builds
fijal: oh, it seems like it's mac only?
it's a combo of some sort (but yes, only visible on mac)
of host unicode width and target unicode width
note that we have a plan to drop completely unicode width in 6.0 and be always wide
since we'll use utf8 internally
fijal: when i try pypy2-v5.10.0, I get "dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/ncurses/lib/libncursesw.6.dylib", is that a brew thing I need to install? the older versions run fine.
oh, you assume homebrew is in /usr/local ?
yeah that's the brew thing
nedbat: so yes, that part would definitely welcome a volunteer to clean it up
fijal: ok, what kind of skills should I be looking for? "Mac build guru
I think (but I might be wrong) it's enough to redo cpython hacks
so "guru" might be a bit too much ;-)
how about "someone with round tuits"?
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<Rotonen> <- for reference here's what i'm doing for building a python on 10.13 which can run in sandboxed mac apps up to 10.9 - if building on a newer system than the target, you have to take care not to use syscalls not available in previous versions
fijal: ok, but is it "Mac build"? (yes, guru will scare everyone away!)
Rotonen: are you working on the official Mac builds?
nedbat: if you don't mind I'll go have a nap, didn't sleep much last night :-)
fijal: sleep is good. do it! :)
I'll read the log
no, i do closed source mac and win32 python stuff at $WORK and i've been given a release form to share that script of mine to pypy people tackling mac releases
Rotonen: do you want to help with the official builds? :)
i'm here to 1) complain about zope things not working with pypy 2) looking at tackling 64bit windows builds
Rotonen: both worthy and annoying problems :)
i might pop by leysin as well as i live in .ch
as for the mac builds i can at least provide you that scaffold of some pitfalls i've found - i do recommend building on the latest tools and hacking in support for older versions like that
Crys: I'm unsure that the problem is general; I'd rather think it is specific to sha3
e.g. on cpython there's the C implementation and on pypy it uses the pure python version
arigato: It's Python / pypy 2.7. They don't have sha3.
as far as I know, we fully emulate CPython's behaviour in cpyext
so where does this sha3 come from?
arigato: I'm the author of sha3 package. The actual implementation is a C implementation without tp_dict, tp_dictoffset and without getter for __dict__
ah, there's details in the issue
arigato: <module '_pysha3' from './'>
can you reproduce with a 10-lines C extension?
compiled with pypy
I could try
we could try ourselves, too :-)
but 10 lines is going to be hard.
ok, 20
25? :p
you're right, it seems to reproduce
I just hooked in a test making a custom type
and the instance has a __dict__
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I'm not crazy :)
surprizing that nobody complained before :-)
Tell that the three other persons in my head!
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a current state dump about the mmap-for-arenas branch
I may have a theory
small GC objects are stored in arenas, and larger ones raw-mallocated
consider the raw-mallocated objects only: if during their total size grows to 1.5GB at one point but is usually more 500MB
then that would explain the different behavior in mmap-for-arenas:
in "default" both the raw-malloced and the arenas are obtained with the libc malloc(),
so it's fine to imagine that after the size grew to 1.5GB and shrank again, at least the same memory can be reused for arenas
in mmap-for-arenas it cannot occur, and thus there is 1GB of unused memory that sticks around
ah, sounds legit
yes, I see the size grew to 1.32GB
earlier in the process when there was not so many arenas
the GC triggers the next major GC based on the sum of the raw-malloced and the used-in-arenas size
so we just happened to create a lot of big objects and not so many small objects during that GC cycle
fragmentation in the non-movable space ... how to avoid
some Java VMs have a GC that is similar to PyPy's but also has the ability to compactify the whole heap very occasionally
it's something I'm not sure I want to consider
it would involve adding logic to the GC that is rarely run at all, and rarely breaking the invariant that old objects don't move
and they can compact their equivalent of raw-malloc allocations?
ah, its not the raw-malloc space?
for Java VMs it's all handled by the GC and not delegated to the libc malloc() but yes
well, sure. but if you have an allocation of native memory or however they call it, then they would incur fragmentation of that space as well potentially
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no, the java VMs get one big chunk of memory at the start and that's it, often
I imagine that if they even have the ability to grow the heap, they ask in very big chunks
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arigo default e21bb2a19d05 /rpython/memory/gc/: Print some more stats at the end of a major GC
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