<kyak> xiangfu: hi
<kyak> qi-commits: welcome back :)
<wolfspraul> kyak: :-)
<qi-commits> kyak: bsd-games: tetris scores is now in /usr/share/games/tetris-bsd.scores; http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/01dfb94
<kyak> wolfspraul: hi :)
<wolfspraul> nice
<wolfspraul> we need to hookup a lot more of the apps as icons in gmenu2x
<wolfspraul> also console apps like gnuchess and what not
<wolfspraul> is tetris already an icon in gmenu2x?
<kyak> no
<kyak> if there was a gui tetris, i think it would've made sense, but this is a console tetris, so does it really make sense to launch it from gui?
<bartbes> everything makes sense if you forget about common sense
<bartbes> but yeah, that sounds out-of-place
<bartbes> on the other hand
<bartbes> do you still remember windows 3.1?
<bartbes> *3.11
<kyak> and actually, it is a good idea to look for gui tetris.. and maybe some other simplistic games :)
<kyak> i prefer them better than doom and things like that
<kyak> still scared to play Doom
<bartbes> seriously?
<kyak> what about windows 3.11? i remember using it once, in days of Win98
<bartbes> it had shortcuts to console apps
<bartbes> I think..
<kyak> yeah, really.. every time i get shoot from behind, i get really nervious
<bartbes> heh
<kyak> ans scared
<bartbes> hmm
<bartbes> I forgot how to trigger the cheats
<bartbes> typing, I believe
<kyak> god on
<bartbes> adfddqd or something like that...
<kyak> something liek this
<kyak> gimmeall
<bartbes> iddqd
<bartbes> that was godmode
<kyak> exactly!
<bartbes> idfa and idkfa
<bartbes> ah..
<bartbes> the memories
<bartbes> and iddt
<bartbes> the classic
<kyak> yes, i remember sharing the keyboard with my friend.. he was running, i was shooting
<bartbes> heh
<bartbes> nice
<bartbes> I too see why you could be scared
<bartbes> with the aliens popping up from nowhere
<bartbes> or those times when you hit a switch and there suddenly are like 10 enemies in front of you
<bartbes> I got good at seeing those invisible bastards
<bartbes> ah.. doom
<kyak> also these sounds that seem far away.. my imagination draw pictures of awfull monsters
<kyak> much more awful than this pixelated shit :)
<bartbes> hehehe
<bartbes> and the constant lack of ammo
<wolfspraul> kyak: why not have an icon that launches a console app?
<wolfspraul> app is app
<wolfspraul> hey, it's running on the framebuffer anyway! :-)
<kyak> wolfspraul: maybe you're right, it's just my opinion
<bartbes> oh about that
<bartbes> how does SDL do its thing?
<bartbes> fb, or some X server?
<bartbes> kyak: don't forget that lighting bonus thingy
<bartbes> that allowed you to actually see something
<kyak> it's running in fb; as far as i know, X is only in Jlime currently
<kyak> bartbes: mmm, can't rememeber that!
<kyak> infrared vision?
<bartbes> no
<bartbes> it just made everything bright
<kyak> i think i rememeber something :)
<bartbes> when you had those levels that were only flashing lights
<bartbes> and you basically saw nothing
<bartbes> that powerup temporarily gave you full vision
<bartbes> wasn't it green-ish?
<bartbes> or what about "gun 7"
<bartbes> kill everything within the line of sight
<kyak> not this one ? :)
<bartbes> that one
<kyak> i don't think i ever made it so far
<bartbes> far enough for?
<kyak> to find this powerup
<bartbes> ah
<bartbes> I believe it was hidden somewhere
<bartbes> and it only existed in one level
<bartbes> (of the original)
<bartbes> though you could always use a cheat
<kyak> we should have this game on Ben :)
<bartbes> oh
<bartbes> it was doom2 only
<kyak> i remember how i loved playing it and its different variations
<kyak> does anyone have problems compiling ruby (specifically, ruby-openssl)?
<kyak> exactly this error
<kyak> seems that something is broken in feeds
<rafa> kyak: so quake, doom, old dos/win scare you.. which else? vim? :)
<bartbes> emacs scares everyone
<bartbes> (or should anyway)
<rafa> rm scares people, I know.. that is why nobody uses root user, because rm is around ;)
<kyak> rafa: i love vim, actually :)
<bartbes> what is there not to love about vim?
<kyak> i'm not scared of root, i'm scared of "enter" key :)
<bartbes> so every sentence you type here you freak out?
<kyak> especially when it's pressed by accident
<rafa> haha
<bartbes> ugh I hate that
<bartbes> when you're pressing backspace
<bartbes> and you hit enter by accident
<kyak> yep, exactly :)
<bartbes> and that could work out wrong
<bartbes> sudo rm /a, oh
<bartbes> <backspace><enter> NOOOOO
<rafa> what about ed editor? :=
<bartbes> (I forgot -rf)
<rafa> :)
<kyak> i once typed rm -rf /* to show how cool i'm. And then i pressed Enter for some reason :) luckily, it was not root and i pressed ctrl+c really fast
<rafa> that would be good to remove innecesary files
<wpwrak> i sense some potential for confusion about "qi"
<wolfspraul> there's a lot of qi
<wpwrak> the first other that i've heard of. but i guess in china it would be quite popular
<bartbes> so, ehm
<bartbes> how do I navigate the menu?
<bartbes> enter sends me to settings
<kyak> x
<xiangfu> bartbes: [x] --> run the program.
<bartbes> right
<bartbes> thx
<bartbes> so ehm
<bartbes> can I enter a console
<bartbes> nvm
<bartbes> found it
<bartbes> heh
<bartbes> I'm actually typing this on a nn
<bartbes> beat that!
<kyak> cool, i've mastered connections to your host's PC screen ;)
<kyak> *you've
<bartbes> no
<bartbes> :P
<bartbes> ssh
<kyak> ssh+screen, isn't it?
<bartbes> yes
<bartbes> on a vps
<kyak> why not just use irssi directly from Ben? :)
<bartbes> because then I wouldn't be using my ongoing irc session
<bartbes> so what is the recommended way of turning it off?
<kyak> same is every other linux PC, halt
<bartbes> well, I'm used to shutdown, but yeah, I've been using halt
<bartbes> thought maybe there was a better way
<bartbes> last question, how much space is there on the device itself?
<kyak> df -h
<bartbes> heh, I just turned it off
<bartbes> but I'll check when I boot it up again
<bartbes> thx
<bartbes> wow
<bartbes> asciiportal?
<kyak> huh?
<FrankBlues> waves
<bartbes> what happened to the irc logs?
<xiangfu> bartbes: ? the links works fine here. (http://en.qi-hardware.com/irclogs/latest.log.html)
<bartbes> that link isn't on the wiki anymore
<bartbes> seem I'm looking up where I explained how to autosetup internet over usb
<bartbes> ah there it is
<bartbes> doesn't gmu support mp3?
<urandom__> it does support mp3
<bartbes> well.. then why does it tell me my music dir is empty?
<urandom__> but i cant be shipped with mp3 codecs since patent shit
<bartbes> ah
<urandom__> you need to use the codecs from the dingoo gmu version
<bartbes> and how do I get those?
<bartbes> I found them
<bartbes> hmm
<bartbes> yet it still lists my dir as empty
<bartbes> do I need to copy libs.dingoo as well?
<bartbes> or something else?
<urandom__> you need libmpg123 and mpg123 one in user/lib and one in the dingoo dir if i remember right
<urandom__> ah mpg123 to /usr/share/gmu/decoders
<urandom__> libmpg123.so.0 to /user/lib
<bartbes> ok
<bartbes> shall I copy the others as well?
<urandom__> if you need them
<bartbes> though I have no idea what format mpcdec is supposed to be
<urandom__> musepack? wel i gues you are not going to need it
<bartbes> great it works
<bartbes> thx
<urandom__> oh and you have an nanonote now?
<bartbes> I do
<bartbes> I'm not emulating one in my head
<urandom__> i am sure you would be able to :P
<bartbes> :P
<bartbes> it really is amazingly small
<urandom__> it might be one of the smallest linux-maschines ever
<bartbes> not entirely sure about that
<bartbes> but it might be the smallest linux workstation ever
<bartbes> I mean you have those linux sticks..
<bartbes> those with just an ethernet plug
<bartbes> but this one has a screen keyboard etc
<bartbes> but wait
<bartbes> if there's a mic
<bartbes> is there a program to record?
<urandom__> i never used the mic, no idea
<larsc> arecord
<zear> bartbes, someone needs to compare it to the zipit2
<zear> bartbes, yes, there is a mic and it works
<zear> you have to use it with arecord, if i remember correctly
<zear> and first turn it on in alsamixer
<zear> just watch out for audio feedback (it's too close to the speaker)
<bartbes> what's the a button?
<urandom__> a button?
<bartbes> "a"
<bartbes> in dgClock
<bartbes> it says "A: SET"
<urandom__> LEFTCTRL i gues if it is a dingoo port
<zear> bartbes, it says that because they forgot to include my translation pack
<zear> and just compiled the dingux version :P
<urandom__> i am not sure if dgClock works at all
<bartbes> and ehm
<bartbes> what is leftctrl?
<zear> it might be either ctrl, or one of that silly arrow buttons
<urandom__> ctrl
<bartbes> well I'm pretty sure that doesn't work
<bartbes> fn
<urandom__> i was never able to set the time in dgClock
<bartbes> well, fn is the answer
<bartbes> wut
<bartbes> it uses something else
<bartbes> what I didn't enter
<bartbes> hmm
<urandom__> yeah that happens for me too
<bartbes> ehm well
<bartbes> it's only a few hours off now :P
<urandom__> well if you want GUI stuff just use the Jlime distro it might sound hard but it is much better than the gmenu2x crap and has X and matchbox
<zear> bartbes, just set the time via "date"
<zear> it reads it from there
<bartbes> great
<bartbes> well no
<bartbes> because that time is correct
<bartbes> maybe I need to restart it..
<bartbes> meh
<bartbes> works now
<bartbes> just set it there
<bartbes> and restart it
<urandom__> i just use date to look up the time ^^
<bartbes> I can't even navigate the explorer...
<bartbes> wow
<zear> bartbes, gmenu2x is broken thanks to me
<zear> it was a straight port from the dingoo
<zear> but qi & dingoonity guys are working together on a new version of gmenu2x
<zear> explorer and other things are already fixed in it
<zear> if you're skilled enough you should be able to compile it from the svn
<bartbes> :P
<bartbes> I'll start experimenting tomorrow
<bartbes> .. I think..
<bartbes> :P
<bartbes> I only got it ~6 hours ago
<urandom__> "if you're skilled enough" wow that doesnt sound good :P but good you guys are working on a new version
<bartbes> how does it decide when to turn off the screen?
<zear> urandom__, you just need to know how to cross-compile, that's all :D
<zear> there should be a Makefile and everything prepared already
<zear> so all you have to do should be setting up the cross-compiler and typing "make" ;)
<ao2> hi, a slightly OT question, I am trying to make a SDW-823 MicroSD wlan card work on linux, but on a platform different than Ben Nanonote. I read someone got it working on the nanonote, whom can I ask advice to?
<zedstar> ao2 is it openwrt based? if so the wiki has some instructions
<bartbes> so ehm, where do I see the image version?
<ao2> zedstar, I have found that, thanks. But I was hoping to talk to who wrote it, what's Wolfgang Spraul nickname?
<bartbes> btw, is qi-hardware.com down?
<bartbes> weird
<bartbes> ...
<bartbes> oh, it returns
<bartbes> not.. really..
<bartbes> wut
<zedstar> ao2 wolfspraul but doesnt look like he is on....anyway im curious to try that wifi card...i saw the blog where someone tested it
<bartbes> urandom__: do you know how to see current image version?
<zedstar> ao2 what device u got?
<ao2> zedstar, right now I just inserted it and I've got some mmc errors, not sure if they were because there is no driver or because some other factor: http://pastebin.com/gH0xx42c
<ao2> the targed device is a Motorola A780 running the openezx.org kernel, it is pxa27x
<ao2> s/targed/target/
<zedstar> a02 sorry cant help but i remember reading on the ben it doesnt recognise when inserted and have to boot or something with it in
<ao2> zedstar, yes, I am booting with the card already inserted
<ao2> zedstar, thanks, I'll take a look
<zedstar> a02 says have to insert after boot
<bartbes> does somebody know when the nn turns its screen off?
<ao2> zedstar, ok, will check that. It's ao2, with the o of ontario, btw :)
<zedstar> ao2 u might as well buy a ben it same price as the card almost ;)
<bartbes> aren't the cross-compile instructions like a little.. short
<bartbes> and.. lacking?
<bartbes> ah
<bartbes> the openwrt site has more details
<bartbes> thankfully
<bartbes> ehm
<bartbes> where do I need to put the source?
<bartbes> ah
<bartbes> it downloads
<bartbes> interesting
<bartbes> thx
<bartbes> that really helps
<urandom__> oh and building the toolchain can take like 10gb space its really ... big
<bartbes> oh I did that ages ago
<bartbes> :P
<bartbes> I just created a makefile
<bartbes> let's see if it works
<jd823592`> is Ya still being planned or are there any steps that have been taken to create the prototype
<urandom__> jd823592` they want first produce and sell some more Bens
<urandom__> we want see any Yas until next year so yeah they are still planned
<urandom__> wont
<tuxbrain> jd823592`: what is near to hit the real world is SACK :)
<zear> this thing can run wikipedia in a text mode (on something like a terminal)
<zear> maybe someone could check it out and see if it can be ported to linux?
<urandom__> tuxbrain how big is that SACK, would it fit into a nanonote case? ^^
<zear> so we can have wikireader on the tty, which would be very neat
<tuxbrain> urandom , don't think I don't have the exact dimensions now but as you can se in the picture http://www.tuxbrain.com/sites/default/files/SAKC_LCD.jpg the lcd is same as we use in ben,
<jd823592`> tuxbrain: what is SACK? where do i learn more about it?
<tuxbrain> I'm writing a post right now about it but you can take a look at http://en.qi-hardware.com/wiki/SAKC
<zear> oh hey, looks like i just built their wikireader binary on x86
<tuxbrain> as carlos camargo (it designer) says :SAKC is a development board for hardware and software hackers. SAKC has a MIPS processor running at 360MHz, also has an Spartan 3 FPGA. This combination enable many applications like robotics, automation, signal acquisition, and publicity applications. The SW is based on Qi-hardware development, right now there are some distributions available: Openwrt, Debian, Jlime.
<urandom__> the SACK is pretty intresting having an FPGA and all but not sure what i would do with it
<nebajoth> add penis ports
<nebajoth> go to tooowwwnnn
<bartbes> so ehm
<bartbes> I can't get it to detect the package
<tuxbrain> Is using the same heart as Ben but with the power of an FPGA, urandom__ you can see of what the carlos pupils are planing to do with it here, they will fill the info during this academic period http://en.qi-hardware.com/wiki/2010-II/es are in spanish but you can pray to saint Goo to translate
<bartbes> ah
<bartbes> something's missing
<urandom__> cant i have an Ben with an FPGA and 64mb ram and usb host? that would be so awesome
<bartbes> usb host in itself is nice
<bartbes> *by
<bartbes> btw, urandom__, toolchain is only about 75 mb
<bartbes> which is still a lot of space for something I can't get to work :P
<urandom__> well my whole openwrt dir is 8gb, i looked now
<wpwrak> urandom__: i don't think the sakc fits inside. if you look at the picture, it's longer. if should also have components under the lcm, so there woul be no open space for the battery
<urandom__> wpwrak yeah didnt expect it to fit, but an nanonote with FPGA and all would have been awesome
<wpwrak> it would at lest be something you don't find everywhere ;-)
<wpwrak> not sure how useful it would be in the ben case, though. i think you need a bit of space for interfaces and such, to do something really useful with the fpga.
<wpwrak> well. or maybe make a physics accelerator on the fpga and port crysis ;-)
<tuxbrain> let's drop down some expectations here,
<tuxbrain> a) Due price of 64Mb we are taking to use same as ben 32Mb, all in all due it use barelly same apps as ben the actual 64Mb of the prototipe are not really used.
<tuxbrain> b) usb host, it don't have it by default, but due the advancements on developing the USB on Milkymist on this matter is posible to implemtent the usb host with the FPGA and an aditional chip Navie.
<urandom__> Navie?
<tuxbrain> yes same chip is using on arduino boards to interface with USB
<lekernel> tuxbrain, there's no additional chip for USB
<lekernel> it's integrated in the fpga
<tuxbrain> better then :)
<lekernel> and yes the milkymist soc includes an AVR
<lekernel> not used as main CPU
<bartbes> btw, what lua libs are included by default?
<lekernel> the only USB-specific chip on M1 is an analogue transceiver, not much
<lekernel> all it does is convert 3.3V logic levels to USB-compliant logic levels
<tuxbrain> lekernel: methril will work on implemnt that usb apart on SACK board :) he is very interested
<lekernel> this won't be easy
<tuxbrain> he is a clever guy :)
<urandom__> bartbes just the normal stuff, there are packages for lua-filesystem and sockets
<tuxbrain> And due I'm interested to I will be what here in spanish call a "mosca cojonera" (balls touching fly)
<urandom__> i cant help but always think about this http://www.aviduratas.de/lisp/meval.html when i read FPGA
<urandom__> dreams about a portable lisp-maschine
<tuxbrain> yeah, this can be a project where SACK can fit :) , SAKC can become a Mips with LISP acceleration by hardware :)
<urandom__> that would be awesome
<qi-commits> David Kuehling: imported current gforth package from http://mosquito.dyndns.tv/freesvn/trunk/openwrt/gforth http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/c3604e0
<roh> urandom__ http://lisp.soup.io/
<urandom__> roh lol
<tuxbrain> roh: loooool
<tuxbrain> how lisp programer see other lenguages programes is really fun
<urandom__> Just because we Lisp programmers are better than everyone else is no excuse for us to be arrogant.    so true
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: aren't the usb host pins of the cpu exported ?
<tuxbrain> wpwrak: No I think not.
<zedstar> urandom__ gnu guile (a dialect of lisp) runs on the ben already
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: (lisp) i'm a bit surprised that they actually see them at all :)
<tuxbrain> well the have a some angle of vision between ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
<urandom__> zedstar yeah i know, oh and also we have emacs on ben
<zedstar> and guile 2.0 out real soon....major improvements
<ao2> hi, where can I find the kernel repository for the Ben Nanonote? I am interested in the MicroSD wlan card driver in particular, the wiki page mentions openwrt-xburst but there is no link
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: oh, indeed. it uses a different cpu, without usb host :-(
<zedstar> good to see java way down the chain lol
<tuxbrain> the better is the double arrow in the java square :)
<urandom__> java is the worst language ever
<nebajoth> I made one up that was worse
<nebajoth> barely.
<roh> :)
<nebajoth> moar like
<nebajoth> shmava
<nebajoth> amirite?
<urandom__> i like how c/c++ users are pictured as robots
<tuxbrain> urandom__:  not so bad man, visual basic is far more worst that java,
<nebajoth> lets use cobol
<nebajoth> program evvverrryything in fortran
<urandom__> never used visual basic, good old BASIC was cool
<tuxbrain> let's stop using abstraction layers, let's read the fucking processor datasheet and put directly byte codes
<nebajoth> yes
<nebajoth> 10001110001101010111
<tuxbrain> nebajoth: 8E357
<tuxbrain> shorter an is the same :P
<urandom__> but writing 10001110001101010111 is more.. hardcore
<nebajoth> hexadecimal is an abstraction layer
<nebajoth> you hypocriiittee
<nebajoth> JK :D
<tuxbrain> hahahahaah
<tuxbrain> you have discovered me , damn , but in that case 0 and 1 is also a layer is 0V and XV (X is whatever voltage the electronic is sensitive for) put your tonge in the rj45 that I will send you a private message heheeheh
<nebajoth> :D
<nebajoth> soz, I switched into 4chan mode
<tuxbrain> my palate is not such sensitive to discriminate the porting signal on 220V at 50Hz,
<nebajoth> haha
<nebajoth> I smell cowardice!
<nebajoth> ach
<nebajoth> it is too warm in this room
<nebajoth> I must depart
<nebajoth> o/
<tuxbrain> here in spain have a sentence with literal  translation is "boiled cat runs away from cold water" and I have been already in contact with 220V for a while, not funny , so yes you smell it :P
<tuxbrain> well I hope he read it on the logs :P
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: "for a while" means during some time. did you guys in barcelona hatch some new kind of addiction ? ;-)
<tuxbrain> well, for a while i mean during about one minutes in a half, that I can't deattach my self from the current , better use "once" isn't it?
<tuxbrain> that was the by far longest minute on all my life
<tuxbrain> without notice I touch the two poles of a plug deattaching it (I was young about 16) suddenly I was stucked , I will to shot but no noise from mouth, I will to open my hands but no response, arms muscles where titilating at 50Hz per second, luckily one of this titilations finally disconnetcts the plug, secuels.... well I have ended creating a company to sell and promote copyleft hardware :P
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: (longest minute) wow ! so you really did mean "for a while". sounds impressive. not that i'm in any hurry to try anything similar :)
<tuxbrain> yeah you will end up with no money, and a lot of geeks arround you, not recomended :P
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: to get your flash, you should have chosen drugs instead of electricity. still no money, but girls instead of geeks.
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: of course, give that exposure to electricity has made you a dealer of electronics, one has to wonder what exposure to drugs have done ... :)
<tuxbrain> hehehe this conversation is getting adults only :P , just a point  drugs and electricity are non excluding :P , I was young remember? :) , about the girls ... well some day I will write my memories and I will tell how I meet my wife and actual mother or my lovely daughter, and add another chapter on how I lose my shyness by "shy overdose" on ficeb (yes search for that word on google).
<wpwrak> (ficeb) heh, not bad ;-)
<qi-commits> David Kühling: fixed various major and minor build problems.  Host forth build dependency now http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/23955b4
<qi-commits> Maarten ter Huurne: Minimize namespace pollution in MenuSetting class hierarchy. http://qi-hw.com/p/gmenu2x/d082f7f
<qi-commits> Maarten ter Huurne: Made MenuSettingMultiString a subclass of MenuSettingStringBase. http://qi-hw.com/p/gmenu2x/961e030
<qi-commits> Maarten ter Huurne: Give adjustInput() an empty default implementation and remove empty overrides. http://qi-hw.com/p/gmenu2x/44bed79
<qi-commits> Maarten ter Huurne: Added MenuSettingStringBase, an abstract base class for MenuSettingString, MenuSettingFile and MenuSettingDir. http://qi-hw.com/p/gmenu2x/d1d55a7
<qi-commits> Maarten ter Huurne: Removed duplicate code between MenuSettingFile and its MenuSettingImage subclass. http://qi-hw.com/p/gmenu2x/9d05af2
<qi-commits> Maarten ter Huurne: Declared methods abstract where possible; moved destructor implementation out of header. http://qi-hw.com/p/gmenu2x/ac30153
<qi-commits> Maarten ter Huurne: Remove code duplication between the two constructors of MenuSettingBool. http://qi-hw.com/p/gmenu2x/eff06b0
<qi-commits> Maarten ter Huurne: Give LinkApp a direct reference to the InputManager object
<qi-commits> Andres Calderon: some ethernet phy conections http://qi-hw.com/p/xue/d79faef
<qi-commits> Andres Calderon: some ethernet phy conections http://qi-hw.com/p/xue/939c04d
<qi-commits> Maarten ter Huurne: Remove Google sparsehash library. http://qi-hw.com/p/gmenu2x/599628f
<qi-commits> Maarten ter Huurne: Use tr1::unordered_map instead of google::dense_hash_map in class GMenu2X. http://qi-hw.com/p/gmenu2x/4ddc189
<qi-commits> Maarten ter Huurne: Use tr1::unordered_map instead of google::dense_hash_map in SurfaceCollection. http://qi-hw.com/p/gmenu2x/4dade32
<qi-commits> Maarten ter Huurne: Minimize namespace pollution by SurfaceCollection class. http://qi-hw.com/p/gmenu2x/c84fea6
<qi-commits> Maarten ter Huurne: Remove support for exceptions. http://qi-hw.com/p/gmenu2x/c91a190
<qi-commits> Xiangfu Liu: [xburst] [busybox] add setfont, loadfont, enable shell history http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/c62591b
<qi-commits> Xiangfu Liu: [xburst] refresh config file http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/8ea4d47