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When there are many args, having `. -> .` before the last can help make the result value "pop". But in that case I just put it on its own line.
IIRC for awhile Typed Racket would use infix -> and AFAIK that's still supported.
But prefix -> is the style used in the TR docs, since some time ago.
And so now I find it easier just to do the consistent -> prefix, everywhere.
^ I think that is my previously unarticulated rationale I sort of wandered into. :)
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lexi-lambda: Hey, I enjoyed reading your "infix operators in racket" blogpost, In it you reset #%app to racket/base/#%app, that will have unexpected behaviour if the user is using another #lang which provides its own #%app, is there is any way to fix that?
ym555: #%app does not compose in the same way #lang does not compose. I am of the opinion that exporting a different #%app from anything other than a #lang is a bad idea and not guaranteed to ever work.
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lexi-lambda: I see, I guess the only way to use your method is to create your own lang/specialize it for all langs you use then, which kind of a shame, thanks
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oh no. :( it seems Heresy now requires Racket 6.2 because Rackjure does. :(