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jcowan: To be honest, I think "the up-front cost of static typing" is mostly imagined, but having a debate about it here probably wouldn't be very fruitful.
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depends on what you're trying to do
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there are also two kinds of static typing that are sometimes at odds: types for performance and types for reliability
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aeth: I agree that there are two purposes, but can you explain how they are at odds?
gonz_: As between Scala and Python, I know which one I'd rather write on the whiteboard during an interview.
Why not APL?
assuming you actually want the job?
I don't write Scala, but I can only assume that it's like Haskell in that you generally start off with the type signature, because it's a natural place to start
And you're modeling with data anyway, which is better done with types
If we're basing our language choices on what works on a whiteboard without any way to run the code, I'm sure Python fits the bill really well.
But maybe it's not a great way to make language choices, even in contexts where you can be irresponsible.
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(of course they are both quite silly functions)
bremner: Possibly your DrRacket Language settings are slower than the equivalent `racket-error-context` level in racket-mode.
maybe syntactic-test-suite coverage?
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Maybe. Or even "preserve stack trace" or the "debugging ones".
All that stuff "instruments" your program, which can be slower. idk 400%, but slower.
"No debugging" is roughly competitive
i.e. It rewrites your program into a "better stack-trace-able" or "interactive debug-able" program. The rewrite can be pretty extensive.
That's why in racket-mode you can set `racket-error-contxt` to something like 'low or 'medium. And if you get an error with a weak location, you can C-u C-c C-c to run with 'high.
i.e. default to low, and conveniently crank it up for just one run, if/as needed
That might be a neat thing to have in DrR, too, idk
Maybe some keystroke in DrR could pop up that lang settings dialog, and you can change any of them temporarily, and when you click OK it Runs.
That would make it even more flexible in that regard than racket-mode
are you thinking of exposing new knobs, or just making it more convenient to twak them?
(also, thanks for the explanation, I think I understand the difference now)
I encountered strange behaviour with srcdoc.
If I (define something empty) and export it via (provide something), I can modify it later on and it works as expected (some list gets filled there after setting things up).
But if I (provide (thing-doc something ...)), I can only see '() if I refer to that something in modules that (require) this one.
How can I do something like thing-doc but without basically exporting constatnt compile-time value in there?
(Didn't look into the transforms (thing-doc) actually does, but I suspect it does some renaming behind the scenes)
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I asked this yesterday but had to leave, in dr-racket does anyone know the key command to get the previously entered thing in the interpreter?
up arrow maybe? dunno
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vraid: that does it, thanks so mcuh
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jcowan: Types for performance and types for reliability are at odds in the sense that sometimes reliability hurts runtime performance. I guess the other way works, too, if you have the compiler assume without checking that foo is type uint32_t.
Oh, yes, I see; it's not specific to types. "If it doesn't need to work I can make it go as fast as you want."
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jcowan: There exist applications (or portions thereof) where, "If it doesn't work fast enough, I don't need to make it correct because no one will use it". No?
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Also, I think it's reasonable to remove a contract from a function in a hot loop, if you're satisfied it is correct, and/or protected by contracts in a bigger context.
We could debate what "satisfied" needs to mean, for different people and project requirements.
I just don't think it's hard rule that all functions must have contracts. If that's what you were saying. But maybe you weren't.
Also, although contracts on a function can check its return value(s), it is not uncommon for people not to do that (use `any`) for performance reasons.
Is that always wrong?
I'm saying that if you need a contract in a certain place, because you cannot prove it will not fail, then you need it there in production too.
That's what I started with the "life jackets in port / at sea" metaphor.
Nobody has ever made a Scheme runtime (that I know of) that just goes off the rails on a type error like (car x) where x => 32.
(Of course that's a trivial case of a contract.)
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there are many cases where you can apply contracts at only the edge of a system during production, because you have gained confidence during development (when the code is frequently charging) that correct inputs result in correct internal data.
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does anyone know in dr racket how I minimise the interactions window?
Ctrl-E toggles it
do you know a good resource where I can look up this sort of thing?