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autobib makes me wonder
how does ~cite work?
does it do compile time mutation? run time mutation?
how does it determine which entries are "used" at the time of (generate-bibliography)
hm, I suppose I should RTFSC, this is lisp after all and M-. does work :)
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hi! I recently started learning scheme and I was wondering if there is a way to only use the parts of racket that support the scheme standard
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I think ` #lang r6rs` should do the trick
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oh I didnt know about that
awesome, thanks!
Maybe you can actually use just `#!r6rs` at the top of the file even
I'm not sure, I never bothered
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Anyone here familiar with raart? I'm not quite getting what makes something an raart or not
hi ZombieChicken
I'm familiar, but I'm not sure, what do you mean by what makes it a raart or not? :)
ZombieChicken: my recommendation for learning raart
is to look at the repository
and open the demos
and enter each demo by hand
they're both short
it'll help you understand what's going on
I've looked at them some already. I find it interesting that most of the examples are done in raart-on(in?)-lux
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and I'm just wanting to mess with raart atm
ZombieChicken: ah
yeah you can still print raart to a terminal iirc but it's kind of wonky because of the escape characters
also the docs say you should probably use make-cached-buffer, but draw.rkt (which I'm looking at right now) calls make-output-buffer
was raart designed to un atop lux in pretty much all cases? I'm certainly getting that feeling right now
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