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Has anybody else had issues with `raco exe' and `typed/racket'? I'm getting `instantiate: unknown module.' doesn't happen when I run from DrRacket or if I compile with typed/racket/no-check.
I'm on `, english.'
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this is the code. sorry it's so messy. i got my gui version of Game of Life to be more performant when i converted a couple of functions to tail recursion. http://pasterack.org/pastes/51739
in the process of making it I inadvertently learned about backgrounding racket processes on windows haha. TIL you have to define on-close specifically to call `exit' unless you want racket to stay open in the background. makes sense though.
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I'm writing a webapp and would like to make sure transactions are rolled back if there's an exception while i'm processing a request. Should I use dynamic wind, or a catch-all exception handler that rolls back the transaction and rethrows
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there's call-with-transaction, and it does the latter
not sure how I missed that
rubber ducking is a powerful method
it's not even rubber ducking, it's i looked through the docs a million times then asked and then looked through the docs one last time
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that's the thing though. i'm never as good at finding things in documentation as I am seconds after capitulating and asking somebody else
rubber ducking is when you explain something and it clarifies your thinking, this phenomenon isn't as wholesome
i'll take whatever I can get
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My google searches are all returning cursedly short result pages full of purple links. Here's the output I get when I try to `raco exe` a program that uses typed/racket: http://pasterack.org/pastes/43584
I get the exact same error trying to `raco exe' the program `#lang typed/racket'. (I mean a file containing only that langline.) I do not get the error if I use `#lang typed/racket/no-check'.
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just verified the behavior on another machine. typed/racket won't compile with embedded dlls in raco exe or drracket
raco make works, typed/racket/no-check works, racket foo.rkt works, launcher exe works
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Hi, can someone tell me how I can get the result of (/ 365 9) as a decimal number?
I tried (/ 365.0 9.0) but still the output is 365/9
Try (/ 365 9.0)
casmajavi: still not working
I get 365/9
Is there a dedicated function? I couldn't find anything in the racket documentation
I'm using the "Advanced Student"...version?
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I just saw, that at the top of the file it says:
m4110c: Thats weird. It works for me, but in the shell. Are you using DrRacket?
repeating-decimal could be the culprit, right?
m4110c, it might be that the number is just *shown* as a fraction. In DrRacket's interactions area, try to right click on it
and select "view as decimal expansion"
selimcan: That's it! Thank you very much :-)
It can even show in mixed fraction
In the main dialect of Racket (#lang racket), (/ 365 9.0) gives a decimal
(without an option to choose fraction view or decimal view etc)
which is logical
When I execute it from within vim, it still shows only the fraction...but I'll find out how to rectify that, too. Thanks again. Have a good day
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(not saying that advanced student mode is illogical)
Already in 80s, programmers were dreaming of a world where they wouldn't have to use vi
but it's still used today
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ironically nerds are the biggest luddites
they hate to see technology go obsolete
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