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Feh. That's a "design pattern" in miniature, with all the faults of design patterns.
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jcowan: I think design patterns are something else -- `(filter values lst)` is more like the classic C for loop for copying 0-terminated strings
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That too is a design pattern in small, and the fact that we who write C use it is a sign of the lack of expressive power in the C language.
you could also do (for/list ([x xs] #:when x) x)
but that's more verbose
(filter identity xs) is more idiomatic imo though
if you needed to do it for multiple lists I'd use the list comp though
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I agree that "identity" is better. Using "values" as an identity function was the "pattern" I objected to.
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where does that come from? was there some older scheme dialects that only had values and not identity predefined?
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bremner: apparently MIT/GNU Scheme does not have "identity" defined in the top level
I just tested it
which isn't surprising really, it's very minimal
huh. I guess that's R5RS?
I'm not sure
at least racket's r5rs doesn't have identity
I can't find anywhere in the MIT Scheme manual saying which report it supports
R7RS apparently, according to wikipedia
> Multiple-value returns are usable only in restricted ways. This can't be fixed without significant compiler work, which probably won't happen.
that's interesting
I wonder why
something to do with continuations I'm guessing
I can't quite decide if multiple return values are worth having.
I don't think it adds much value personally
pun intended
jcowan: I think there's a difference between idioms (such as `values` as the identity function) vs design patterns (which are ways of constructing things)
the underlying architecture that allows for it could be useful in other ways though
I think the difference is one of size, not of kind
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I agree with samth that there’s a difference. A design pattern is a not-quite-abstraction, something that encourages a holistic view but perhaps can’t be abstracted over because of language limitations. An idiom is just a thing that shows up a lot. The difference between those is more than size.
An idiom is no more a design pattern than a function is a design pattern.
lexi-lambda: so, would an event loop be a design pattern?
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I think it could be. Though a library that provides an event loop DSL (whether via metaprogramming or just some encapsulated datatypes and functions on them) wouldn’t be a design pattern anymore, it would be an abstraction.
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So one of my long-term plans for Heresy was always to make an actual QBASIC-ish syntax for it, and I'm wondering what the best route is there?
Is it possible just to parse something directly to s-exp's such that the result can just be handed to the normal expansion/eval phase and off we go?
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