DocScrutinizer05 changed the topic of #qi-hardware to: Copyleft hardware - | hardware hackers join here to discuss Ben NanoNote, atben / atusb 802.15.4 wireless, and other community driven hw projects | public logging at and
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<DocScrutinizer05> ever wondered what happened to wikireader? ;-)
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<rjeffries> what did hapen to wikireader?
<hellekin> who is going to 30c3?
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<wpwrak> DocScrutinizer05: should i fear karmic damage if i answer this in the negative ? :)
<DocScrutinizer05> prolly not, though it could give you a laugh when you bother to find out
<wpwrak> just tell us what you found :)
<DocScrutinizer05> well, last I heard been Medion selling then at Conrad
<DocScrutinizer05> them*
<DocScrutinizer05> even seen*
<wpwrak> wow. they're still alive ? impressive
<DocScrutinizer05> been quite a while ago
<DocScrutinizer05> Medion is known for cheap crappy hardware
<DocScrutinizer05> a disgrace
<wpwrak> wasn't that pearl ?
<DocScrutinizer05> those too
<DocScrutinizer05> sold out
<DocScrutinizer05> I should've gotten one while they were still available, for hysterical raisins
<dos1> pulster has them
<wpwrak> pulster, the horn of plenty
<dos1> "We want to raise money to buy as many WikiReaders as we can that are currently in overstock from its manufacturer."
<dos1> "We have an agreement with the manufacturer to buy the overstock devices (...) as the company is liquidating its assets. "
<wpwrak> ouch. 3k/232k. "Education – San Francisco". apparently not :)
<dos1> "We launched Sept 1st a 3-month pilot with 500 devices in three schools in India, South Africa and Mexico. We received grant funds to supplement the Indiegogo funds and additional funds from the Wikimedia Foundation."
<dos1> update from 17 days ago
<dos1> "The manufacturer is offering them to us for $15 USD a piece."
<wpwrak> (extra funds) good.
<rjeffries> wikireader was a kinda/sorta interesting concept. Used an Epson MCU if memory serves. And a FORTH based OS?
<dos1> it's 49 EUR on pulster :D
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: ircstat/ML: update for 11/2013 (master)
<DocScrutinizer05> well, the CPU might be the same we initially picked
<DocScrutinizer05> the ID changed a lot, away from clamshell with "proper" hw kbd to that awful c-ts only thing
<DocScrutinizer05> and I doubt they kept the USB footprint I designed in for hw-hackers
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<DocScrutinizer05> o/
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<rjeffries> DocScrutinizer05 have you and your team looked at what Jolla is doing, one assumes? They have some cool ideas.
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<DocScrutinizer05> oh, they do?
<DocScrutinizer05> which ones?
<DocScrutinizer05> BustZone tivoized bootloader?
<DocScrutinizer05> honestly I haven't seen any cool idea they didn't copy from OM or N900 or GTA04, so far. Which idea do you refer to in particular?
<DocScrutinizer05> alas I don't have any detailed technical info about the device either, and my device still is waiting shipment
<DocScrutinizer05> so I don't even know how they implemented their flavor of I2C based expansion connector
<DocScrutinizer05> (tbh ours isn't finalized either ;-D)
<DocScrutinizer05> rjeffries: ^^^
<wpwrak> ah, those backs. they need a bit of explaining in the case of jolla - from what appears i the press, one may think they act as "keys" to unlock functions the device already has.
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<DocScrutinizer05> yeah, pretty silly
<DocScrutinizer05> they actually might act as "keys" (actaully certs) to download themes or whatever
<DocScrutinizer05> but I dunno if they do or not
<DocScrutinizer05> the idea itself is disgusting, particularly since this would imply that you can't do your own skins/themes
<DocScrutinizer05> for all I know TOH simply has an I2C and power connector to the device
<wpwrak> as far as i understand what they're doing, these backs actually have real functionality. it's just that one can easily think they don't.
<rjeffries> My reading is that the innovative bit is teh I2C and power connector. The NFC thing for themes is a yawner (to me)
<DocScrutinizer05> wpwrak: yes, they have something that is connected to the mainboard via I2C
<rjeffries> I appreciate the idea of a handset where third parties can add a hardwar eback with extra functionality
<DocScrutinizer05> well, then you will love Neo900
<rjeffries> a power connection is also cool. think extra backs with extra battery capacity e.g.
<wpwrak> ah yes, two-way battery
<DocScrutinizer05> we had that before jolla even disclosed "details" about their TOH thing
<wpwrak> they were probably busy patenting it :)
<rjeffries> I hope Neo900 does well.
<rjeffries> ?? TOH ??
<rjeffries> the other half -- got it
<DocScrutinizer05> the difference: we also try to offer USB concurrent to I2C
<wpwrak> (hope) so do we all ;-)
<rjeffries> Jolla and Neo900 need not represent a zero sum game
<DocScrutinizer05> wpwrak: (patenting) too late, GTA04 represents prior art
<rjeffries> DocScrutinizer05 on Neo900 do you support USB UTG maybe?
<rjeffries> s/UTG/OTG/
<qi-bot> rjeffries meant: "DocScrutinizer05 on Neo900 do you support USB OTG maybe?"
<DocScrutinizer05> OTG maybe, definitely proper USB-host though
<DocScrutinizer05> OTG prolly comes for free
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<nicksydney> wpwrak: git pull the new changes and tried building the anelok/case getting errror
<nicksydney> wpwrak:
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<wpwrak> hmm, maybe something's wrong with your
<wpwrak> cd anelok/cad; rm; make
<wpwrak> afterwards, there should be a line in it (among many others) that says #define SW1_X 67.5000mm
<nicksydney> the only i can find is inside ybox/case
<nicksydney> executing make inside /cad give error -->make: *** No rule to make target `../hw/anelok-all.pos', needed by `'. Stop.
<wpwrak> ah, that's the root of the problem then. you need to generate anelok-all.pos manually (just like you did for the y-box)
<wpwrak> that's one of the dependencies that really really wants those command-line options back ...
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<nicksydney> ok seems like it's doing something after doing the manual steps of File > Fabrication Outputs > Modules Position
<nicksydney> wpwrak: does this look right .. ?
<nicksydney> wpwrak: running 'make view' and ^D give this -->
<nicksydney> wpwrak: will be interesting to change the rotary encoder to something touch slider :)
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<wpwrak> yes, both the toolpath generation and the STL look good
<wpwrak> (touch slider) you mean something iPod-classic-ish ?
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<DocScrutinizer05> hah, already three today
<DocScrutinizer05> 6 more to go
<DocScrutinizer05> or 806 more
<DocScrutinizer05> this preudo-preorder concept works amazingly well, particularly for the little effort it took to come up with the idea
<DocScrutinizer05> pseudo even
<wpwrak> indeed, it works amazingly well
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<DocScrutinizer05> 5, 4 more
<wpwrak> wow. if you go on like this you'll hit 1000 shortly after new year :)
<DocScrutinizer05> that would be fine
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<DocScrutinizer05> 197 ;-)
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<DocScrutinizer05> btw seems like the rate was sufficient to hit 1000 a few days before xmas
<DocScrutinizer05> of course you also could extrapolate the trend ;-P
<DocScrutinizer05> and make a fortune at stock exchange when you found the correct algo
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<wpwrak> DocScrutinizer05: 2 to go
<wpwrak> better make room in that barn to stock components :)
<nicksydney> wpwrak: when i do 'make gen' now it comes with this error -->
<nicksydney> wpwrak: (re: slider)...was thinking what if using touch slider where user can slide their finger on a surface rather than using their finger to roll
<wpwrak> (make gen) hmm, seems that you tried that somewhere where there's no corresponding .pro file. in which directory are you ? also, i don't think there are any cases where "make gen" would actually do something useful at the moment. (and it may expect these command-line options, which don't exist now)
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<wpwrak> (slider) so moving the a more square form factor ? hmm yes, possible. ideally, you'd squeeze this on top of the bottom part of the OLED. that would be very compact. but then you'd have the field interact with the OLED.
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<nicksydney> doing it from the /hw folder
<wpwrak> (hw) okay, then you run into the command-line options issue. in any case, it wouldn't do anything useful. not sure if i ever developed that "gen" target in any project. maybe it's just a stub all over the place :)
<nicksydney> slider: the use case i was thinking of was like...the user slider the finger to move the "cursor" like in your UI to point to alphabets ....and to hit "enter" / "confirm" can either a small button or take hands off the slider for example say 0.5sec
<wpwrak> DocScrutinizer05: 200-1
<nicksydney> wpwrak: (hw) ok no worries thought it will do something..just testing :)
<wpwrak> DocScrutinizer05: i wonder what happened. did the talk hit some popular site ?
<nicksydney> wpwrak: make brd and sch works fine in /hw so no drama there
<wpwrak> nicksydney: these are the important ones :) most of the rest tries to generate files that would require these command-line options. if you generate the files manually, they'll pick up things from there.
<wpwrak> nicksydney: so the typical use is: make -n <whatever> see what you have to do, do it manually, then make <whatever> to complete the operation
<wpwrak> but yes, very messy :(
<dos1> wpwrak: I don't see anything interesting in analytics
<dos1> pretty standard traffic
<dos1> I guess maybe people registered in newsletter (almost 600) are jumping in :)
<wpwrak> dos1: maybe just a fortuitous statistics fluctuation
<nicksydney> wpwrak: or what about ipod wheel like ?
<nicksydney> wpwrak: or maybe use accelerometer as left, right, top and bottom movement :)
<wpwrak> nicksydney: dunno if they feel right. what i like about the mechanical wheel is that you get tactile feedback.
<wpwrak> (accel) urgh :)
<nicksydney> wpwrak: or perhaps slide and use the sides to tap as 'enter'/'confirm' key
<nicksydney> wpwrak: so use case....user use slider to select and tap the side to enter /confirm
<nicksydney> wpwrak: sorry just throwing crazy ideas here to see if any sticks :)
<wpwrak> i find the slider idea interesting, though. it would give that area under the display something to do. and it would make the device smaller and cheaper. (i think that wheel is the priciest component of all)
<wpwrak> yes, kinda like a one-dimensional touch pad
<nicksydney> wpwrak: i was holding a RSA token the other day and was thinking what IF anelok also have a solar panel to make the battery last long ? it recharge the battery by itself ?
<wpwrak> not sure if a solar panel would have that sort of power output. it would have to work indoors, too. so you don't get that much light.
<wpwrak> also, i try to stay away from rechargeable batteries because of their built-in obsolescence
<nicksydney> wpwrak: does indor lighting helped or it is too low ?
<nicksydney> ahhh ok
<nicksydney> so for devices such as those RSA token what kind of battery do they use ? as the device itself is very small
<wpwrak> does that RSA thing have a solar panel ?
<nicksydney> oh was not RSA token it was some kind of token key i was holding
<nicksydney> can't remember now what was it...thought it was RSA
<wpwrak> and it has a solar panel ? the ones i know are just "replace when the battery dies" (after years)
<nicksydney> the other thing i was thinking whether there will be any useful use cases to use your mobile with the device
<wpwrak> that's the link i hope BTLT can provide
<wpwrak> BTLE even
<nicksydney> YES ! .. BLTE :)
<nicksydney> Android baby :0
<nicksydney> :_)
<nicksydney> maybe we can use the mobile device to 'activate' as master key ?
<nicksydney> if the mobile can connect to the device that is considered as 'login' to the device and can use the device
<nicksydney> and the app can 'extract' information from the device
<nicksydney> i can help you to write the app :)
<wpwrak> which one would be the key for what ? anelok for the android phone/tablet/dromedary, or vice versa ?
<nicksydney> both ways
<nicksydney> but initially i was thinking one way first...from the phone to unlock the device
<wpwrak> mmh, that would be the less secure device acting as key to the more secure one
<nicksydney> so you are thinking the other way around ?
<wpwrak> it would make more sense. of course, ideally, you'd just move the sensitive stuff into anelok and have an encrypted path through your droid. that way, if your droid is compromised, it still can't do any damage. (well, beyond making calls to timbuktu, sending premium SMS, and that sort of fun)
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<nicksydney> make sense....what about cases where user can potentially use the device by using BLTE to use any bluetooth enabled devices (either to turn on/off) ... say theoretically if a use has a bluetooth enabled speaker and they want to turn it on ..they can use it by connecting the device ot it
<nicksydney> i guess what i was thinking is the device can be used as a master 'key' to enable/disable certain hardware that the user has ?
<wpwrak> like a BTLE remote control ? well, yes, you could do that. things to consider: 1) if you use it a LOT, you'll go through batteries quickly. i expect a CR2032 to last for about two months. if you use it to control your tv, air conditioning, etc., too, then you may only get a few weeks
<wpwrak> 2) the more stuff you load into the, the more likely it is that some will open a security hole
<wpwrak> that's also why your droid should be considered less secure: it just runs too much stuff
<nicksydney> wpwrak: didn't think about the battery
<dos1> 200 :)
<wpwrak> (you moved to 200 so fast, i barely had enough time to cool down the glass :)
<dos1> hehe yeah :)
<dos1> cheers! :D
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<eintopf> cheers! :)
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<rjeffries> fyi I am experimenting with IRCCloud 9beta) it is a persistent IRC connection in a browser. (I use Chrome) sorta kinda cool.
<viric> rjeffries: another mitm service?
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<rjeffries> viric yeah prolly run by a certain USA agency that specializes in gathering data. lol
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<whitequark> irc is public anyway
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<wpwrak> perfect :)
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<rjeffries> So if Neo900 does get 1,000 preorders (seems plausible) what will the unit price be?
<wpwrak> (/.) it's not approved yet, though
<ysionneau> to get to 1000 preorders i think it needs more advertisment
<ysionneau> looking at the pace of the preorders right now
<dos1> wpwrak: yeah, upvote! :)
<ysionneau> ah, /. ing it is a good idea :)
<dos1> rjeffries: it's hard to tell right now, but I guess it may be 100-200 EUR less
<wpwrak> ysionneau: that should grow the audience by some 5-6 orders of magnitude :)
<ysionneau> lets hope each preorder will convert into order
<dos1> we were already slashdoted at the beginning of fundraiser
<dos1> greatest spike in traffic was from hacker news though
<dos1> no lack with HN with recent submissions however, just few upvotes until it goes into oblivion
<dos1> I guess there's some luck needed to post it at right moment, so right people will start upvoting and then it goes forward
<dos1> green on slashdot - that means there is some interest :)
<rjeffries> Neo900 is a fascinating experiment testing appeal of FOSS/open [at a price premium] vs. features. May the Force be with them!
<wpwrak> (upvoting) well, that too. but what i meant was an approving comment. i.e., one explaining why it sucks, why those doing it are idiots and crooks, and why it will with absolute certainty fail. all that sprinkled with some more insults. only then it's official :)
<rjeffries> wpwrak are you suggesting a strategy where a clever troll of Slashdot might (significantly!) help Neo900.
<rjeffries> What an evil perosn you are, wpwrak. I like it.
<rjeffries> s/perosn/person/
<qi-bot> rjeffries meant: "What an evil person you are, wpwrak. I like it."
* wpwrak pets his white cat
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<whitequark> wohoo, 202
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: congrats!
<ysionneau> yep, congrats :)
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<hellekin> lekernel: "mining facility"
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<whitequark> that timeouts :(
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<whitequark> oh, works
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<dos1> Russia is invading :)
<dos1> almost 40% of pageviews on from today is from them
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<wpwrak> dos1: ah, plenty of /. love in the comments :)
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<nicksydney> wpwrak: for protoyping how many PCB do you have ?
<wpwrak> you mean aneloks ? just one for now
<wpwrak> the next one will have some changes. e.g., i need to swap some pins and such.
<nicksydney> wpwrak: you make the PCB yourself ?
<wpwrak> yup
<nicksydney> wpwrak: did you use the method of printing it on a glossy plastic-y paper and iron it to the copper ?
<wpwrak> yes, that's toner transfer
<wpwrak> just that i use a laminator instead of an iron. more consistent results :)
<nicksydney> can i use normal inkjet printer instead of laser printer ?
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<wpwrak> oh no :) it's the toner that makes the transfer. ink doesn't work that way
<dos1> yay, /. submission seems to be gaining on popularity
<dos1> should make it soon :)
<wpwrak> when you iron the sheet, the toner melts and attaches to the copper. there, it acts as an etch resist
<nicksydney> wpwrak: damn! don't have laser printer :(
<wpwrak> dos1: oh, the one i saw was from nov 2. easy to confuse the two :)
<dos1> hehe :D
<dos1> already orange and high on popular list
<dos1> colors mean popularity, above orange is only red
<nicksydney> wpwrak: oh another thing was wondering shall we make a list of the bill of material ? or anelok has got one already ?
<wpwrak> funny. thought it was red light colors. green = pass, red = no go. counter-intuitive scheme :)
<dos1> hehe :) it's color scale from black to red, starts at blue IIRC
<wpwrak> nicksydney: only the one kicad auto-generates
<dos1> it's rather red -> hot and black -> dead I guess
<wpwrak> would be good to make one that can be auto-priced. i have some scripts that can extract data from digi-key (from the "b2" project, son of "boom", which is an automatic BOM generator. alas, WIP.)
<wpwrak> also need to make a component reference to data sheet mapping. that way, it'll be easier to guess the argument to "dsv"
<nicksydney> wpwrak: for the component how much did you spend all together ?
<nicksydney> wpwrak: to assemble 1 device
<wpwrak> lemme cut & paste from my shopping list ...
<nicksydney> dos1: maybe you can post here too .. ... lots of technies there from down under :)
<wpwrak> these are the main new components i had to get:
<wpwrak> i have a lot of the smaller stuff already in my lab
<dos1> nicksydney: hmm, is neo900 really a "bargain"? :)
<wpwrak> note that i always get a few parts
<wpwrak> dos1: excellent freedom per euro ratio :)
<nicksydney> dos1: hahha....well for some ppl they are considering you can do whatever you like with it :)
<nicksydney> wpwrak: just realized there is zigbee
<wpwrak> for now :)
<wpwrak> ah, and to all this add the OLED:
<wpwrak> then you have my pseudo-bom. not included: various smaller caps, resistors, led, etc.
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<wpwrak> have to quit for while and try to bring one of my graphics cards after the brownout ...
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