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hey guys. i'm looking for a way to access racket documentation from the command line. my one ray of hope right now is quack, a plugin for slime, which is proving difficult for me to set up. if anyone knows of a better way to get documentation on the cli, please let me know :D
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libertyprime: there's raco doc, but I'm not sure if that's what you want.
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I'm a bit new and I'm having some issues with learning how to use modules to split up a program into separate source files. Does anyone know of any good references to help me in addition to the racket guide?
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I am currently working on an web-server/servlet-env based application. The "library" functions became sort of a project on its own. Is it worth the hassle to split it from the project and use raco pkg linking for it even though it is (at the moment) for just one project?
Basically it is a set of procedures and forms to create standalone self-contained web application server. Self-contained really means self-contained: raco exe creates single binary which contains all the code and static assets.
And on a side note - I am considering switching from plain scribble to mcfly... is anyone else using it? (Except for Neil, of course :) )
GoldRin: Modules as in separate source files or modules/submodules as a Racket feature? If the former, just split what you want to split into "something.rkt" and (require "something.rkt") then. If the latter, it depends on your use-case.
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does anyone know what values #<global-variable-code> mean and where they are generated?
tohoyn, looks like a struct
selimcan: I searched the Racket documentation without any result
selimcan: my code does not define such struct
selimcan: so it must come from the Racket libraries/language