they are conceptually the same as using assoc lists tho, yes?
almost, i would say
combine a "tag" with an assoc list you'll get one implementation of record types
assoc lists are more like key-value maps, actually
Conceptually you could even implement numbers with lists. '() is 0, '(()) is 1, '(() (())) is 2, etc.
Why the distinction of pair vs list in any lang?
sebastianlin, what do you mean combine a tag? What's a tag?
I'm looking at gambit/gerbil. Damn, very clean language.
lf94: If I understand correctly, in Scheme a pair is just a special case of a list where the next element being pointed to is atomic, instead of being another list
colelyman: it's called an improper list
nisstyre: but is still a list, right? Thus there is no distinction between pairs and lists
Lists are either the empty list (a unique object) or are made of pairs whose cdr component is either another pair or the empty list.
I just wonder why language design calls for a distinction
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I understand, one is supposed to be an atomic type, and one not
Improper lists are basically just a side effect of the way lists are made out of pairs. Most of the time they are a corner case, though there are a few uses of them
But you can still have these semantics...
() is atomic, pairs and lists are not
lists aren't actually a datatype, just a conventional way of using pairs.
Oh that is great to know
So when you add to a list
in theory you are adding to a pair
creating a new pair
that holds, say, 3 instead of 2 elements now
cool cool
the list (a b c) is implemented as (a . (b . (c . ())))
Like this is all super basic stuff for anyone, I've just never really got to ask some lang peeps :)
* jcowan
For me I was imagining the other way around
But this makes more sense
lists are pairs, but pairs cannot be lists...
Actually I guess they...can?
[a [b [c [] ] ] ]
The issue with this is: not homogenous
the pair (a . ()) is the list (a)
I know I know
I'm talking about trying to "make it work" vice versa
no, lists are not homogeneous in Lisp (or at least they don't have to be)
in reverse: construct a pair type out of lists
but lists being homogeneous is a nice property
and pairs are explicitly (element . ())
So I see now why the distinction exists and why it's important
If your lang supports heterogenous lists you can do it
But unfortunately it'll also be possible to create "bad" lists
[a b [c []]]
vs (a b . (c . ())), which is incorrect in lisp/scheme
and incorrect by the definition of a pair
<lf94> But unfortunately it'll also be possible to create "bad" lists <- I mean bad pairs.
lf94: e.g. if you have two record types with common fields you sometimes might want to discriminate them
something like '(type1 . ((:field1 . value1) (:field2 . value2))) '(type2 . ((:field1 . value3) (:field2 . value4))) etc.
the tag need not to be actual symbols though
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ah yes
sebastianlin, to me, this is just an assoc list with another assoc list.
Does scheme use nominal or structural typing
When comparing types
(Note: I'm not even sure you can compare types.)
In addition, very few Schemes don't have bignums nowadays, except for Picrin, TinyScheme/S7 (which is meant specifically for embedding into C), and some toy Schemes.
aren't bignums part of the various scheme standards?
R5RS and R7RS-small, no; R6RS and R7RS-large, yes.
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What's the main difference between r5 and r7?
And should I use r7 anyway over r5?
r7 is 2 better. s;cnr
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I hesitate to give a serious answer because jcowan is really an R7 expert, and I only use racket, not RxRS
* greghendershott
makes the obligatory Spinal Tap R11 joke
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I hope he chips in then
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lf94: R7RS-small is 99% backward compatible with R5RS, adds a reasonable number of things: libraries, exception raising and catching, records, bytevectors, some I/O extensions, a few more standard syntax keywords, vector and string counterparts of all R5RS list procedures, and some other bits and bobs.
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jcowan, gotchya. Definitely going with r7 then.
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the IDE seems like a pretty small reason to use racket
also that post predates free chez
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racket and chez have tab completion in the CLI repl, somehow drracket doesn't have t ab completion (!!)
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Duns_Scrotus, have you tried Ctrl+/ ?
in drracket?
whatever that's doing, it isn't cmopletion
thank you jcowan that was worth reading
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Duns_Scrotus: the reason I like DrRacket so much is the tight integration with the REPL and the editor. Especially things like how it lets you do online expansion or whatever it's called
Duns_Scrotus: don't you need to install xrepl, which includes GNU readline?
I'm fairly sure the stock racket repl does not include that because it would violate the license or something
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the racket repl that you run in the commandline does have completion
without xrepl it kinda sucks
xrepl is the default now, I believe
ah okay
it used to be that you had to install it
I still have it in my .racketrc
using editline to avoid license problems, iirc