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i was able to get a result with --> #px"[[][[:digit:]]+[]] ([[:ascii:]]+$)" ... but... woof, that's awful-looking
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harber: You could use \\d instead of [[:digit:]], and you could also use \\[ and \\] instead of [[] and []], but I don’t know if you’d find that better or not.
i tried using \\] and it barfed at me about unmatched brackets
In my experience you basically just always want to use #px…
hah, that's fair. new to racket, fumbling my way through
there's parser-tools/lex and parser-tools/lex-sre also
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Hi! Is it a bug or a feature that when editing Scribble files in DrRacket, it fills (I guess that's the word. I press rightAlt-q) lines at 60 characters although the 'Maximum character width guide' is Preferences is set to 79 chars?
Maybe there is some other option to control that I don't see
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Would anyone be interested in an informal Racket meetup in London?
Any preference for date/time?
For a location I’m thinking about ‘The Microsoft Reactor London - 70 Wilson St, London EC2A 2DB’ as it appears to be free and relatively central.
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hey spdegabrielle
not in london but always exciting to hear more people working on organizing such things
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Looks like as if someone is trolling the user mailing list or misinterpreted the name of this language
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It feels weird to have this helper function in my code: (define (true? x) (not (false? x)))
What would be the idiomatic way to check for trueness?
in scheme you usually check for #t rather than "trueness"
oh no thats wrong i got it negated
what you have is correct
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jboy: What rain1 said is right, you usually just treat #f as false and everything else as true, so there isn’t usually much reason to explicitly convert non-#f values to #t. But if you have to for some reason, the idiomatic pattern is to write `(and x #t)`. (Personally, I’m not sure this is actually a great idiom, but hey, I’m just the messenger.)
Thanks lexi-lambda and rain1. I want to filter all occurrences of #f out of a list, and with my helper function I can just do (filter true? lst)
jboy: You can also just do (filter identity lst) since `filter` treats everything that isn’t `#f` as true (as is idiomatic).
Or (filter values lst) if you don’t want to import racket/function. `values` happens to be the identity function when given one argument.
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Ah, nice. I was just wondering wither (filter-not false? lst) would be more idiomatic, but you saved me from insanity.
(filter values lst) is a pretty common idiom.