<xiangfu> unclouded: Hi
<unclouded> xiangfu: hi
<xiangfu> I search a little bit. the sys_imageblit will call : color_imageblit which is at :    * drivers/video/cfbimgblt.c, line 75
<xiangfu>     * drivers/video/sysimgblt.c, line 52
<xiangfu> unclouded: from those two file's comment: it says: Generic BitBLT function for frame buffer with packed pixels of any depth.
<xiangfu> unclouded: another is:   2  *  Generic 1-bit or 8-bit source to 1-32 bit destination expansion
<xiangfu>   3  *  for frame buffer located in system RAM with packed pixels of any depth.
<xiangfu> unclouded: so I guess . it support any depth. :)
<unclouded> 1-bit or 8-bit source doesn't sound so hot though.
<unclouded> I've been having trouble using fb_imageblit to draw a 1x1 image
<xiangfu> unclouded: oh. that make me confuse. it said "any depth", what is the different "1-bit or 8-bit source" and "depth"
<xiangfu> unclouded: 256-color mean 8 bit depth ? right?
<unclouded> This was me trying to draw a single pixel in the top-left hand corner:
<unclouded>   u8  pixel[] = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff};
<unclouded>   struct fb_image  im = { dx:0, dy:0, width:1, height:1, depth:32, data:pixel};
<unclouded>   info->fbops->fb_imageblit( info, &im);
<unclouded> ( from the kernel)
<unclouded> so I'm trying to draw a 24-bit image using fb_imageblit ( which I think is a pointer to sys_imageblit)
<unclouded> RE: packed pixels of any depth: I think that refers to the framebuffer, not the source image
<unclouded> but I'm new to the kernel so I might have missed something
<xiangfu> unclouded: oh. me too. :) need learn more about IMAGE and FB.
<unclouded> looking at sys_imageblit, it looks like it will use fast_imageblit or slow_imageblit for 1-bit ( mono) images and color_imageblit for "color" images, I wonder if color_imageblit only support 8-bit ( 256 colour paletted) images, which would explain why my example doesn't work
<xiangfu> unclouded: Hi. when you try to run your program. it is total not display or color not correct?
<unclouded> both.  In the "one pixel" example, nothing is displayed.  When I try a 4x8 image with depth:24 I get mostly black but some random colors
<xiangfu> unclouded:  oh. check this issur: http://projects.qi-hardware.com/index.php/p/ben-nanonote/issues/87/
<xiangfu> unclouded: Rikard have send a patch to mailing list. and I applied it today. fix the color palette.
<xiangfu> unclouded: so we better try the new kernel image.
<unclouded> I don't think that's related.  text is all monochrome ( 1-bit) images
<xiangfu> unclouded: ok.
<unclouded> xiangfu: I might be able to do what I want with depth:8 and a 256-color palette so I'll try that instead and see if that works for me
<xiangfu> unclouded: sure.
<qi-commits> Bas Wijnen: fix build process, thanks to Xiangfu Liu <xiangfu@sharism.cc> http://qi-hw.com/p/iris/662df38
<qi-commits> Bas Wijnen: fix things http://qi-hw.com/p/iris/2122a74
<qi-commits> Bas Wijnen: more fixes by Xiangfu Liu <xiangfu@sharism.cc> http://qi-hw.com/p/iris/a2add9a
<rafa> kristianpaul: thanks to pastebin that error
<rafa> kristianpaul: let me fix that
<kristianpaul> rafa: tks
<kristianpaul> rafa: btw is too hard have pyqt4 on jlime?
<kristianpaul> or what do you recomend to do devel of grapgical apps that works both on fb and X
<kristianpaul> ?
<luo> Hi everybody, gbraad introduced me here, I'd like to do something for Qi-hardware. And currently I'm do an open project OpenOMAP: http://code.google.com/p/openomap/
<rafa> kristianpaul: sdl
<rafa> kristianpaul: but if pyqt4 is in OE and it faild to build for jlime repo ( I mean, if it is not in jlime repo) i will check the problem
<rafa> and if it is on OE I will build it after to fix the building problems
<rafa> I also I will upload the packages missing for froto
<kristianpaul> thanks :)
<rafa> kristianpaul: about xoscope: it is something of xoscope
<rafa> perhaps it needs some special config or file that it does not find?
<kristianpaul> where?
<kristianpaul> wich line of code..?
<kristianpaul> ah ok
<kristianpaul> i'll hceck
<rafa> kristianpaul: for xoscope?
<kristianpaul> yes
<rafa> kristianpaul: try to install strace and run xoscope
<rafa> with
<rafa> strace -f -o /tmp/log xoscope
<rafa> then read /tmp/log to realize which is the problem
<kristianpaul> ok
<kristianpaul> rafa: how i can takea  screen shot of an app in Jlime?
<zear> kristianpaul, fbgrab
<zear> though i don't know if it's in the repo
<kristianpaul> zear: even for Jlime X?
<zear> kristianpaul, yes, it just makes a screenshot of what's running on the framebuffer
<zear> in jlime case it's X11
<kristianpaul> and it will work same, i understand..?
<zear> yes
<kristianpaul> oh great
<zear> though if you don't want to have a terminal with fbgrab on screen, launch it via telnet/ssh rather than directly on the nn
<xiangfu> luo: Hi do you use KiCAD to design hardware?
<luo> Sorry, no
<luo> I'm using ORCAD and PADS
<xiangfu> luo: just curious. :)
<luo> xiangfu: it's ok, I'll try KiCAD
<mth> kristianpaul: PySide might be a more future proof alternative to PyQt
<kristianpaul> mth: oh, well i just wan try run a PyQT based app on the nano, no more
<mth> ah, I thought you wanted to develop new apps
<kristianpaul> nah i don like QT :P
<wolfspraul> mth: why is PySide more future proof than PyQt?
<kristianpaul> i just dont write rewrite stuff  now
<rafa> kristianpaul: X, so I guess that there are plenty of X screenshots tools around :)
<mth> wolfspraul: more developers working on it, as far as I can see
<kristianpaul> :)
<mth> and it will be in the SDK for MeeGo devices, so more exposure than PyQt which always has to be downloaded separately
<wolfspraul> hah, just read a bit
<wolfspraul> seems the main reason to start PySide was the GPL license of PyQt - whereas PySide is LGPL licensed
<wolfspraul> cannot believe that that is still the reason behind such big moves...
<rafa> wolfspraul: where will the screenshots go (in qi wiki)? I have read a couple of mails about people uploading screenshots but I do not find those
<wolfspraul> rafa: for now I just dump them
<wolfspraul> then they need to be categorized (along with hundreds of other uncategorized uploaded files)
<wolfspraul> then maybe the Applications page?
<wolfspraul> I think this could evolve into an illustrated app catalogue
<wolfspraul> it's quite openwrt-centric though
<wolfspraul> but feel free to throw in screenshots, any screenshot is cool
<rafa> wolfspraul: ah.. okey :)
<kristianpaul> oh nice dump about electrician/startdic :)
<wolfspraul> rafa: how did it go with that professor you gave SAKC to?
<rafa> wolfspraul: hey.. I traveled and it was great. I had a short meeting with him, so we was talking for a while. He knows the sakc a bit and he said me that there are some couple of researches ideas to do. He is going to contact to carlos, or he already did perhaps
<rafa> wolfspraul: I gave this professor, last friday, the SAKC, and he said me that he will take care of it with a proper academic work. SO I think that he is starting to move right now, since that sakc is a great stuff  ;)
<rafa> wolfspraul: I just arrived to BA again
<rafa> He knows the sakc a bit better than me*
<wolfspraul> ok all sounds good I think
<wolfspraul> let's see whether he moves :-)
<rafa> yeah, and I know where he lives :)
<larsc> wejp: openwrt now has the lastest libflac
<wejp> nice :)
<Ornotermes> nice indeed :)
<qi-commits> Lars-Peter Clausen: MMC: jz4740: drop max_clock field http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/9a7ae71
<qi-commits> Lars-Peter Clausen: MMC: jz4740: Add some style cleanups http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/e0afb25
<qi-commits> Lars-Peter Clausen: MMC: jz4740: Rework state handling http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/ef52869
<urandom_> this http://hnb.sourceforge.net might be usefull on the ben
<ezdagor> Anyone know where I can get a kernel.bin (Non-JLime) that has working sound and the ks7010 compiled in that works with the Debian-Lenny.ubi? I've tried compiling the source.. but int he "mkimage" phase of it, it will not boot.
<larsc> what kind of error do you get?
<ezdagor> It says it's booting the kernel, then the LCD gets real bright, and then goes into a continuous boot cycle.
<calamarz> ezdagor: these notes might be useful if you haven't spotted them already --> http://en.qi-hardware.com/wiki/Debian/Kernel
<ezdagor> Awesome. Thanks.
<calamarz> ezdagor: here i have a kernel  (I could upload modules too) --> https://rhizomatik.net/nanonote/kernel/deb-kern-mouse-uinput/
<calamarz> hm... no, but I disabled ks7010 :/
<ezdagor> Which config file does the kernel.bin use?
<ezdagor> nn-kconfig-generic, nn-kconfig-xburst or nn-openwrt-kern?
<mth> larsc: does set_timer_slack exist in 2.6.34?
<mth> I can't find any header that defines it in the likely locations
<ezdagor> Ok... I have the cross compile kit... where would be the proper place to put it?
<ezdagor> I remember there being a HOWTO.. but I lost the URL.
<larsc> mth: no. did i commit it?
<mth> yes, it was added on qi-kernel/jz-2.6.34
<xiangfu> ezdagor: I would like /opt or ~/
<ezdagor> Nod.
<qi-commits> Lars-Peter Clausen: MMC: jz4740: fix merge error http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/d2d5cee
<qi-commits> Lars-Peter Clausen: jz4740: qi_lb60: Update mmc include file location http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/90d2c29
<qi-commits> Lars-Peter Clausen: MMC: jz4740: Move header file to arch/mips/include/... http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/e59921b
<mth> thanks, that fixes it
<mth> I didn't find any other issues in a quick test
<ezdagor> Hmm.. when doing a "make ARCH=mips menuconfig" the NN's processor isn't in the list.
<ezdagor> .config - Linux Kernel v2.6.32.10 Configuration
<ezdagor> I first did a "make kernel_menuconfig" from OpenWRT build system, it downloaded the kernel, did some shell scripting, then gave an error.
<ezdagor> nanodev@wolf:~/dev/openwrt-xburst-xburst> make kernel_menuconfig make[1]: Entering directory `/home/nanodev/dev/openwrt-xburst-xburst/target/linux' make[2]: Entering directory `/home/nanodev/dev/openwrt-xburst-xburst/target/linux/xburst' if [ -s "/home/nanodev/dev/openwrt-xburst-xburst/build_dir/linux-xburst_qi_lb60/linux-" ]; then (cd "/home/nanodev/dev/openwrt-xburst-xburst/build_dir/linux-xburst_qi_lb
<ezdagor> rc=- push -a; else quilt --quiltrc=- top >/dev/null 2>&1; fi ); fi make[2]: *** [/home/nanodev/dev/openwrt-xburst-xburst/build_dir/linux-xburst_qi_lb60/linux-] Error 127 make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/nanodev/dev/openwrt-xburst-xburst/target/linux/xburst' make[1]: *** [menuconfig] Error 2 make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/nanodev/dev/openwrt-xburst-xburst/target/linux' make: *** [kernel_menuconfig] Er
<ezdagor> Could that be the problem?
<xiangfu> ezdagor: what the "git branch" output? and the first line of "git log"?
<ezdagor> git branch?
<xiangfu> ezdagor: yes.
<xiangfu> ezdagor: and the first line of git log
<ezdagor> You mean version of git?
<ezdagor> Branch of what? The kernel?
<xiangfu> ezdagor: I want make sure you are the the [xburst] branch of git repos.
<ezdagor> Hold on a sec..
<ezdagor> I have absolutely no idea... I cannot remember.. :/
<ezdagor> wolf:~/nano/kernel/1 # l total 366184 drwxr-xr-x  7 root root      4096 Jul 10 21:14 ./ drwxr-xr-x  3 root root      4096 Jul 12 12:27 ../ drwxr-xr-x 10 root root      4096 Jul 10 15:00 openwrt-xburst-xburst/ -rw-r--r--  1 root root  12611443 Jul 10 14:52 openwrt-xburst-xburst.zip drwxr-xr-x 24 root root      4096 Jul 10 17:14 qi-kernel- drwxr-xr-x 24 root root      4096 Jul 11 20:38 qi-kernel-5396a9238205f20f811ea578
<ezdagor> If that helps..