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Hey there, currently I am teaching racket to a friend of mine and during the past weeks while working with DrRacket it crashes with a stack trace of "copy-file: copy failed [...] errid=2". Afterwards the currently edited file is completely gone even though it has been saved before. Any ideas?
it's really frustrating to lose so many hours of work each time
laszlokorte: that sounds very frustrating. what OS is this on, and do you have any more of the stack trace?
also, if you can open an issue on that would be super-helpful
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m455: yikes. If you can write a small script that consistently produces that behavior you should open a Github issue.
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Hi, I have a file filled with 32bit floating point values. I figured out how to read byte strings from a file but am not sure how to convert from byte string to a float
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friscosam: i'll try to, i've never done anything like that before lol
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Reporting on the mailing list sometimes works too. I've seen times where a bug like that is reported and the next day Matthew Flatt has made a bugfix
Okay cool! I'm not really a tech person, more like a racket hobbyist so i'll try my best lol
thanks for the advice!
m455: have you looked at setting the umask?
s455wang: i haven't! (it's really crazy how similar our names are haha)
I'm off to bed now though. i'll leave this open in the morning to check for messages, but i'll have ot close the laptop when i head to class
it's similar, but altering the file shouldn't change the permissions as far as i'm aware of. i'll keep this thread in mind though!
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friscosam: thanks
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can I have an input port that takes from stdout of another program?
oh, subprocess
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One of the reasons I prefer lets over defines is precisely because they nest s-expressions. I use paredit, and I think most serious Lispers use some equivalent, if not paredit itself. It just makes refactoring much easier.
(Like with all things Unix, paredit has a few bad defaults that need to be turned off in order to really be nice to use, though.)
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I didn't bring that up because I don't expect people coming here for help to fully embrace the Lisp lifestyle yet.
That takes time.
defines were easier to pick up coming from Python, though
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any tips on how to build lazy k-combination procedure?
what is that?
a procedure that generate k-combination of list
that's not really enough to see the problem?
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yeah, sorry... I'm having trouble assembling an SSCCE
with-input-from-string expects a two arguments: a string, and a (-> Any), which I thought would be a procedure returning anything, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
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I'm just trying to understand what a (-> Any) is.
(-> Any) can be any function that takes no arguments, and returns a value
ah, NO arguments. cheers
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iirc there are two ways to write function type signatures. the first is (a b c -> result), a b and c being parameters
the other is (-> a b c result)
but (-> Any) follows for a function of no arguments in both cases
rain1: I generate random permutations with unranking
rain1: I don't really need the lazy (ordered in some order) sequence.
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Now I'm stuck on another part of the same function: I would like to splice the result of my match (val) into a struct declaration, and I want the match to return the actual struct, not a quoted struct. How do I do that?
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I guess I have to match against every field rather than using a grouping pattern.
I am using 'process to pull data from a program that outputs 32-bit floating point values. I can 'read from the input port, but am not clear on how I can pull just four bytes of info
can I tell 'read to give me back a byte string, or use some other function to get that?
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oh, read-byte
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You can put your 4 bytes in a bytevector and use the functions in (rnrs bytevectors) to convert it into an inexact number.
jcowan: thanks! erm, how do I create a bytevector?
(make-bytevector 4)
it's in the r6rs base library, I'm not sure what other libs it is in
u8-list->bytevector, I think
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lispmacs: you may want floating-point-bytes->real and related functions
also `read-bytes`
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samth: thx
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