lf94: ((lambda (x) ...) value-bound-to-x) is roughly how you can think of let, although that might not actually be true in Racket
lf94: also no define does not have a side effect
set! does
define modifies the global state doesnt it
it adds something to it
lf94: it's not state
it's definitions
I say "state" but you know what I mean
when I hear "state" I think "can change"
it is stored somewhere globally
yes, a global definition
vs local definition
when you type (define x 3) in the top level, that won't ever change. You can of course do (define x 4) right after it, but that just means that the definition ends up using that final definition when the program rus
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lf94: the same thing applies in the scope of other procedures
(begin (begin (begin (define a 1) a)))
begin doesn't introduce new scope though
is a available in the top most begin?
Nested `begin`s splice into surrounding definition contexts.
lf94: think of define as a mathematical definition
like x*0 = 0
you're not mutating or assigning anything, you're just binding a name to a certain expression
saying these two things are equal
if you do (set! a 3) then you're actually changing a
you're re-assigning it to something
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is there a way to say (+ (1 2) (3 4))
but get the 1 2 and 3 4 to "flatten" ?
all I can think of is some identity function thing might work
obviously this doesnt make sense because you cannot apply 2 to 1, and 4 to 3....
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lf94: If it is only one level, it's easy (though note the ' there): (apply + (append '(1 2) '(3 4)))
Even if you had '((1 2) (3 4)) you'd just do (apply append '((1 2) (3 4))) instead of directly calling append.
append multiple lists into one list, then apply the procedure + to that list, i.e. the list '(1 2 3 4)
You only need to think in terms of "flatten" when there's more than one layer.
ah ok
Racket does have a flatten, though. (flatten '((1 2) ((3) 4))) => '(1 2 3 4)
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lf94: you could also just add the inner lists together with map and then use apply
(apply + (map + '(1 2) '(3 4)))
of course, that's not really the same thing
nisstyre: works until you try to extend your code to work with - and /
because - and / aren't commutative
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If you abuse #%app, you can make functions that return several values splice into argument lists: http://pasterack.org/pastes/9185
But this probably isn’t very fast.
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Does scheme have polymorphism?
It depends on the particular Scheme
It doesn’t even have types
You do get polymorphism in the numeric tower even in vanilla, portable, standard Scheme. +, -, *, /, etc. But outside of that each type foo will get its own thing, usually with the foo- prefix, with the usual exception of lists/pairs.
Duns_Scrotus: Scheme does have types, but afaik they're basically defined as satisfying a predicate function, e.g. "pair?"
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And there's no complexity there outside of numbers. e.g. no hierarchy where lists and vectors are both sequences, unlike in Common Lisp.
Show me the typing rules then :p
I don't know the current official location of r7rs.pdf for r7rs-small, but it's on page 10, §3.2 Disjointness of types
"No object satisfies more than one of the following predicates:" and then it lists a bunch of predicates, as well as specifying "and all predicates created by define-record-type"
Then it says those predicates define those types.
No I mean like gamma turnstile x colon tau
stuff like (+ real real) returns a real, apparently
Scheme is not statically typed, but that does not mean it does not have types
Basically every procedure has input types in r7rs-small. It's a bit clearer with numbers where z or z_i means complex, x or x_i means real, and n or n_i means integer. obj means it takes in everything.
The return values and/or return types are usually, but not always, specified
Not a formal definition for the whole language, though
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On 64-bit machines it is possible to have unboxed (not too big) ints and floats at the same time.
while remaining fully dynamically typed
AFAIK no Lisp actually does this yet, because backward compatibility with 32-bit systems
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jcowan: What you're describing, isn't the same as Racket flonums, because the unboxed-ness isn't automatic guaranteed?
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greghendershott: The way it works is that all pointers are fitted into the "signaling NaN" space of flonums, and then fixnums up to 47 bits can be fitted into the pointer subspace.
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isn't 7.2 released?
jcowan: Riastradh has been talking about moving 64 bit mit-scheme to nan-boxing
> obj1 and obj2 are pairs, vectors, bytevectors, records,
or strings that denote the same location in the store
(eqv? from the r7rs pdf)
So because '(a) and '(a) are allocated to different locations...they are not equal
this is nice to know
lf94: but they might be allocated to the same location
guile does this
I see...
So _that_ is why it depends on impl.
nothing says two identical literals cannot have the same location (as they shouldn't be mutated anyway)
One impl might be trying to optimize
I wish it was written in the document
Instead of just "unspecified"
well, it leaves the choice to the implementor, and effectively means you cannot use eq? to compare literals in portable code
or at least not depend on it to work that way
How do you guys say "car" and "cdr" in your heads? "c-a-r-"? "car"? "c-dee-are"?
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this is a mental barrier for me
why not just have 'first' and 'second'
also, cdr is 'rest', not 'second'
I know history
but why not say let's correct things
head and rest
yeah, I don't know why the new standards don't make 'first' and 'rest' first class, and deprecate 'car' and 'cdr'
too much old code maybe?
Doesnt answer though: how do you say these in your head
iirc, one of the reasons for not switching is the caaddar-style calls that can be made. Those are much more verbose (and possibly more confusing) than using a bunch of first/rest over and over
lf94: car is car and cdr is kudr
not "cuhdr"?
Sorry ku is "koo" to me
"kuhdr", ok
ZombieChicken: yeah, I never use caaddar thingies
lf94: probably car and something starting with a c-like sound and ending with 'dr'
Watch the old sicp videos to hear the pronounciation.
bremner: sounded like people were asking why not just use first and rest, and that was the reason I'm aware of. We might could migrate to a prolog-style (_,_,_|_) system, but that's almost as bad
Damn what I dumb question when I look at this
I think the thing that messed me up was looking at (define (square x) (+ x x))
_that_ doesn't make much sesne
but the latter makes a lot more sense
In the former form, (square x) should execute something
(apply x to square)
But it's a very special form
So of course it wont
I really dont like that X)
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the (define (name args) ...) is just shorthand for the more verbose (define name (lambda ...)).
I know
But its confusing as hell unless you know it
well, all languages have some syntax to learn
(lambda ...) is returning a procedure
yea but it destroys the beauty of lisp/scheme.
elegance is overrated
bremner: Forth doesn't really
bremner, no, it isn't
ZombieChicken: thank you for agreeing with me ;)
lf94: for working programmers, to much minimalism is just a pain in the ass
bremner that's why you build higher order things
I mean, yes, I could use lambdas and the peano axioms to impliment everything, but I'd rather not
there are inherent problems with peano axioms being used
uh. yes.
the major one being extreme inefficiency
again: another reason for lisp/scheme being beautiful.
it uses a nice numerical model to map to a turing machine efficiently (i.e. whatever the target cpu supports, bignums, etc)
well, I admire your enthusiasm, but keep in mind your lecturing people who know at least as much about scheme as you do ;)
I know.
maybe in 2 days I will turn around and say f scheme, I'm done.
But I got here because of studying lambda calculus for 1-2 monhs
And realizing: there are some inherent issues using lambda calculus to program.
numbers, evaluation model, etc.
lisp/scheme is a really, really nice...interpretation? of lambda calculus that maps to turing machines
If (define name (lambda ...)) is too long, just make a function to shorten it!
if you have fun and like the lisp-family, give prolog a shot sometime
I have :)
prolog is on my sights too
have you actually used prolog, or just looked at it some?
I actually used it
to solve a few problems in uni
just in case you're unaware, there is a ##prolog here
it ain't too bad, but I'm not crazy about it because the applications for it are pretty specific
(and a #minikanren, fwiw)
kanren is awesome
I've yet to use kanren
But I'd rather impl my own prolog is r7rs :)
for intuitive learning reasons
and there are people in ##prolog that use prolog as a general purpose language
yee, I know I know
just don't expect it to be anything resembling fast.
and I'd suggest not even trying to make it multithreaded
my main goal behind learning r7rs is expressiveness, and simplicity, and with these, cement the future existence of my code
the "simplicity and expressive" part is super awesome
portable, easy to reimplement an interpreter
all the while remaining powerful to describe a process :)
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lf94: r7rs-small doesn't really specify enough to make a practical modern program, at least not without reinventing a bunch of wheels, and probably way more inefficiently than if those wheels were included. e.g. it lacks hash tables.
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A large project like a large programming language probably should be done in something larger than r7rs-small.
You might be able to write an extended r7rs-small dialect in Racket by exposing from Racket more functionality as needed (r7rs-large itself isn't final yet, and your extensions are probably going to be incompatible)
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The problem with small languages (if you write everything in that language itself) is that you have to reinvent a bunch of things that everyone else has standard. In C, that generally means you sacrifice safety and robustness, and in most of the rest of the small languages you sacrifice performance.
Schemes in practice are extended, both with portable semi-standard extensions (SRFIs) and implementation-specific extensions like, well, 95% of https://docs.racket-lang.org/
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