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Is there a common term for the distinction between the time of compiling a module and the time of executing phase 1 of a module for compling another module
I'm thinking about this in relation to external data dependencies
I can have one that is needed at compile time of a module, one that is needed for executing phase 1 of a module, and one that is needed at runtime (phase 0)
Is there a short name for the middle one?
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Does racket do some kind of source->source optimization pass?
I would like to take the output of macro expansion and do DCE and inlining and see what is left
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lexi-lambda: I just learned that you are behind for/foldr. I thought my own implementation of rackets for loops for guile scheme were pretty feature complete, but now I am arms deep in hairy macro code :D
it is a great idea to have a general way of expressing lazy for loops!
I chose to go down the magic path of identifier-macros to allow for lazy iteration, but that scales badly to several fold-vars (or at least, one fold var is a special case where the loop body can decide whether the loop is lazy or not).
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manumanumanu: I’m happy to answer questions about it if you would like. :)
lexi-lambda: I am actually pretty happy with how it is going right now. I haven't looked at the racket source, but mine is currently invokes "holy code duplication, batman!" exclamations because of the adaptations I have done to support something remotely similar to for/foldr.
lexi-lambda: oh, one question: does racket allow me to see the result of any source->source optimizations like chez or guile does? Reading the macro output without inlining or DCE quickly gets tiring.
You can use Racket-on-Chez and look at the output of Chez’s cp0 pass. :) If you’re using Racket3m, though, you can use `raco decompile`.
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lexi-lambda: I just did a proper macro stepping and found you are defining inner-recur/foldr for each expansion! Clever! I will steal that :D