cfbolz changed the topic of #pypy to: PyPy, the flexible snake (IRC logs: ) | use cffi for calling C | if a pep adds a mere 25-30 [C-API] functions or so, it's a drop in the ocean (cough) - Armin
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<mattip> I think I am going to give up trying to get win32 working before the release
<mattip> I will document that it has problems, and try to add some tasks to the potential projects list
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<cfbolz> mattip: are things worse than before?
<mattip> not sure. The py3.7 lib-python run has always crashed
<mattip> I can't personally reproduce the winreg bugs, but I am pretty sure the situation is better there even though the reporter says the bug is still there
<cfbolz> mattip: that sounds fair enough to me, for something we still call a beta
<mattip> we should really get sponsored or simply accept PRs to fix things
* fijal just discovered rpdb
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<fijal> yeah that one
<larstiq> seems it hasn't changed recently. Works fine or abandoned?
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<mattip> works fine. Some projects are simple enough they are just done.
<larstiq> aye
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