greetings racketeers. i'm getting `Unrecognized command: test` when running `raco test some-file`. what pkg would i need to install, in order to pull the least amount of deps possible?
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racket has []?
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() [] {} as you like
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there are some conventions/idioms you may see, when to use which, but they're only conventions
For `#lang racket`. A `#lang X` might treat them differently.
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You will never take my ()s from me!
Parens for life!
I mean, yeah, I'll match the style of whatever the file is using, but for my stuff, only parentheses.
I have been thinking recently that {} could be used for hash tables, like {k v k v}
what do you think?
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Not sure that's useful. What does {k v k v} offer over (hash k v k v)? (not sure what racket uses here... looks like that's exactly what it uses though, even though I just came up with it)
the benefit is that it can be used inside a quote
Well, I'd just use ,(hash ...)
It looks like there is a literal syntax, though. (hash 'foo 42) => '#hash((foo . 42))
A bit more awkward than yours
I think it's pretty cool how the intuitive guess syntax was exactly what it actually is in Racket, though.
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The Scheme family tends to be pretty good at discoverability through consistent API design.
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does racket compile to C?
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I don't think so. I think that's just (among the major Schemes) Chicken Scheme
Compiling to C doesn't automatically give you C-level performance because there's mismatches in semantics when your language is very different (like with Racket).
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Even LLVM IR has issues because it's designed primarily for C++-like languages.
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Of course, I'm just going off of what I've heard on IRC and I am not an expert in this area.
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I thought the idea was that C matched the machine semantics well, and any language has to match those anyway
(Of course modern CPUS are increasingly distant from PDP-11 CPUs, but it's not clear to me that any other languages do better abstraction-wise, with the exception of array languages which can take advantage of AVX type instructions
C never matched machine semantics. For example, C doesn't have multiple return values, but nothing is stopping your natively-compiled programming language from having those.
C's supposed to be high level, and it's high level in a different way than $foo
What C *does* (probably) match is the operating system you're using.
I think most operating systems are still C and/or C++.
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Chicken, Gambit, MIT, and Stalin are the only notable ones on that list, afaik, and Chicken and Gambit are the only notable and active ones? Or am I mistaken?