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BitPuffin: IIRC the web-server main thread does a (sync never-evt) or blocks on a semaphore. Otherwise it would start then just exit.
A "less main" thread probably just loops on tcp-connect, and spawns a new thread for each connection. That's where all the interesting stuff happens.
So that probably explains why calling serve/servlet from another thread lets the REPL continue to run in the main thread.
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in c and java it's usually more like "how do i print to the screen
you could lurk in #pypy
or why is -fno-strict-aliasing necessary
oh hey bremner
what's up
just lurkin'
strange, it says pypy is a faster implementation of cpython
thats... interesting
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soegaard: he says he gained invaluable experience working on a storage management system for CG common lisp.
In 80-something ?
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Dybvig's thesis paper is a pretty good baseline for implementing Scheme
you can skip the part about how to implement on a string based processor
since those really didn't go anywhere
It's really well-written.
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this one?
R. Kent Dybvig. "Three Implementation Models for Scheme". PhD. Thesis. University of North Carolina, Computer Science Department. Technical Report 87-011. April 1987. Available online
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