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dzoe: You're trying to set! the thing in the same module it's defined, and, it fails silently?
(As you know in general you can't set! something outside the module that provides it. But that gives you a clear error like "set!: cannot mutate module-required identifier".)
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A plain old contract still lets you set! within the same module. e.g. (define/contract v number? 42) and (set! v 43) is fine. (And (set! v "foo") gives you contract failure.)
I wonder if srcdoc is moving you define into a submodule then providing it.
Anyway, my lazy/"practical" answer is don't use set!. Instead use e.g. (define current-v (make-parameter 42)) and then I bet (current-v 43) will work fine with srcdoc?
It might be that srcdoc ought to be changed to accomodate set!, or it might be the design makes it hard. idk.
I think the reality is not a huge number of people use srcdoc (but I have, and like it!), and of those, people are probably being "Rackety" and using parameters or boxes or whatever to mutate.
So that small % of a % might be why "nobody" except you has noticed this? idk
Or hopefully someone smarter will come along with a better answer for you than mine.
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"I wonder if srcdoc is moving you define into a submodule then providing it." No, these are just provide sub-forms.
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Without knowing more, all I can figure is you're hitting the basic thing, that anything a modules `provide`s can't be mutated outside the module.
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greghendershott: exactly
And btw, I just export a different symbol now and hide the mutation strictly inside the module.
What made me flummoxed was the fact that it "silently fails" if I set! the contract-exported identifier within the module.
(As seen from outside of the module)
I switched to parameters for identifiers with atomic values for other reasons as well, but this one is actually a generated function for which I wanted a contract.
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dzoe: It's not unusual to have parameters whose value is a function. `current-eval` and `current-print` are just a couple examples. Also parameter/c is a thing.
Admittedly `(f x y z)` is more convenient than `((current-f) x y z)` but if you do the latter a lot you can wrap that in some call-the-current-f function maybe you even name it `f`
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What I want to know is, does anyone know any applications of parameters that goes beyond just storing them in global variables?
greghendershott: good example, thanks - I have just started writing some serious web application in Racket so these are basically insweeped corners for me
(Been writing batch and GUI applications in Racket for years)
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dzoe: btw I've found it handy to have a `config.rkt` with parameters for various app things (ports, db connections, etc.) and the parameter default value comes from `getenv`.
That might be overkill for simple web apps, or not exactly how you'd want it to work, but just FYI an idea
Oh the `secret?` bit is just a fence to help scrub certain things from getting into log files.
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jcowan: are you asking "why are all parameters defined at the top level of some module"?
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greghendershott: I was thinking about similar approach for the configuration, my struggle with srcdoc was mainly for the stuff generated by dispatch-rules and similar (recursive syntax macro menu tree builder is the second case)
The dispatch function gets generated relatively lately after all modules have already been initialized - so basically it is just a single mutation during the whole program run. More like "lazy" initialization.
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samth: Parameters are first-class objects. You can store them in data structures or local variables return them from functions, as opposed to binding them only to top-level variables. I am wondering if anyone exploits this flexibility.